Official GTW Guide 2 – Rewards


Feb 11th, 2019

Click the links below to read the other GTW guides.

1. How to Play
2. Rewards
3. Strategies and Tips

Honor Rewards

Five minutes after the end of the session, members of the winning guild can retrieve the following honor rewards at the Expedition Merchant NPC in the Guild Hangout, according to the Spot Area seized.

Spot Area


Genar Field

Black Champion Costume

Conqueror Armband

Aqueduct Bridge Area

Black Champion Costume

Baron Allerno

Black Champion Costume


- These rewards can be collected until the start of the next GTW session.
- The items will include a time limit according to how much time is left until the next session.

Tariff Collection

After the end of each GTW session, the winning guilds can accumulate and collect tariff funds from cities and the Market, according to the Spot Area seized.

1) City Tariffs

Each Spot Area corresponds to a city where local tariffs can be adjusted by the owning guild. The higher the tariff rate, the larger the amount collected. Here is the list of cities and the Spot Areas they correspond to.

Genar Field

Baron Allerno

Aqueduct Bridge Area





Each guild can adjust their city’s tariff rates under the GTW benefits section of the Guild window (combat tab).

The automatic default rate is 10%, and you can adjust it to any number between 0% and 20%.

- City tariff rates can be adjusted only by the guild master or members with the corresponding authority.
- After adjusting a rate, it can only be adjusted again after 1 hour.
- Rates cannot be adjusted from 1 hour before the start of a GTW session until 5 minutes after it ends.
- If a Spot Area’s owning guild changes after the end of the session, the corresponding city’s tariff rate resets to the default (10%).
- No tariff rates (0%) apply to members of the owning guild within the corresponding city.

When the standard rate of 10% is applied to a city, regular players see no change to their Silver spending, compared to how much they would spend before this system was introduced. The change happens when the rate is set below or above 10%, which in turn reduces or increases Silver prices (and the amount accumulated for the owning guild) accordingly.

Since the standard is 10%, if a guild applies a tariff rate of 0% (minimum rate) to their city, a transaction that would normally cost 10,000 Silver will now cost 10% less (9,000 Silver) to any regular player, and the amount accumulated for the owning guild from that transaction will be 0.

At a tariff rate of 10% (default rate), a transaction that would normally cost 10,000 Silver will continue to cost 10,000 Silver for a regular player, with 10% of that amount (1,000 Silver) accumulated as part of the tariff for the owning guild.

If the guild has set a tariff rate of 20% (maximum rate), a transaction that would normally cost 10,000 Silver will now cost 10% more (11,000 Silver) for a regular player, with 20% of that amount (2,000 Silver) accumulated as tariff funds for the owning guild.

Tariff funds are accumulated starting 5 minutes after the end of the GTW session, until the end of the next session. These tariffs apply to Silver spent by players who are not members of the owning guild within the corresponding city in the following transactions.

Item Merchant: item purchases
Equipment Merchant: weapon and armor purchases
Accessory Merchant: accessory purchases
Companion Trader: companion adoption, companion food purchases, companion training
Blacksmith: repairs, recipe purchases, socket addition, gem extraction, identification, item dismantling, weapon appearance changes (if the potential loss prevention option is ON)
Storage: Team Storage expansions
Geraldas Family: gem purchases
Magic Association: item purchases
Fishing Manager: item purchases
Teliavelis: item purchases, seal enhancement
Appraiser Master: identification

Tariff rates do not apply to Silver spent in the following transactions:

- Warps
- Class-specific supply purchases
- Guild foundation
- Etchings
- Personal Storage transactions

2) Market Tariffs

Guilds who own a Spot Area can also receive a set percentage of the Silver spent on Market fees (both registration and sale fees). Funds accumulated through these tariffs are calculated on a weekly basis.


Genar Field

Baron Allerno

Aqueduct Bridge Area

Market tariff





Market tariffs apply starting 5 minutes after the end of a GTW session, until the end of the next session.

3) Tariff Fund Distribution

Accumulated tariff funds can be viewed under the GTW benefits UI (Guild window), and distributed to your guild members for one week after they are received. E.g. if the GTW session takes place on the 10th, tariff funds will accumulate for 1 week until the 17th, and they can only be distributed during the week after that (until the 24th).


- The amount designated as tariff funds includes both city and Market tariffs.
- The list will update 1 hour after the end of the GTW session.
- Only the guild master or members with the corresponding authority can distribute funds.
- Funds left undistributed one week after they are received will be automatically deleted and cannot be recovered.
- If the guild is disbanded, any funds left undistributed will be automatically deleted and cannot be recovered.
- All logs related to funds received and distributed are kept in the ‘Records’ tab.

4) Retrieving Distributed Funds

Guild members who receive part of the funds when they are distributed will see an alert message appear on the screen that allows them to retrieve their allocated amount.

- The alert will appear to all of your characters for as long as you have funds left to retrieve.
- After the funds are distributed, you have 14 days to retrieve them (if not retrieved, the funds are automatically deleted and cannot be recovered).
- Retrieved funds are sent to the inventory of the character that receives them.
- If you abandon your guild, any funds left to be retrieved will be automatically deleted and cannot be recovered.