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Summon's Attack Type and Physical, Magical Attack Property

Summon Skill Attack Type Magic Attack Property Physical Attack Property Abomination A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike Abataras A Skill Physical Type Non Property Slash S Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike F Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike Archon A Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike F Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike Ballista Skill 1 Missile Type Non Property Pierce Barong Basic Attack Physical Type Non Property Pierce Basilisk Skill 1 Magic Type Lightning Property - Biteregina Skill 1 Magic Type Poison Property - Blut A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Bone Pointing Basic Attack Magic Type Dark Property - Canceril Skill 1 Magic Type Ice Property - Carapace Skill 1 Magic Type Ice Property - Carnivory-Corpse Flower Skill 1 Physical Type Non Property Strike Centaurus A Skill Physical Type Ice Property Slash S Skill Magic Type Ice Property - D Skill Physical Type Ice Property Strike A Skill Physical Type Fire Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Fire Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Fire Property Strike F Skill Magic Type Fire Property - Chafer Skill 1 Physical Type Poison Property Strike Chapperition A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Corpse Tower Basic Attack Magic Type Poison Property - Corrupted A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Cyclops A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Deatheweaver A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Dullahan A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike Elite Skeleton Soldier Skill 1 Physical Type Dark Property Strike Skill 2 Physical Type Dark Property Strike Ellaganos A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce F Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike Familiar Explosion Attack Magic Type Dark Property - Fire Fox Shikigami Basic Attack Magic Type Psychokinesis Property - Fire Lord A Skill Physical Type Fire Property Strike S Skill Magic Type Fire Property - D Skill Magic Type Fire Property - Flammidus A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Froster Lord A Skill Magic Type Dark Property - S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Giltine A Skill Magic Type Dark Property - S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - F Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Glackuman A Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike Gorgon A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Gorkas A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Harpeia A Skill Physical Type Lightning Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Lightning Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Lightning Property Pierce Helgasercle A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Honeypin Skill 1 Magic Type Poison Property - Ice Wall Ice Fragment Magic Type Ice Property - Ignas A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce Kirmeleech Skill 1 Physical Type Poison Property Pierce Lavenzard A Skill Magic Type Dark Property - S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Lithorex A Skill Magic Type Lightning Property - S Skill Magic Type Lightning Property - D Skill Magic Type Lightning Property - Manticen Skill 1 Magic Type Poison Property - Marionette A Skill Magic Type Dark Property - S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Marnox A Skill Physical Type Earth Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Earth Property Strike D Skill Magic Type Earth Property - Master Genie A Skill Magic Type Ice Property - S Skill Magic Type Ice Property - D Skill Magic Type Ice Property - Merge Skill 1 Magic Type Ice Property - Merregina A Skill Magic Type Ice Property - S Skill Magic Type Ice Property - D Skill Magic Type Ice Property - Mineloader A Skill Magic Type Non Property - S Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Non Property Strike Minotaur A Skill Physical Type Fire Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Fire Property Strike D Skill Magic Type Fire Property - Mirtis A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Moringponia Skill 1 Physical Type Non Property Strike Mothstem Skill 1 Magic Type Lightning Property - Mummyghast A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Naktis A Skill Magic Type Dark Property - S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Necroventer A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - F Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Neop Skill 1 Magic Type Poison Property - Netherbovine A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike Nuaele A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike Nuodai A Skill Physical Type Ice Property Pierce S Skill Magic Type Ice Property - D Skill Magic Type Ice Property - Owl Sculpture Basic Attack Magic Type Non Property - Plokste Skill 1 Physical Type Poison Property Strike Prison Cutter A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash Progola A Skill Physical Type Ice Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Ice Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Ice Property Strike Pyroego A Skill Physical Type Fire Property Strike S Skill Magic Type Fire Property - D Skill Magic Type Fire Property - Reaverpede Skill 1 Magic Type Non Property - Skill 2 Physical Type Non Property Strike Skill 3 Physical Type Non Property Strike Rexipher A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Rikaus A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Riteris A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce Salamion Skill 1 Magic Type Non Property - Skill 2 Magic Type Non Property - Skill 3 Magic Type Non Property - Shadowgaler A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Shoggoth Skill 1 Physical Type Dark Property Strike Skill 2 Physical Type Dark Property Pierce Skeleton Archer Skill 1 Missile Type Dark Property Pierce Skeleton Mage Skill 1 Magic Type Poison Property - Skill 2 Magic Type Poison Property - Skill 3 Magic Type Poison Property - Skeleton Soldier Skill 1 Physical Type Dark Property Slash Sparnasman A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike Specter A Skill Magic Type Dark Property - S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Specter of Deceit A Skill Magic Type Dark Property - S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Succubus A Skill Physical Type Poison Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Poison Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Poison Property Strike Tantalizer Skill 1 Physical Type Non Property Strike Templeshooter A Skill Missile Type Dark Property Pierce S Skill Missile Type Dark Property Pierce D Skill Missile Type Dark Property Pierce F Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Throneweaver A Skill Magic Type Poison Property - S Skill Magic Type Poison Property - D Skill Magic Type Poison Property - Tomb Lord A Skill Magic Type Dark Property - S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Pierce D Skill Magic Type Dark Property - Unicorn A Skill Magic Type Dark Property - S Skill Magic Type Dark Property - D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash Unlocker A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike F Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike G Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike Velnewt Skill 1 Magic Type Earth Property - Velorchard A Skill Physical Type Lightning Property Strike S Skill Magic Type Lightning Property - D Skill Magic Type Lightning Property - Velpede Skill 1 Physical Type Earth Property Strike Werewolf (Druid) Scratch Magic Type Non Property - Slash Magic Type Non Property - Wild Breath Magic Type Non Property - Warcry Magic Type Non Property - Zaura A Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash S Skill Physical Type Dark Property Strike D Skill Physical Type Dark Property Slash

March 29th, 2021
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Temporary Maintenance Notice - July 13, 2018

Greetings, Saviors. We will soon perform a short maintenance for ALL SERVERS in order to carry out the following: 1) Fix the server instability issues that occurred following the July 10 maintenance by expanding and adjusting the server's equipment accordingly. 2) Correct the incorrect item (Megaphone, 14 days) listed in the Uphill Defense Shop to 6-Star Gem Abrasive. This maintenance is expected to take place on the following schedule:   [EDT] 02:00 to 04:00 [BRT] 03:00 to 05:00 [CEST] 08:00 to 10:00 [SGT] 14:00 to 16:00      Note that this maintenance will affect ALL SERVERS. We will update this announcement when maintenance is complete.

July 12th, 2018
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[UPDATE] W 1st Anniversary Event

Greetings Savior!   Let’s Celebrate the 1st anniversary of the W server merge! Take a look around! You won't be disappointed!     Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on April 16, 2024 TO the scheduled maintenance on May 28, 2024       Who Can Participate   - Every savior     How to Participate   Part 1 Step 1. Clear the [Event Dungeon] Re: Tomb of the Crow and obtain 100 W Coin! - There is no entry count limit of the event dungeon. - You can obtain up to 500 W Coins weekly, and up to 3000 W Coins during the event period. - Check your W Coin status by typing in the '/event' command. - You can enter the event dungeon by talking to the [Event] W 1st Anniversary NPC. ▶ W Coin ▶ NPC Locations Step 2.  Collect the W Coin and exchange it with various items from the [W Coin] Exchange Shop Category Item Quantity Required Coin Purchase Limit Special W 1st Anniv. Wing Selection Box 1 100 1 Special W 1st Anniv. Effect Selection Box 1 100 1 Special W 1st Anniv. Costume Selection Box 1 100 1 Special Gesture : Kingcard 1 100 1 Special Friendship Token 1 10 10 Goddess Mystic Fire Flame Earring Fragment (Bound) 1 500 1 Goddess Advanced Spaulder of Ferocity Fragment (Bound) 1 100 2 Goddess Advanced Belt of Insight Fragment (Bound) 1 100 2 Goddess [Lv.500] Advanced Goddess Grace Weapon Ichor Box (Untradable) 1 150 2 Goddess [Lv.500] Advanced Goddess Grace Armor Ichor Box (Untradable) 1 150 2 Entry Voucher Isle of Despair(Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 1 20 25 Entry Voucher Abyssal Observer (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 1 10 50 Entry Voucher Dreamy Forest (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 1 10 50 Entry Voucher Thurible of Salvation (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 1 10 50 Entry Voucher Turbulent Core (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 1 10 50 Others [Event] Division Singularity One Entry Voucher 1 10 50 Others Event] Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 1 5 100 Others Mercenary Badge: 10,000 1 20 100 Others Goddess Token (Lada): 10,000 1 10 100 Others Attribute Points 10,000 1 5 100 - All items exchanged from the Exchange Shop can only be transferred via team storage.      Part 2 Step 1. Login during the weekends (server time) of the event period and obtain the W Coin! - The items will be sent to the mailbox and will be removed if not received on the day sent. - 100 W Coin will be given on each day of the weekends, from May 4th to 26th (May 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26 - 800 W Coin total).     Step 2. Defeat the Boss Monster and obtain the W Coin! - Boss Monsters only spawn during the weekends of the event period. - Boss Monsters spawn by chance when hunting the monsters in the following maps: Secret Laboratory, Demonic Dwellings, Cranto Coast, Galeed Plateau, Fasika Plateau. - The Boss Monster of the event is named with a [Boss] header. - You can check the location of the event Boss Monsters in the mini map. - By defeating the Boss Monsters, you can obtain up to 200 W Coin daily. (Resets on 00:00 server time of the weekend) - Check your W Coin status by typing in the '/event' command.     Important - Event NPC is available until the scheduled maintenance on May 28, 2024. - The weekly limit of the event coin is reset every Monday 6 AM server time.    

April 30th, 2024
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Scheduled Maintenance for August 23, 2022

Greetings, Saviors!We would like to announce the details of our weekly maintenance for (August 23, 2022). Make sure to check below for the maintenance schedule and patch notes.Please note that other issues and bugs are also being worked on even if they are not mentioned below.

Patch Note
August 22nd, 2022
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[UPDATE] Known Issue: November 18, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!   The following issues have come to our attention.      - The Harvest Festival: Grow a sapling of your own! event is currently ongoing unlike it was announced on the event page. We will re-address the issue after solving it. → The issue has been fixed. Please re-login to solve the issue. If you re-log into the game, the planted seeds will be harvested after 1 minute and the fixed reward will be given. (Please refer to the modified event page.) We will send 10 [Event] Blessed Seed to the Mail Box. Please receive the item within 1 week, until November 25, 2020.     - Some of the Skill Balance content of the future updates was included in the patch note on November 16-17. We have modified the misguided contents and we apologize deeply for the inconvenience.     [UPDATE]- The 'damage increases by 25%' in the tooltip of Sauk Savinose Dysnai Leather Armor is currently misguided as 'healing increases by 25%'. The actual effect of the Armor is applied as 'damage increases by 25%' and the tooltip will be corrected during the scheduled maintenance next week on November 24, 2020.      Thank you for your patience and understanding.   Regards, IMC staff

Known Issues
November 19th, 2020
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Surprise Gift from GM

Greetings Saviors! Surprise~~ We have prepared a surprise gift for you! Hope this present makes your time enjoyable at TOS:)!     Period   From April 2, 2021 To April 4, 2021     Who can Participate     - All saviors      How to participate     STEP 1 Check your mailbox during the event period!   STEP 2 Enjoy your time playing Tree of Savior:)   - Items you can get are as follows:   Date Item Name Count 4/2(Fri)  [Attendance] Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token 20 [Attendance] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher 10 4/3(Sat) [Event] Vaivora Additional Combine Voucher 1 [Event] Unidentified Mystic Tome 3 4/4(Sun)  [Event] Master Card Selection Card Album 1 Assister Card Album 5 Attribute Points 10,000 3 ※ [Event] Vaivora Additional Combine Voucher will be deleted on April 13, 2021.   Important   - All items can only be moved to Team Storage. - The date and time are based on server time. - Items will be given to the mailbox. - Items cannot be received after the corresponding date (server time). 

April 1st, 2021
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January 24th, 2017 - GVG Ranks

  Greetings Saviors. We are happy to announce the following GvG TOP 10 ranks. Hope others keep on challenging to Top of your region.   North America (Klaipeda/Orsha) 1. Crimson / Klaipeda 2. Lotus / Klaipeda 3. Diamond / Klaipeda 4. Alpha / Orsha 5. CuteNotLewd / Klaipeda 6. Ravens / Klaipeda 7. Impetus / Klaipeda 8. Asperity / Klaipeda 9. FashionSavios / Orsha 10. Radiant-Arietis / Orsha   Europe (Fedimian) 1. Legends™ / Fedimian 2. Maid Café / Fedimian 3. Insanity / Fedimian 4. †EternaL Owls† / Fedimian 5. Rebellion   / Fedimian 6. GoodGuild / Fedimian 7. eso / Fedimian 8. Sparks / Fedimian 9. EriLayne / Fedimian 10. Tsunderstorm  / Fedimian South-east Asia (Telsiai/Varena) 1. LastOrder` / Varena 2. AvantHeim / Varena 3. TaKoMo / Varena 4. Dispeller*/ Telsiai 5. Yubikiri / Varena 6. young&naive / Telsiai 7. Paradox / Varena 8.  TheAvenger / Telsiai 9. Eminence / Telsiai 10. Folivora / Telsiai   South America (Silute) 1. Hydrarium / Silute 2. Unbelievable / Silute 3. Paradise / Silute 4. Caguei na Build / Silute 5. Tomodachi / Silute 6. Kindred / Silute 7. Coffee Break / Silute 8. KillingService / Silute 9. Piranha's Club / Silute 10. TheHeroes / Silute

January 24th, 2017
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[Special] Hwarang Package

Greetings, Saviors!   We have prepared special packages! Don't miss the chance to get strong:)     Period     From the scheduled maintenance on January 11, 2022 To the scheduled maintenance on February 8, 2022       Medal of Honor - Hwarang Class Achievement Package 79TP max: 1 per team Item Count Trade Medal of Honor - Hwarang Class Achievement 1 Team Storage Only     Hwarang Standard Package 149TP max: 1 per team Item Count Trade Medal of Honor - Hwarang Class Achievement 1 Team Storage Only Vaivora Vision - Jusalnegi Voucher 1 Team Storage Only Medal of Honor - Hwarang Costume Achievement 1 Team Storage Only Class Change Voucher Lv 4 1 Team Storage Only     Hwarang Complete Package 549TP max: 1 per team Item Count Trade Medal of Honor - Hwarang Class Achievement 1 Team Storage Only Vaivora Vision - Jusalnegi Voucher 1 Team Storage Only Medal of Honor - Hwarang Costume Achievement 1 Team Storage Only 7 EHN 10 TRA Vasilisa Armor Selection Box 1 Team Storage Only 7 EHN 10 TRA Vasilisa M.Weapon Selection Box 2 Team Storage Only 7 EHN 10 TRA Vasilisa S.Weapon Selection Box 2 Team Storage Only [Lv.460] Pamoka Solution Box 1 Team Storage Only [Lv.460] Mysterious Magnifier 30 Team Storage Only [Lv.460] Sandra's Magnifier 60 Team Storage Only [Lv.460] Sandra's Detailed Magnifier 100 Team Storage Only Premium Awakening Stone 20 Team Storage Only [Lv.460] Awakening Abrasive (Untradable) 20 Team Storage Only [Lv.460] Goddess Enchant Jewel (Untradable) 10 Team Storage Only Class EXP Card Box 1 Team Storage Only Level Jumping Card (Lv.460) 1 Team Storage Only Mystic Tome 200 Team Storage Only Attribute Points 10,000 200 Team Storage Only Character Slot Voucher 1 Trade X 1 Time Free Re-identification Voucher 400 Team Storage Only Goddess Token (Gabija): 10,000 10 Team Storage Only Mercenary Badge : 10,000 10 Team Storage Only Character Bound Ark Level Up Scroll (Lv.10) 1 Team Storage Only

January 7th, 2022
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[Hotfix] Item Crafting Problems

Greetings Saviors, We have implemented a hotfix to deal with the issue of being unable to craft items. We offer our most sincere apologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced due to this issue. Please let us know via the ticket system if you are still having trouble crafting after this announcement.

July 19th, 2016