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NPC Origins - Shadowmancer Master

NPC Origins - Shadowmancer Master    Who is Shadowmancer Master Eclipse Ubik?  Born a commoner, Eclipse Ubik spent her life devoted to researching and developing her skills by using the solar and lunar eclipse in her magic. As a master of shadows, she has researched the various effects shadows have on other magic forms from all around the world. To perfect the results of this research is her desire as Shadowmancer Master.  She also keeps a close relationship with the Chronomancer Master. Together they have researched the use of solar eclipses in their work because the beauty of eclipses is that everyone can share the exact same moment without an apparatus or the help from another. Eclipse has headed most of the research herself.  But let's take a step back and see how Shadow Master Eclipse Ubik received her name.    The Shadow Master’s Experiment  Ubik took a deep breath and turned around. She saw, in the seats provided, the various mage Masters sitting side by side. Some were apathetic, while others looked on with anticipation. But regardless of how these Masters felt, Ubik did not want to fail before any of them.  With great composure, Ubik signaled towards her students and a monster began to take shape from the shadows. Remembering its name would be a task for another day. Ubik, knowing it would be failure to lose focus now, carefully, but with quick precision, completed her casting.   The monster’s pursuing shadow shot out into four arrows -- arrows so sharp they hung like needles. These arrows embedded themselves, one by one, into each of the monster’s four feet. The monster let out a shriek as it found itself pinned to the ground. The shadow then crawled from the monster’s feet up to its legs threading and separating into separated arrows above and below, crisscrossing around and swiftly piercing the monster’s body with sixteen strikes.  The shadow then rose above the monster and formed into a gigantic lance and whatever breath was left was taken away with one swift strike that pierced the monster’s head.  The demonstration complete, Shadowmancer Master Ubik turned to face the various Masters that sat on the platform behind her. The first to comment was the Sorcerer Master, Dame Circe, “That Shadow control is something that can only be seen at a Master’s level, no? I think it would be hard for other Shadowmancers to follow. You have gathered many Masters here to perform a feat that only one of Master level can perform.” Before Ubik could respond with That’s it!  Wican Celestic stepped in. “Circe is correct. If it is a skill of this level that other Shadowmancers cannot follow than it is indeed magical. However, seeing as how the Sorcerer Master also has a similar skill to reflect a demon’s shadow, you may not be able to invoke the amount that she can summon." This time Ili Terid spoke, “You are both correct, however let us move on to the next demonstration. If we continue to discuss after each display, one day will not be enough.” With that, Ubik turned back around and motioned again to her students, who released a second monster. This time without appearing to move, Ubik pinned the monster to the ground. And this time Thaumaturge Master Larisa was first to gave her opinion.  “Isn’t this the normal skill of a Shadowmancer? To pin down an opponent’s shadow so that it is unable to move? It's a skill that they all know.”  “Correct,” Ubik answered and signaled. Her students began to turned on and off the magic flames that were prepared on all sides. Even during the day the flames were strong and more shadows of the monster appeared. But that was not all.  The monster began to be yanked around by the shadows that had just newly formed. And as it was restrained to its shadow, if the shadow suddenly appeared in another location or drastically changed shape or direction, the body too was forcefully moved to follow suit. Each time the monster hit the ground it received physically damage.  The monster was then dragged into the air and slammed against the hard ground multiple times until the monster was no more. Ubik turned around again to face the other Masters' criticisms.  This time again Sorcerer Master Circe was the first to speak, “To fight like this, isn’t it a problem to have to prepare lighting every time?” Linker Master Winona Ende spoke afterwards. "I can use linking technology well, and I can do it without preliminaries if I instantly place a glowing object like a fireball or something of magic on every side. This is a technical application for a joint battle with other mages. That might be the original intention." Ubik liked that Winona mentioned linkage attacks. But that did not last long as Psychokino Ili Terid soon said: "But if you're going to give the enemy a physical shock like that, why don’t you just do this?" After saying so, Ili Terid grabbed, with his telekinesis power, the body of the monster that was already dead and he waved it back and forth.  Wican Celestic intervened without hesitation, "Of course if there are times where I cannot get the help of Telekinesis or Psychokino, that would be the situation when when I would need this. But it doesn’t seem very efficient."  Sorcerer Master Circe rose from her seat and spoke, “I understand that the Shadowmancer Master has taken Shadowmancer magic to a higher level. But I don’t feel as though the other mage Masters necessarily needed to see it. I would like to see more, but sadly I’m too busy. This is all I will watch for today.” With that, Dame Circe along with Wican Celestic said their goodbyes. The other mage Masters, some of which were interested in the demonstration and wanted to stay, were divided on what to do next.  At that time, the quiet Chronomancer Master Lucid Winterspoon rose from her chair. As she was their elder, the other Masters as well stood up and began to say their goodbyes to Ubik.  Although the first to stand, Lucid Winterspoon was the last to approach.  “It seems that my action has caused a reaction through the others, but that was not my true intention.” Ubik heard this and spoke, “Was that not what you had intended when you rose from your seat?” “Yes, there was that. But that was not all. I wanted to speak with you alone. As a result, of the magic you just demonstrated, you were able to send the body of the tied down shadow to another place. If you develop this further you would be able to apply this to teleportation. Have you thought of that?”  “But to do that, I will have to solve the problem of physical shock upon arrival. The further the distance the stronger the shock. So of course, you could send the monster a shorter distance and they will not be damaged. But it depends.” Lucid Winterspoon grinned at hearing those words and said, “If that was the only problem, then in comparison it would be easily solvable.”  Ubik thought for a moment and replied, "Plus, another problem is, if you want to send the shadow further, one will need stronger lighting as well. And lights need to be installed the further the location. Plus if the body isn’t there, there is no way to send the shadow of that body first."  “Then what if you do not use your own shadow. What if you used the shadow of something else?” “I’ve never considered that so I’m not sure if it is possible. I would have to come to that conclusion through research, no? To send my shadow or to send the shadow of someone else, the problem is still the same as the one before. Without a way to call on stronger lights and the shadow first, the body will still need to go to the place to reach the shadows."  Lucid Winterspoon grinned again and said, “And if that shadow was the moon’s?" At those words, Ubik’s expression changed. “That’s genius! If you can utilize the shadow of the solar or lunar eclipse then one can call upon it from anywhere. I hadn’t thought of that.” Lucid Winterspoon spoke again, “Well, try. Teleportation has been considered inefficient but until trying, you won’t know. How would you feel about researching this type of magic? I will be able to help you from time to time.” “Yes, why not? I will start from today. Thank you so much. This is an amazing idea, Master Lucid.” And from that day forward, the Shadowmancer Master was known as Eclipse Ubik. 

Developer's Blog
April 27th, 2018
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Dev Interview: Legend Cards

Greetings, Saviors! In a previous roadmap post, our devs talked about a new type of cards – called the Legend Boss Cards – that are being developed for the middle slot in the card equip system. We were curious to see how this feature was looking so far and what we could expect when it finally comes out in the game, so we took some time to test it out with the developer in charge.   <Card equip window showing a Legend Card with +10 movement speed. Nice.> Staff: It looks like your plans for the Legend Card feature are coming along really well! Though, looking at how these new cards are being referred to, I noticed you’re not calling them “Legend Monster Cards” anymore, but only “Legend Cards”. Are you worried that players might confuse them for cards with legendary monsters in them, or…? Dev: Actually, we decided to call them that because there’s a chance we might want to make Legend Cards out of TOS characters that aren’t monsters. Staff: Gasp! Do you mean human NPCs? Maybe even… villains? Like this one? Dev: Well… I’m a big fan of Giltine myself, so I can’t say it hasn’t crossed my mind. Staff: Sweet. Moving on to another topic, last December during the Rank update we got new quest lines and a new Revelation thrown into the lore of TOS. It also seems like the quest to unlock the Legend Card slot is going to connect to the Revelations. I’m just wondering: where does it end? I see myself playing TOS for many years to come (☆ TOS 4EVER ☆) so I’m worried that we’ll never see the end of all these Revelations. Are you going to continue adding new Legend Card quests as well? Dev: The Legend Card unlock quest will only deal with Revelations introduced up to the point when the feature is first released. Staff: So that is the first and last time Legend Cards and Revelation quests will ever be related? Dev: I can’t really talk about what’s going to happen to the story in the future, so… Staff: Right, spoilers. Well, I had a look at the list of cards you’re planning to add and I saw a lot of familiar names. Apart from the “Powerful Kugheri Balzermancer” and the “Pantorex”, they were all Monster Cards we already have in the game. Does that mean these cards have a regular version and a Legend version? Dev: Yes. The regular cards are going to have the same stats they do now; the new ones are going to have more. The difference is that the regular cards will be available from Mercenary Post missions and Card Albums. Also, if you summon a monster from a Legend Card instead of a regular demon card, your summon will be bigger and the visual effects will be different. <Summoning with a Boss Card.> <Summoning with a Legend Card.> Staff: Cool. Looking at the stats of the new Legend Cards, it seems like there’s a big difference in what stats these cards have depending on where you get them. Is that meant to reflect the difficulty of the different game features from where the Legend Cards drop? Dev: Correct. Legend Cards obtained from more difficult game features will come with juicier stats. The Powerful Kugheri Balzermancer, for example, is a card you can get from the Unique raid dungeon. Unlike other places that drop Legend Cards, this dungeon has no competitive component and it has a lower degree of entrance restrictions. In this context, we’ll be increasing the competitive factor of field bosses and upping their difficulty level in order to boost the chances of acquiring Legend Cards. The Pantorex monster from guild quests is also going to see an increase in difficulty. Staff: So I was right. But there’s something I’m really curious about. How many cards do you need to get a Legend Card to Lv 10? Dev: Legend Cards are going to increase levels via card enhancement, a system different from traditional card synthesis. The reason we chose this was that, although combining cards is a safer mechanism, it requires large amounts of fodder to reach maximum level. Applying the exact same method to Legend Cards would make it way too tiring for players to boost up them up, so we added a shortcut process that lets you get to your target level faster with a bit of luck. Staff: When I was testing the card enhancement, I noticed that you can only use 4 other cards to enhance a Legend Card, though. And even with four Lv 10 Legend Cards as fodder, the chance of success from 3 to 4 stars still wasn’t 100%. Why is that? Is there no way to get 100% chance of enhancement with Legend Cards? Dev: That’s the shortcut process I was talking about. We realize that some players – like yourself – will still prefer the original card combination method, so we created another mechanism that lets you use high-grade, high-level cards to achieve 100% chances of enhancement. Under this mechanism, using other Legend Cards or enhancement cards designed specifically for Legends guarantees that your card gets another star. <Legend Card with 100% chance of enhancement.> Staff: I see, that’s a relief. I’d rather go the safe route, even if it takes a little longer. It looks like you can also increase the star level of Legend Enhancing Cards by combining them with other cards; is that right? How does that work? Dev: That’s right. You can feed regular cards to a Legend Enhancing Card via the normal card combination process to increase its star level. As you can probably guess, Legend Enhancing Cards are used to enhance Legend Cards only. The chances of success when using a Legend Enhancing Card as fodder are up to 5 times higher when compared to regular cards, so they’re something to keep in mind if you want to play safe. <You can increase the star level of a Legend Enhancing Card by combining it with other cards.> Staff: Alright! Those are all the questions I had for you today. Thank you very much for your time and for letting us play around with this new feature. I can’t wait for it to come out. Dev: No problem! I’m looking forward to what our players have to say about it too.

Developer's Blog
January 23rd, 2018
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[EDITED] Intense Balancing: Wizard and Swordsman Trees

Greetings, Saviors! This time around in our Intense Balancing series, we’re covering a whole roster of Wizard and Swordsman classes and the plans we’re making to adjust their skills. But first, we’d like to talk about some damage calculation changes we’re also working on.     Damage Increase/Decrease Calculation Changes   So far, damage increasing and decreasing options in TOS have always been calculated by summing and subtracting the corresponding factors. Now, we have plans to change damage reduction options into multiplication formulas which affect the amount of damage the attacked target receives.   Attacker Damage increase 25% (A) Target Damage taken decrease 25% (B) Before = (100% (base) + 25% (A)) - 25% (B) = 0% (100% damage received) After = (100% (base) + 25% (A)) x 0.75 (B) = 0.93 (93% damage received)   As you can see, a 25% damage reduction can be rather useful (75% damage received), but when the attacker’s damage increase option is powerful, the effects don’t quite live up to the expectations. With the new calculation formula, however, that option reduces the damage received by 25% in a more intuitive way.   On the other hand, in cases when your opponent has no damage increasing options and you have several damage reducing factors, your damage reducing effects can become less noticeable than what they currently are. See the example below.   Attacker : No damage increases Target : Damage taken decrease 25% (A) : Damage taken decrease 15% (B) Before = 100% (base) -25% (A) - 15% (B) = 60% (60% damage received) After = (100% (base)) x 0.75 (A) x 0.8 (B) = 0.64 (64% damage received)   Also, unlike damage reductions, damage increases will continue to be calculated by sum.   Attacker : Damage increase 25% (A) : Damage increase 15% (B) Target : Damage taken decrease 25% (C) : Damage taken decrease 15% (D) Before = 100% (base) + 25% (A) + 15% (B) -25% (C) -15% (E) =100% (100% damage) After = (100% (base) + 25% (A) + 15% (B)) x 0.75 (C) x 0.85 (D) = 0.89 (89% damage)   Damage effects from property relations are calculated first and added to the final multiplication. This process applies after the target’s damage reductions are calculated.   Attacker (50% increase from Ice-Fire relation) : Damage increase 25% (A) : Damage increase 15% (B) Target (Fire property) : Damage taken decrease 25% (C) : Damage taken decrease 15% (D) Before = 100% (base) + 25% (A) + 15% (B) + 50% (property) -25% (C) -15% (E) = 150% (150% damage) After = (100% (base) + 25% (A) + 15% (B)) x 0.75 (C) x 0.85 (D) x 1.5 (property) = 1.34 (134% damage)   We hope the change of damage reduction and property relation calculations to multiplication formulas will help players understand them more intuitively.   Having all increase and decrease formulas sum up means that it can be hard for players to figure out how they work, especially not knowing an opponent’s damage increasing stats. With these changes, if your damage reduction factor is 30%, you get 30% less damage; if you have a 50% bonus based on property, you can expect 1.5 times the damage, and so on.   Increased Property Attack Damage on Status Ailments   We will be applying a damage increase effect to some property attacks which influence enemies under certain status ailments.   Lightning attacks +50% damage dealt to frozen enemies Fire attacks +50% damage dealt to petrified enemies Dark attacks +50% damage dealt to cursed enemies     Alright, let’s get on with the class balancing plans.   Wizard [Wizard: Rank 1]   Earthquake [C1 Skill]   The casting speed of Earthquake is increased dramatically, with the skill gaining the ability to hit flying monsters and dealing double the damage to ground monsters. Lvl 15 Earthquake now inflicts 428% damage to aerial monsters, and 956% to earthbound monsters.     The new attribute Earthquake: Remove Knockdown consumes additional SP and removes the knockdown of enemies hit by the skill.   Lethargy [C1 Skill]   Physical/magic defense decrease proportionally by skill level, and the evasion decrease factor is also boosted. Damage from tiles is increased 20%. The duration and cooldown of the skill both change to 20 sec.   Attribute Lethargy: Enhance is removed, and Lethargy: Tile Speciality is added to C2. Tile Speciality increases tile damage per attribute level. C1 attribute Lethargy: Additional Damage is changed to Lethargy: Strike Specialty and moved to C3.   Sleep: Dream Eater [C2 Attribute] New   Sleep’s attack limit (number of hits required to wake up) is decreased by 80%, but the new Dreaming attribute gives Psychokinesis property and property-less magic attacks double the damage on sleeping enemies.   Reflect Shield -> Magic Shield [C1 Skill]   Reflect Shield is changed to Magic Shield.   Magic Shield is a defensive buff skill that decreases damage by 20% per skill level. SP is consumed when hit.   Attribute Reflect Shield: Reflect Damage is changed to Magic Shield: SPR Efficiency, which decreases SP consumption according to your SPR stat.   Surespell  [C2 Skill]   Sure Spell, which makes skills uninterruptible by enemy attacks while being cast, is changed to a party buff that adds targets according to skill level.   Duration is fixed to 300 sec, while skill cooldown is changed to 60 sec.   Magic Missile [C3 Skill -> C2 Skill]     Magic Missile is moved to C2 (Lv 10 master), while the skill’s attack factor and number of missiles depend on Circle and maximum level. Firing speed increases dramatically.   C3 attribute Magic Missile: Enhance is moved to C2.   Quick Cast [C3 Skill]   Duration is fixed at 300 sec, and cooldown is changed to 60 sec.   Pyromancer [Wizard: Rank 2]   Staff Mastery: Fire [C1 Attribute]   Instead of increasing Fire property attack, Staff Mastery: Fire is changed to increase the damage of Fire property skills by 5% per attribute level when equipping a staff.   Flame Ground [C1 Skill]   Flame Ground is now generated around the caster. The attack cycle becomes faster, while the area of the magic circle is enlarged to match the range of Flare.     The new C2 attribute Flame Ground: Diffusion debuffs enemies within range of Flame Ground. Enemies affected by the debuff get reduced Fire property resistance, and can be attacked with Flare.   Enchant Fire [C1 Skill]   Enchant Fire is applied only to the caster, no longer affecting party members or other players.   Fire Wall [C1 Skill]   Fire Wall is cast on 8 tiles across in the direction where the caster is looking, instead of the current cell selection method.   Damage is increased in proportion to skill level and overheats 3 times. Skill cooldown is changed to 20 sec.     New C3 attribute Fire Wall: Knockback pushes enemies back and deals continuous damage to enemies.   Flare [C1 Skill]     Flare gains the ability to explode fireballs around the caster.     Affected fireballs inflict Flare damage to surrounding enemies, but they do not disappear until their duration is expired.   Fireball [C1 Skill]   Fireball is changed to ground target cast.     The duration of Fireball is changed to 10 sec, and the ball remains after hitting the enemies (will not attack enemies that were already hit, nor be pushed by Psychic Pressure).     New C2 attribute Fireball: Residual Heat increases the duration of Fireball.   Fire Pillar [C2 Skill]   Fire Pillar is no longer nullified by status ailment resistance. The radius of the skill is enlarged and its cooldown is decreased dramatically.   Hell Breath [C3 Skill]   Casting Hell Breath consumes 1 Pyrite (purchasable from the Pyromancer Master for 80 Silver).     Hell Breath is uninterruptible while being cast. The skill’s hit rate is increased, its area growing more than 3 times in length, and about 1.5 times in width.   Cryomancer [Wizard: Rank 2]   Rod Mastery: Ice [C1 Attribute]   Like Staff Mastery: Fire of Pyromancer, instead of Ice property damage, Rod Mastery: Ice increases the damage of Ice property skills when equipped with a rod.   Cryomancer: Freeze Speciality [C1 Attribute]   Cryomancer: Freeze Speciality, which makes enemies frozen by Cryomancer skills receive 10% additional damage, is changed to increase the chances of freezing the enemy with Cryomancer skills according to attribute level.   Ice Bolt [C1 Skill]   Casting of Ice Bolt is removed.   Ice Pike [C1 Skill]   Ice Pike is changed to cast on the ground, inflicting damage one time with ice spikes.   Damage factor is increased, and enemies hit will be frozen 100% (chances are different for PVP and boss monsters).   Gust [C2 Skill]   Gust and its corresponding attribute (Gust: Collision Damage) are removed.   Show Rolling [C3 Skill -> C2 Skill] Snow Rolling is moved from C3 to C2.   The casting time of Snow Rolling is fixed to 1 sec. The number of targets mentioned in the tooltip changes from the AOE ratio to the number of enemies. The number of enemies that can be trapped by the snowball increases, and the effect area grows by about 1.5 times.   Related attribute Snow Rolling: Enhance is moved to C2, and its costs are recalculated.   Frost Pillar [C3 Skill]     Frost Pillar no longer pulls nearby enemies, instead freezing and continuously attacking enemies in the area. The skill consumes 1 Cryorite when it is cast (Cryorite is purchasable from the Cryomancer Master for 80 silver).   Also, new attribute Frost Pillar: Enhance is added to C3.   Psychokino [Wizard: Rank 3]   Psychic Pressure [C1 Skill]   Damage factor is increased by 1.5 times. Skill inflicts 50% additional damage to Mutant type enemies (applies to all Psychokino attack skills).   Telekinesis [C1 Skill]   Inflicts 50% additional damage to Mutant type enemies (applies to all Psychokino attack skills).   Magnetic Force [C2 Skill]   The number of targets is increased from an AOE ratio of 5 to 10, with the skill area also expanded. Inflicts 50% additional damage on Mutant type enemies (applies to all Psychokino attack skills).   Heavy Gravity [C2 Skill] New     Heavy Gravity is a new skill that inflicts Psychokinesis type damage by enhancing the gravitational force of an area, changing aerial type enemies to ground type and inflicting 50% additional damage to Mutant type enemies.     Heavy Gravity removes nearby Raise tiles, including enemy and friendly ones.   Also, new attributes Heavy Gravity: Enhance and Heavy Gravity: Slow Movement Speed are added to C2, with Heavy Gravity: Duration on C3.   Gravity Pole [C3 Skill]   Added 5 more enemies to the base number of targets. The skill inflicts 50% additional damage to Mutant type enemies (applies to all Psychokino attack skills).     Gravity Pole: Decreased Defense also decreases magic defense along with physical defense.   Raise [C3 Skill]   Raise removes Heavy Gravity tiles, including enemy and friendly ones.   Linker [Wizard: Rank 3]   Spiritual Chain: Enhance [C2 Attribute] New   Spiritual Chain: Enhance increases the magic damage of linked characters in proportion to attribute level.   Spirit Shock [C2 Skill] New   Spirit Shock is a new attack skill that links to the enemy’s spirit and inflicts spiritual damage.   Spirit Shock works on a single enemy. Casting Soul Link disconnects the link with the previous target, although it can also be disconnected with Unbind.     Enemies under Spirit Shock take Psychokinesis type damage while the skill is active (3 to 8 sec), and the link disconnects when it reaches a certain distance from the caster.   Adding new attributes Spirit Shock: Enhance (C2), Spirit Shock: Confusion (C2), and Spirit Shock: Mental Pressure (C3). Spirit Shock: Mental Pressure decreases a linked enemy’s physical defense dramatically and inflicts additional damage in proportion to the caster’s SPR.   Lifeline [C3 Skill]   Duration per skill level is increased.   Thaumaturge [Wizard: Rank 4]   Swell Left Arm [C1 Skill]   Swell Left Arm no longer increases the attack of subweapons, and it consumes 1 Magic Powder when cast (Magic Powder is purchasable from the Thaumaturge Master; its price changed to 100 Silver).   New attribute Swell Left Arm: Summons (C1) increases physical/magic damage of the caster’s summons per attribute level.   Swell Right Arm [C2 Skill]   Swell Right Arm no longer increases the attack of weapons, and it consumes 1 Magic Powder when cast.   New attribute Swell Right Arm: Summons (C1) increases physical/magic defense of the caster’s summons per attribute level.   Swell Brain [C3 Skill]   Casting the skill consumes 2 Magic Powder.   New attribute Swell Brain: Fast Operation applies the same level of Quick Cast as Swell Brain per attribute level. Quick Cast is applied only to the caster, and does not require Quick Cast (Wizard C3 skill).   Elementalist [Wizard: Rank 4]   Electrocute [C1 Skill]   The damage of Electrocute no longer decreases when transferred to next target, the overheat is increased to 4 times, and the area for the first target is widened.   Attribute Electrocute: Freezing Magic Damage is removed.   Stone Curse [C1 Skill]   Enemies under the influence of Stone Curse take additional Psychokinesis type damage. Skill cooldown is changed to 50 sec.   Hail [C1 Skill]   The duration of hail is fixed to 10 sec, and the damage factor is increased by about 2 times.   Prominence [C1 Skill]   Skill cooldown is changed to 25 sec.   New attribute Prominence: additional summon (C3) increases the number of Prominence summoned.   Frost Cloud [C3 Skill] -> Storm Dust [C2 Skill]   Frost Cloud (C3), which inflicted continuous Ice damage to ground enemies, is changed to Storm Dust (C2), which inflicts Earth damage with a dust storm.     Storm Dust can be cast in a way similar to Frost Cloud. It has a larger effect area and inflicts half of its damage to flying enemies as well.   Attributes Storm Dust: Enhance (C2), Storm Dust: Slow (C2) and Storm Dust: Humpback (C3) are added, while attributes for Frost Cloud are removed.   Rain [C3 Skill]   Rain and related attributes are removed.   Meteor [C2 Skill -> C3 Skill]   C2 skill Meteor is moved to C3.   Meteor is moved to C3 and the effect area and damage factor are increased. Casting time is fixed to 3 sec, and skill cooldown is decreased to 40 sec.     Attribute Meteor: Evasion is removed, with new attribute Meteor: Flame Ground increasing the damage of Meteor cast on Flame Ground.   Sorcerer [Wizard: Rank 5]   Summon Servant [C1 Skill]   Casting Summon Servant consumes 1 Empty Spellbook (purchasable from the Sorcerer Master for 200 Silver).       Chronomancer [Wizard: Rank 5]   Stop [C1 Skill]   Casting Stop consumes 3 Time Crystal Fragments. (purchasable from the Chronomancer Master for 100 Silver).   Reincarnate [C1 Skill]   Casting Reincarnate consumes 5 Time Crystal Fragments.   Quicken [C1 Skill]   The attack speed increase is reduced to a base of 50%, with the remaining 50% determined according to the caster’s SPR and the recipients’ level.   For example, after these changes are applied, Quicken will increase attack speed by 175 at level 15 (originally 330). Considering a caster with 200 SPR and a recipient with a level of 250, then 200/250 = 80%, meaning +80% (+140) is added to the base value of 175, which results in a final attack speed increase of 315. This increase according to SPR and level will not exceed 100% of the initial base value.   Duration is changed to 120 sec at skill level 15, consuming 1 Time Crystal Fragment.   Haste [C2 Skill]   Similarly to Quicken, the attack speed increase is reduced to a base of 50%, with the remaining 50% determined according to the caster’s SPR and the recipients’ level.   If you and your party members can maintain a decent amount of SPR (including items), your Quicken and Haste will perform very closely to how they do now. You’ll have to consider the effect this change will have with other builds, however, like full INT dealers or high STR PvP-oriented builds.   The skill consumes 1 Time Crystal Fragment, and its duration at Lv 10 changes from 80 to 120 sec.   Backmasking [C3 Skill]   Casting Backmasking consumes 2 Time Crystal Fragments (Time Crystal is the new name of the Dimensional Essence item sold by the Chronomancer Master; its price is also changed to 2,000 Silver).   Pass [C3 Skill]   Passed skills cannot be passed again until after the skill is used. Pass also consumes 1 Time Crystal.   This means that you will not be able to bring a skill’s cooldown back to 0 by using Pass multiple times when there are 50 sec left, for example. The passed skill can be affected by Pass again once that skill is cast.   Rune Caster [Wizard: Rank 6]   Rune Caster: Skilled Casting [C1 Attribute]   Removed the penalty that reduces skill duration if Quick Cast hasn’t been learned.   Regardless of whether Quick Cast was learned, a basic duration of 5 min is applied. Meanwhile, Quick Cast’s casting time reduction effects are applied in the same way as currently (Lv 1 effects are applied if Quick Cast was not learned).   Rune of Protection [C1 Skill]   Removed status ailment resistance, and added immunity to knockback and knockdown. This effect applies only to the caster, but can be connected to party members via link.   Casting time is changed to 2 sec, duration up to 150 sec, and skill cooldown to 180 sec (casting time for all Rune Caster skills is changed to 2 sec).   Attribute Rune of Protection: Critical Resistance is changed to Rune of Protection: Maintain Casting, which makes casting uninterruptible when Rune of Protection is on. However, Rune of Protection: Maintain Casting decreases the duration of Rune of Protection.   Rune of Destruction [C1 Skill]   Damage factor and effect area of Rune of Destruction are increased, and casting time is decreased to 2 sec, with cooldown at 40 sec.   New Attribute Rune of Destruction: Magic Defense Destruction decreases magic defense of enemies hit by Rune of Destruction in proportion to attribute level.     Rune of Ice [C1 Skill]   Rune of Ice is changed to increase the damage of all Ice property skills by 50%. Casting time is changed to 2 sec.   Rune of Giants [C1 Skill]   Rune of Giants is changed to allow using buff skills in giant mode, with damage applied once on every landing. Casting time is changed to 2 sec.   Rune of Justice [C1 Skill]     The character can move while casting Rune of Justice. The damage factor is increased, inflicting double the damage to Demon type enemies. Casting time is also changed to 2 sec and duration to 30 sec.   Warlock [Wizard: Rank 7]   Dark Theurge [C1 Skill]   Dark Theurge’s damage factor is increased by 4.5 times, attacking 5 times. Skill cooldown is changed to 30 sec.   Mastema [C1 Skill]   Effect area becomes 1.5 times larger.   Sabath [C2 Skill]   The additional damage function is removed, and changed to increase the damage of following evil spirits in proportion to skill level.   Skill cooldown is changed to 30 sec, and maximum duration to 10 sec.   Drain [C2 Skill]   Drain is changed to increase dark Property damage in  proportion to the number of evil spirits absorbed.   Duration of Drain is 30 sec, with cooldown set to 40 sec.   Enchanter [Wizard: Rank 8]   Enchant Lightning [C1 Skill]   Casting Enchant Lightning consumes 1 Enchant Round (can be crafted with attribute Craft Enchant Round, and requires Magic Powder to craft. The price of Magic Powder is changed to 100 Silver. 10 Magic Powder are needed to craft one Enchant Round).   New attribute Enchant Lightning: Psychic changes the property of Psychic Pressure and Gravity Pole to Lightning property.   Enchant Earth [C1 Skill]   Enchant Earth consumes 1 Enchant Round when cast. Sage [Wizard: Rank 8]   Dimension Compression [C2 Skill]   Overheat of Dimension Compression is increased to 2.   Shadowmancer [Wizard: Rank 8]   Shadow Pool [C1 Skill]   The caster becomes invincible during the casting of Shadow Pool.         Next up, Swordsman changes.   Swordsman Subweapon Basic Attack Skill Changes   In Swordsman tree class attack skills that use a shield or dagger, we are providing additional attack to the skills’ corresponding equipment items.   First, for shield skills, the equipped shield will receive additional physical attack corresponding to part of its base physical defense value.     For instance, if your physical attack is 1,000 and your shield’s physical defense is 500, with a skill that applies 30% of your shield’s defense, you get 30% of 500, i.e. 150, added to your attack, meaning a base physical attack value of 1,150.   With two-handed attack skills used in conjunction with a dagger, currently only your physical attack counts to 100%. After the changes, however, we’ll be applying a sum of physical attack 80% + subweapon physical attack 60%.   Basic item stats, enhancement, transcendence and armor maintenance will all apply to your subweapon’s values.   The following is the list of skills where subweapon stats will apply.   Class Circle Skill Weapon Damage Peltasta (Rank 2) 1 1 2 2 3 Umbo Blow Rim Blow Shield Lob Butterfly Umbo Thrust Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% +Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 100% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Hoplite (Rank 3) 1 Synchro Thrusting Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 100% (already applied) Rodelero (Rank 4) 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 Targe Smash Shield Charge Shield Push Shield Shoving Shield Bash Slithering Shooting Star Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 100% Corsair (Rank 5) 1 2 Dust Devil Hexen Dropper Physical Attack 80% + Subweapon Attack 60% Physical Attack 80% + Subweapon Attack 60% Murmillo (Rank 8) 1 2 Scutum Hit Shield Train Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30% Physical Attack 100% + Shield Physical Defense 30%   Peltasta [Swordsman: Rank 2]   General Changes   Provocation values of all Peltasta attack skills apply as 50 times the value of damage. : Umbo Blow : Rim Blow : Shield Lob : Butterfly : Umbo Thrust : Langort   Swash Buckling [C1 Skill]   Swash Buckling is changed to force enemies to face the caster during the skill’s duration. The current 30-sec provocation value increase by skill level is removed.   Duration and effect area become fixed at all skill levels, and the number of enemies affected is increased in proportion to skill level.   C1 attribute Swash Buckling: Max HP is changed to Swash Buckling: Focused Defense, which decreases damage taken for 10 sec after using Swash Buckling. New C2 attribute Swash Buckling: Maintain Provocation increases the duration of Swash Buckling.   Peltasta: Double Provocation [C3 Attribute] New   New attribute doubles the provocation value.   After provoked, enemies become immune to all provoking skills, including other player’s provocation. This is applied to all provocation skills.   Corsair [Swordsman: Rank 5]   Dust Devil [C1 Skill]   Effect area of Dust Devil is increased.   Unlock Chest [C1 Skill]   Skill is removed.   Hexen Dropper [C2 Skill]   Effect area of Hexen Dropper is increased.   Double Weapon Assault [C2 Skill]   Damage of Double Weapon Assault is increased in proportion to skill level, duration is fixed to 300 sec, and skill cooldown to 60 sec.   Impale Dagger [C3 Skill] New     Adding new single-target skill Impale Dagger, which hits the enemy 3 times.   Attribute Impale Dagger: Enhance is added.   Doppelsoeldner [Swordsman: Rank 5]   Mordschlag [C1 Skill]   Effect area of Mordschlag is increased, cooldown is changed to 30 sec, and overheat is increased to 5.   Punish [C1 Skill]   AoE ratio is changed to 15, with cooldown changed to 10 sec.   Redel [C2 Skill]   Overheat is increased to 2, with cooldown changed to 30 sec.   Zornhau [C2 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 25 sec.   Zucken [C2 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 15 sec.   Zwerchhau [C3 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 25 sec. Shinobi [Swordsman: Rank 7]   Bunshin no Jutsu [C1 Skill]   Attributes and damage increase buffs no longer affects skills cast by clones.   The damage of skills cast by clones is decreased, but they can copy a larger variety of skills, allowing the Shinobi class to be used in many different build trees.     Skills that can be copied by clones (* marked skills are new) Swordsman (Rank 1) [C1] Thrust [C1] Bash [C2] Pommel Beat [C3] Double Slash     Peltasta (Rank 2) [C1] Umbo Blow [C1] Rim Blow [C3] Butterfly* [C3] Langort*     Highlander (Rank 2) [C1] Crown [C2] Moulinet     Barbarian (Rank 3) [C1] Cleave* [C2] Seism*     Hoplite (Rank 3) [C1] Synchro Thrusting     Rodelero (Rank 4) [C1] Targe Smash* [C2] Shield Bash [C3] Shooting Star         Corsair (Rank 5) [C1] Dust Devil* [C2] Hexen Dropper* [C3] Impale Dagger*   Squire (Rank 5) [C3] Deadly Combo*   Doppelsoeldner (Rank 6) [C1] Mordschlag* [C3] Zwerchhau* [C3] Sturtzhau*     Fencer (Rank 6) [C1] Sept Etoiles* [C2] Attaque Composee* [C3] Fleche*     Dragoon (Rank 7) [C1] Dragontooth* [C1] Dragon Soar*     Templar (Rank 7) [C2] Mortal Slash*   Shinobi (Rank 7) [C1] Kunai [C1] Katon no Jutsu* [C1] Mijin no Jutsu*   Clones are changed to unable to harm, and attribute Bunshin no Jutsu: Decreased Damage is removed, and setting clone’s HP proportion to caster’s DEX is removed.   Kunai [C1 Skill]   Cooldown is decreased, with overheat is increased to 4. Casting with Bunshin no Jutsu increases attack even more.   New attribute Kunai: Deadly Dagger doubles the critical rate of Kunai.   Katon no Jutsu [C1 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 25 sec; overheat to 2.   Mijin no Jutsu [C1 Skill]   HP consumption is decreased to 2,000. Mijin no Jutsu can be cast with Bunshin no Jutsu, and clones disappear when cast.     Dragoon [Swordsman: Rank 7]   Dragoon Helmet [C3 Skill] Duration is changed to unlimited.     Murmillo [Swordsman: Rank 8]   Cassis Crista [C1 Skill] Duration is changed to unlimited.   Shield Train [C2 Skill]   Enemies affected by Shield Train are pulled in and held for a while.   Sprint [C2 Skill] Base duration of Sprint is increased by 5 sec.   Lancer [Swordsman: Rank 8]   Crush [C1 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 20 sec.   Quintain [C1 Skill]   Cooldown is changed to 20 sec.   Joust [C1 Skill]   Joust is changed to hit enemies regularly, and its effect width and length are both doubled. However, the area able to destroy magic circles doubles only in length, not width.       These are all the immediate plans we have for the Wizard and Swordsman tree. They can still be revised before we add the changes to the game, so make sure to keep an eye on the patch notes when they arrive.    

Developer's Blog
January 19th, 2018
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The Lore You Know: Plague Doctor

  Today we will dive into the history that inspired our Cleric Rank 7 Class and Class Master, the Plague Doctor. Although, I have a feeling many of you are already familiar with its history.    The iconic image and role of the Plague Doctors came about due to the Black Death. The Black Death was a bubonic plague that arrived in Europe by sea in 1347 and over the next five years killed more than 20 million people in Europe alone. Now, keep in mind that the Black Death struck during Medieval Times where medical knowledge was limited and the people, highly superstitious. When the Black Death swept across Europe like a curse with seemingly no rational explanation, the people turned to the only ones willing to “treat” the disease – Plague Doctors.  Plague Doctors were hired by towns and villages (not by individuals) to treat those affected by the Black Death. But the word “treat” can be used loosely here since it’s debatable whether the majority of Plague Doctors were helping keep the plague at bay or were increasing the rate at which it spread. Regardless, Plague Doctors had an array of treatments they used to offer medical care based on the Medieval medical practicie of the four bodily fluids. Doctors during this time believed that the human body needed a balance between blood, mucus, yellow bile, and black bile in order for the person to be considered healthy. This is why an infamous treatment of the Plague Doctor was Bloodletting.  Besides treating the infected, Plague Doctors also recorded the number of deaths and took part in autopsies. Their easily identifiable costume was also a reflection of their role in society. As they were to be the closest to the diseased they had to prevent themselves from being infected as well. Their outfit was originally created by Charles de l’Orme in the 17th century and consisted of a leather hat, a beak-like mask with red glass eyes, a black overcoat, leather breeches, and to top it all off, a wooden cane.  The “beak” of the mask was filled with drugs and strong smelling items to cover the scent of death. The Plague Doctors also believed that this protected them from the “bad air” of the plague. The leather hat was a symbol for 14th Century doctors and many believed the hat could shield doctors from bacteria. The black overcoat and leather breeches were to minimize skin exposure, while the wooden cane was a way for the doctors to examine patients and move bodies without direct contact. However, despite their costumes, the doctors were not immune to the plague and many of them fell ill or were ultimately quarantined. So now, if we take a look at our own Plague Doctor, we can see reflections of this history in their skills and class outfit – although our doctors are a bit more fashionable than the ones from history and a little less worried about minimizing skin exposure. And let’s keep in mind that the Plague Doctors of history did not purposefully pass on Black Death or other diseases to their enemies. In this case we wouldn’t want art to imitate life.     References  Dugan, B., 2013. Anatomy of 14th Century Bubonic Plague Hazmat Suits. [Online] History, 2010. Black Death. [Online] Medieval Medicine. The Humors. [Online] Plague Doctor Masks, 2017. History of Black Death. [Online] Sartore, M. 13 Horrifying Things Most People Don't Know About Plague Doctors. [Online]    

Developer's Blog
December 29th, 2017
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Question and Answer - December 22, 2017

Greetings Saviors, Our Q&A with the Devs is back and open for suggestions! Leave your questions on our official forum or Facebook and you may see them answered here.  This time around, I also added a few burning questions of my own (mostly about the Bullet Marker). Take a look at the questions and answers below!    1. What is the Dev Team's process for developing a new class?    There are two important qualities necessary when selecting new classes.  First, if this class is added, what unique features or changes will it create for the preexisting class tree? Second, will the concept of this new class be something unique only to TOS and can its historical and cultural style be interpreted through the lens of a game. Here, too, costume design is considered. Once the class' concept is decided, we begin to work on the skills. However, this time, our structural design for the skills was different from what has been seen in previous classes. For these newly added classes, the 1st Circle contains the classes' very fundamental concept, while the 2nd Circle allows you to select skills that are more applicable. While finally, in the 3rd circle, are where you can find the killer attacks for the fans of the class. This was the standard that we went with this time around.  What TOS has, that is hard to find in other games, is our unique skills concept. And this is an identity we work to maintain. However, to do so we either have to break the normal gaming structure or, if the class isn't performing to our expectations, modify it.  But this time we actually committed a taboo. We have added a class that wasn't based on culture or history but is something that we thought would be popular with our playerbase -- Bullet Marker.    2. What was the inspiration for these four new classes? (Matador, Shadowmancer, Bullet Marker, and Zealot)    For the exception of Bullet Marker, we already had plans for all of the new classes for quite some time. First, our vision for Matador was a class versed in 1 to 1 combat who would provoke their enemy in order to gain the upper hand in battle. We also wanted to consider a class that was similar to Fencer and Corsair so that it was compatible with one hand weapon classes from lower Rank.      For Shadowmancer, we wanted to design a Wizard class that would be powerful in PVP. During PvE, this class would be important for managing SP consumption. Zealot, on the other hand, as a Cleric would help strengthen Physical Type attacks which would match with other various classes like Monk, Paladin, Inquisitor.      Finally, Bullet Marker. If you consider that the many classes in TOS are ones that appear from historical contexts from cultures around the world, then Bullet Marker is a newly developed class. A dual welding dream. This type of class can be seen in other games, but in TOS this is a first. Although, not from history, we wanted to add a class that would be popular with this gaming community. Here we took skills and action inspiration from our previous game, Granado Espada, and developed a character we wanted to present.    3. With Bullet Marker's Double Guns Stance skill, this skills gives the appearance of dual wielding. On the forums too, there seems to be a demand for more dual wielding classes. Any plans for more?  We are aware that dual wielding has a strong fan base in actions games, and to fulfill that love we created Bullet Marker. However, when creating this class we had to decide:  should we really require Bullet Markers to carry two weapons? We had to consider the ease of play and also the compatibility with other lower rank class skills. So we went with Bullet Markers carrying one weapon, but through a stance change, they are able to dual attack.  Since concrete details for the next new classes has not been released, I can't give an definitive answer to your question. However, in the future, if any other newly created dual weapon classes are developed, they will be similar to the Bullet Marker where you will only need to carry one weapon.       4. Also will players be able to get hair similar to that of the Bullet Marker?  Currently the Dev Team has been stuck for awhile working on our newest update for hair styles:  preparing and ultimately opening a "barber shop" (temporary title). Until then, keep in mind that the majority of premium hair available has been that of the class masters, which means the Bullet Marker Master's cool hair will also be an option.      5.  Any tips for breaking the level 330 to 360 gap?  This time, the level extension comes with a sightly tougher leveling slope. Especially in reference to one's Class Level. I would recommend focusing your efforts on the new fields and hunting grounds, especially in places like Sausys Room 9, where the monster spawn rate is higher. Don't forget that the newly changed Level 300 instanced dungeon, Castle Dungeon, also gives a good amount of EXP.    6. What about Challenge Mode? Can we gain EXP there?   Challenge Mode can be entered at fields of level 200 and higher and monsters from that field will appear. Although, in Challenge mode, the amount of exp you will gather is the same as that in the normal field, you won't have to chase after the monsters. Instead, the monsters will be coming to attack you. So, if you have the ability to clear them all quickly you'll also be able to acquire more EXP.  And, as you advance through the stages, your Looting Chance (Unidentified Items Drop Rate) will increase making it easier to acquire more equipment.    Well that's all for now! Please remember to leave your questions for Devs on the forum and you might see them answered here!   

Developer's Blog
December 22nd, 2017
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Intense Balancing: Matador, Musketeer

Greetings, Saviors! As promised in our last post here at the dev blog, this time we’re showing some love to the Musketeer class and the new Matador in another round of Intense Balancing plans. We’re sure you already know that the content we’re discussing here can look different once it actually makes it into the game. Any changes will be announced through the patch notes when they’re ready to be applied.   Matador Changes   [C1 Attribute] Picador NEW - Increases the damage of all skills when you attack an enemy targeting your character with a Rapier. [C2 Attribute] Banderillero NEW - Increases the damage of all Rapier skills when you attack an enemy targeting your character with a Rapier (does not include skills that can be used with all weapons). [C1 Skill] Muleta - Nullified damage received during standby. - Added buff to increase critical rate when the counter-attack is successful. - Increased duration (attribute included). - Changed cooldown and SP consumption to apply immediately when the skill is cast. [C1 Skill] Faena - Increased damage on Large sized enemies. [C1 Attribute] Faena: Risk-taking - Removed block function, even when a Shield is equipped (but increased Faena damage). [C1 Skill] Ole - Enemies not targeting your character will receive 50% of the skill’s effects. [C2 Skill] Paso Doble - Added immunity to all attacks while the skill is being cast. [C2 Attribute] Paso Doble: Remove Knockdown NEW - Removes the knockdown effect of Paso Doble. [C2 Skill] Back Slide - Applied 100% chances of evasion during the maneuver. The Matadors may be new in town, but we have a few things planned for them already. This class is all about counter-attack, provoking enemies and Rapier combat, so we wanted to tweak its skills and attributes to better reflect that concept. First, the new attributes Picador (Circle 1) and Banderillero (Circle 2) are going to increase the damage on enemies targeting your Matador. Picador increases the damage of all skills when you’re equipping a Rapier. Banderillero, on the other hand, limits its damage increase to Rapier skills, but grants an even bigger damage boost than Picador. During solo play, the fact that enemies take you as a priority target means that there is not only an instant increase in damage, but also significant synergy with Ole. For party play, the effect will vary according to the damage you can deal and the use of Capote, since the increased damage of Picador and Banderillero will apply to enemies provoked by this skill. Muleta can be a little inconvenient to use effectively, so we’re changing it to apply both cooldown and SP consumption immediately when the skill is cast. Not only that, with these changes the duration of the muleta is more than doubled, and a successful counter-attack with this skill will completely nullify the damage received and apply a buff that temporarily increases critical rate for every level of Muleta. Tile attack skill Faena is having its damage on large-sized enemies increased by 20%, with attribute Risk-taking boosting Faena damage even when a shield or a dagger is equipped (having a shield equipped, however, will not apply block). Ole will also have 50% of its effects apply even on enemies not targeting your Matador. In Circle 2, Paso Doble will grant you immunity to all attacks while you’re casting it, which can be used as an evasive move. We’re also adding a new Paso Doble: Remove Knockdown attribute. Finally, Back Slide will give you a 100% chance of evasion all throughout the skill’s maneuver. Musketeer Changes Okay, let’s get straight into the Musketeer changes. For this Rifle-wielding class, instead of sticking to simple skill balance adjustments, we decided to rearrange the structure of the skill tree itself. We wanted to address the problem of Circle 1 being too crowded with attack-heavy skills demanding high skill point investments, and the fact that it requires you to use close-range attacks for damage amplification right from the start.   [C1 Skill] Butt Stroke - Skill and related attributes deleted. - Attack function moved to Rifle subweapon (C attack). - Deleted attributes: [C1] Butt Stroke: Enhance [C1] Butt Stroke: Stun [C2] Butt Stroke: Great Attack [C2] Butt Stroke: Additional Damage [C1 Skill] Snipe - Skill and related attributes moved to C2/C3 and boosted. - Reduced pause after casting. - Moved attributes: [C1] Snipe: Enhance > C2 [C1] Snipe: Stun > C2 [C2] Snipe: Ricochet Shooting > C3 [C3] Snipe: Perfect Aim (same Circle) [C1 Skill] Bayonet Thrust - Skill and related attributes deleted. - Deleted attributes: [C1] Bayonet Thrust: Enhance [C2] Bayonet Thrust: Repeated Hits [C2] Bayonet Thrust: Reduced Recovery [C3] Bayonet Thrust: Safe Distance [C1 Attribute] Musketeer: Safe Distance NEW - Makes the character step back when the enemy is hit by a C attack (Butt Stroke). - Substitutes the deleted [C3] Bayonet Thrust: Safe Distance attribute. [C1 Attribute] Grooving Muzzle NEW - Increases accuracy. - Musket skills partially ignore enemy defense. - Chance of critical multi-hit when using normal attacks. [C1 Skill] Covering Fire - Casting removed. [C2 Skill] Volleyfire - Overheat +1. [C3 Skill] Prime & Load NEW - Resets cooldown of Musketeer skills. - Cooldown increases according to type and number of reset skills. [C3 Attribute] Prime & Load: Fast Reload NEW - Decreases Prime & Load cooldown according to attribute level. [C3 Skill] Sniper’s Serenity - Added ability to walk slowly when in Sniper’s Serenity status. As you can see, this Musketeer rework involves some serious structural changes, starting with the removal of Circle 1 close-range attack skills Butt Stroke and Bayonet Thrust. The functions and actions of Butt Stroke are being reintroduced as a basic feature of Musketeer C key sub-weapon attack (no performance increase), while the new Circle 1 attribute Musketeer: Safe Distance provides the back step effects of the current Bayonet Thrust attribute of the same name. Circle 1 also gets a new skill in Grooving Muzzle, which temporarily increases your character’s accuracy and ignores part of the enemy’s defense whenever you attack with the Musket. Grooving Muzzle also gives you a chance of applying regular attacks as critical multi-hits. Snipe, currently in Circle 1, is being moved to Circle 2, with maximum level reduced to 10 and skill factors increased. Snipe’s attributes, of course, are also moving to higher circles, with Enhance and Stun set to Circle 2, and Ricochet Shooting changed to Circle 3 (Perfect Aim remains in Circle 3). The pause occurring after casting Snipe, on the other hand, is being reduced to less than one third of its current duration. Covering Fire is getting a similar treatment, with casting removed altogether, while Volleyfire gets an overheat increase. The new Circle 3 skill, Prime & Load, lets you reset the cooldown of all your Musketeer skills. In the image above, for example, you can see the character activate Sniper’s Serenity, use Snipe, then reset skill cooldown with Prime & Load to cast Snipe again. Unlike the Chronomancer’s Pass, Prime & Load completely resets the cooldown of your skills. The difference is that, according to the type and number of skills that get reset, Prime & Load’s own cooldown is increased. To counter this and slightly shorten the skill’s cooldown, you can learn the new Circle 2 attribute Prime & Load: Fast Reload. Going back to Pass, however, the Chronomancer skill will not apply to Prime & Load, having no effect on its cooldown. As for the other Circle 3 skill, Sniper’s Serenity, it’s going to allow your character to walk even when the buff is active. Regular attacks and certain skill attacks can still be used, although the character will stop walking to cast them. And, if you use Sniper’s Serenity again while the buff is still active or you let it end, the buff will deactivate and the skill’s cooldown will decrease from 20 to 1 second. Below is a table showing how the Musketeer skill tree is changing with this patch:   Circle CURRENT SETUP AFTER THE CHANGES Common   - Subweapon Attack (close range Physical Strike attack) C1 Skills - Covering Fire - Headshot - Snipe - Penetration Shot - Butt Stroke [DELETED] - Bayonet Thrust [DELETED] - Covering Fire - Headshot - Penetration Shot - Grooving Muzzle C1 Attributes - Use Rifles - Gun: Accuracy - Rifle Mastery: Hunting - Covering Fire: Enhance - Headshot: Enhance - Headshot: Stun - Snipe: Enhance - Snipe: Stun - Penetration Shot: Enhance - Butt Stroke: Enhance [DELETED] - Butt Stroke: Stun [DELETED] - Bayonet Thrust: Enhance [DELETED] - Use Rifles - Gun: Accuracy - Rifle Mastery: Hunting - Musketeer: Safe Distance - Covering Fire: Enhance - Headshot: Enhance - Headshot: Stun - Penetration Shot: Enhance C2 Skills - Volleyfire - Birdfall - Volleyfire - Birdfall - Snipe C2 Attributes - Headshot: Reload - Penetration Shot: Rapid Fire - Penetration Shot: Kneeling Penetrate - Snipe: Ricochet Shooting - Butt Stroke: Great Attack [DELETED] - Butt Stroke: Additional Damage [DELETED] - Bayonet Thrust: Repeated Hits [DELETED] - Bayonet Thrust: Reduced Recovery [DELETED] - Volleyfire: Enhance - Headshot: Reload - Penetration Shot: Rapid Fire - Penetration Shot: Kneeling Penetrate - Snipe: Enhance - Snipe: Stun - Volleyfire: Enhance C3 Skills - Sniper’s Serenity - Sniper’s Serenity - Prime & Load C3 Attributes - Snipe: Perfect Aim - Penetration Shot: Wild Shot - Bayonet Thrust: Safe Distance [DELETED] >> changed to Musketeer: Safe Distance - Sniper’s Serenity: Steady Shot - Sniper’s Serenity: Armor Break - Birdfall: Fire Master - Snipe: Ricochet Shooting - Snipe: Perfect Aim - Penetration Shot: Wild Shot - Sniper’s Serenity: Steady Shot - Sniper’s Serenity: Armor Break - Birdfall: Fire Master   One final adjustment we’ll be making to rebalance the Musketeer class will be to increase the minimum/maximum attack of all Rifle weapons by about 8.33%. This boost will of course influence proportional attack increases like item transcendence, so we expect good results in the final physical attack of Musketeers after these changes.   That’s it for today’s updates! You’ll be hearing more about the skill changes discussed in here in future patch notes, so keep an eye on the News page for more details. And make sure not to miss out follow-up blog post, where we’ll be revealing some intense balancing plans for the Wizard class tree. Thank you as always for your support.

Developer's Blog
December 14th, 2017
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2017 Rank Update FAQ

Greetings, Saviors! A lot has changed in TOS with the latest Rank update: new classes, new features, revised content… it can be a lot to take in at once. So, to get you up-to-date with the newest version of TOS, we put together a little FAQ list that hopefully will help clear any doubts on what’s changed and how it’s changed. Keep in mind that this list only contains information on some of the main aspects of the update. For a more exhaustive list of all the changes and fixes, please check the patch notes.   [Challenge Mode] - The Challenge Mode is a new game mode that allows you to fight powerful monsters for better equipment items and cube rewards. - The Challenge Mode consists of 5 stages, each running for a maximum of 10 minutes. - To complete each stage you need to defeat the boss monster within the time limit. Only then can you move on to the next stage or complete the challenge. Q. How can I enter the Challenge Mode? In fields of recommended level 200 and above, you will come across a purple monster which you must defeat in order to create a portal to the Challenge Mode. This monster will appear in regular fields, but not in Hunting Grounds. Also, keep in mind that the Challenge Mode will close automatically if your 10 minutes run out or you become incapable of combat. Defeat the purple monster to open the Challenge Mode portal. The gauge at the bottom shows your current Challenge Level (stage). Your goal is to defeat the monsters and charge up the gauge within the time limit to complete the stage. When the stage is complete, you will see two portals: Step Up and Close. Step Up takes you to the next Challenge Level, and Close ends the Challenge Mode. Complete stage 5 and exit through the Close portal to receive your Challenge Mode rewards and cubes. Q. Can other players enter the portal too? Yes. The portal stays open for 10 minutes and anyone who qualifies can enter it (players whose character is within 30 levels of the Challenge Mode level). The Challenge Mode map behaves like a cutscene quest, so you won’t see non-party member players there when you get in. [Unique Raid] - This a new raid-type dungeon where you can get recipes and materials for Lv 350 Unique equipment. - The dungeon is available to characters of level 330 and above, and it can be accessed through the corresponding tower (First Shelter) in Nobreer Forest. - There is no daily entrance limit, but each entry consumes a set amount of a special material item. Q. What items do I need to get in? To enter the dungeon, you need at least 6 Raid Portal Stones. The Stones are consumed from your inventory after you receive the dungeon’s final rewards, and every entry on the same day costs additional Stones. Raid Portal Stones can be obtained as rewards from the Challenge Mode, and Token users get a discount of 2 Stones on each entry. Q. Can I use vouchers and other dungeon-related items there? No. Instance Clear Vouchers, Multiply Tokens and entrance/reset vouchers do not work on the Unique Raid dungeon. Q. The dungeon didn’t give me any Silver or EXP. The Unique Raid dungeon does not drop Silver or EXP. [Instanced Dungeons] - Each entry is now counted only after you receive the dungeon’s final rewards. - Instanced dungeons now have a completion rate system which determines the amount of rewards you can receive. Q. The entrance to instanced dungeons are gone! The old instanced dungeon entrances were removed. Now you can access all instanced dungeons through the Sentinel Rian NPC located in Klaipeda. Q. How are dungeon entries counted now? Before, each instanced dungeon entry was counted as soon as you entered the dungeon (entering the dungeon = -1 entry). Now, the entry only counts when you receive the dungeon’s final rewards. Dungeon rewards (Silver, cubes) are now delivered all at once when you defeat the final boss monster. If you exit the instanced dungeon before that, you won’t receive any rewards and the entry will not count. Q. Is the amount of Silver received from clearing the dungeon a common reward shared with other party members? No, the amounts of Silver stated as instanced dungeon rewards are the individual amounts each player gets for completing the dungeon. For example, if a party of 5 clears the Lv 300 instanced dungeon with a completion rate of 100%, each party member receives 220,000 Silver. Under this system, there’s no need to solo low-level dungeons to fund your characters, since it’s more effective to clear those closer to your own level in premade or automatched parties. Q. I cleared the dungeon but didn’t receive any EXP. It’s possible that the monsters you defeated were 50 or more levels apart from your own character’s level. You will not receive EXP from them if that’s the case. Q. I think I got too many cubes at once. Is it a bug? No. Instanced dungeons now have a completion rate (displayed in the minimap UI), which you can increase to receive bonus rewards, including extra cubes. The more monsters you defeat, the higher the completion rate and the more rewards you get. Please note that, if you clear an instanced dungeon with a completion rate under 20%, however, the final boss will not drop any Silver. Q. I can’t get any EXP or items from the dungeon! All the rewards, including EXP and cubes, are now delivered to you only after you defeat the final boss monster of the dungeon. Q. I can’t reopen the cubes. Cubes obtained as instanced dungeon rewards (the ones called “[Dungeon Name] Cube”) cannot be reopened. Q. I can’t reincarnate monsters inside the instanced dungeon anymore. Reincarnation skills no longer apply inside instanced dungeons. [Party EXP] - You can now increase your EXP gains according to the number of members in your regular party (this includes field parties). - The former EXP bonus obtained from having 3 or more different class trees represented in the same party no longer applies. Q. What’s different about party EXP bonuses now? There’s no more bonus for having different classes in the party, but the automatch bonus now applies on top of regular EXP rules. - Regular EXP: For parties of 5, it’s the same bonus as before. For parties of 4 or less, the bonus has increased. - Automatch EXP: For parties of 5 and 4, the standard is the same. For parties of 3 and 2, the bonus is lower. [Common Drop Items] Q. Common drop items like Golden Anvils, Instance Clear Vouchers, etc. aren’t dropping like before. Those items can’t be obtained in regular fields or instanced dungeons anymore. Instead, you can now get Golden Anvils, Monster Card Albums (all 4 colors), Blessed Shards and Gems (Lv 1 to 3) from Hunting Grounds. Aside from that, the drop rate of Rare and Unique grade unidentified items has also increased by 2-4 times. [Item Re-identification] - The stats applied to items when they are identified are now random. - If you want to get a different set of stats, you can get your items re-identified at the Blacksmith NPC in Klaipeda or Orsha. Q. If I get my item re-identified, will the new stats be completely different? The total number of stats and the group to which the stats belong will not change. Instead, you can get different stats within the same group. There are four stat groups: Attack, Defense, Utility and Basic Stats. - Attack group: physical attack, additional property damage, magic attack, magic amplification, critical attack, defense type attack, monster type attack. - Defense group: physical defense, magic defense, attack type defense, property resistance, critical resistance. - Utility group: accuracy, block, stamina, HP, SP, HP recovery, SP recovery, critical rate, block penetration, looting chance, evasion. - Basic stats group: STR, DEX, INT, SPR, CON. Q. Can I also re-identify [Faded] items? No. [Faded] items are the (un)identified items from before the update and they cannot be re-identified. Only unidentified items obtained after December 12, 2017 can be re-identified. [Incapable of Combat Penalties] - Becoming incapable of combat no longer consumes Goddess’ Blessed Gems or Monster Cards from your inventory as penalty. Q. How is the penalty different now? You will no longer lose Goddess’ Blessed Gems or Monster Cards when you become incapable of combat in certain fields. This is how much of each item you can lose from your inventory now, according to the star rating of the map:   Map Gems Blessed Shards Silver ★ No loss No loss No loss ★★ 5 (not %) No loss No loss ★★★ 5 (not %) 10% 10%   [Other FAQ] Q. The attribute to increase buff count is gone. There is no more limit to the amount of buffs you can have, so the attribute was removed. Q. I made a mistake on my Companion’s name. Can I change it? Now you can. Open the Companion window (F9) and click the pencil icon to change the name of your Companion. It will consume 9 TP, the same amount charged for changing your character name.    

Developer's Blog
December 13th, 2017
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Quick Guide: New Classes & Main Changes

Welcome back, Savior! The Goddess will be delighted to hear of your return! Here are some of the main changes that happened in recent months. Read through them and you will feel your power returning to you.     Returning Player: Main Changes   Welcome Savior, and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us. Are you enjoying things so far? At this stage in your adventure, we bet you have seen and heard many tales but we bet you still have some lingering questions. As a rising Savior the world can appear quite dangerous but there is no need to fear as we have the tips and know-how to ensure your first few steps are successful. So let's get to it. These are the major updates that have come to TOS!   NEW Rank Expansion, NEW Challenge Mode, NEW Unique Raid Dungeon, 4 New Classes Added to Class Rank 8   ► Click <<<here>>> to read more information   A lot has changed in TOS with the latest Rank update: new classes, new features, revised content… it can be a lot to take in at once. So, to get you up-to-date with the newest version of TOS, we put together a little FAQ list that hopefully will help clear any doubts on what’s changed and how it’s changed. Keep in mind that this list only contains information on some of the main aspects of the update. please check the 2017 Rank Update FAQ.   ► 2017 Rank Update FAQ   And don’t forget to collect your special event rewards that can only be obtained through ► Returning Savior Event: Homecoming Gift (Dec ‘17) and, NEW Rank Reset Event!     If you tell us your level, we can provide you with more specific trade secrets. [Level 1-100: Developing Your Character]   Well, Savior, you are still in the early stages of your adventure. Cherish those first memories. Here we will provide you with a few more guides to 'guide' your journey. Click to see more details!   ► Status/Rank/Class Circle   ► Adventure Journal   [Level 101-200: Useful Functions For Everyone]   Time to join a guild! Time to party with friends! It must have seemed like a long trip but wait, there's more! Click to see more details!   ► Guild System (Emblems & Guild Funds)   ► Instanced Dungeon Improvements    [Level 201-360: Other Gameplay Features]   Let's check what level 201-360 players are up to! Making items stronger? Sounds like a plan! You have almost reached the final stage, but this doesn't mean that this is the end of your adventure! What else can do you? Let us find out! Click to see more details!   ► Monster Card Equip System (Monster Card Albums & Card Effects)   ► Team Battle League Rebalancing (only applies inside TBL)     We’ll make sure to keep releasing more details here on the dev blog, so stay tuned.     Quick Advancement Guide: New Classes  If you’re looking to become a Matador, Shadowmancer, Bullet Marker or Zealot after the latest Rank update, take a look at our quick guide below to see how you can get started on the freshest classes in TOS.   Matador (Swordsman) The Matadors are bullfighters known for their flashy combat moves. Attacking the enemy in swift, short movements is their signature style.     [Advancement] 1) Read the Matador Notice Board located in the city of Orsha. 2) Ask about the Matador Master’s notice to the people of Escanciu Village. 3) The Matador Master appeared in in Fedimian! Talk to her to start the advancement.   Shadowmancer (Wizard) Shadowmancers are masters in the magic of shadows. They use shadows to conceal themselves and deliver powerful attacks against their enemies.     [Advancement] 1) Get familiar with the shadows inhabiting the Library Annex Roof at the Taniel I Memorial. 2) Ask the Chronomancer Master about the shadows. She is located in Stele Road. 3) Go to Rasvoy Lake as instructed and meet the Shadowmancer Master to start the advancement!     Bullet Marker (Archer) Bullet Markers are a gun-wielding class that uses special bullets with different properties and effects in combat.     [Advancement] 1) Find information on the Bullet Marker Master through Manager Rota at the Mercenary Post (warning: you will have to ask several times). 2) Find the Bullet Marker Master at the Greene Manor to start the advancement.     Zealot (Cleric) The Zealots specialize in making the most out of their skills. Their buffs are particularly beneficial to close-range physical attacks.     [Advancement] 1) In Vera Coast, beyond Khanka Sentry, find the tombstone surrounded by corals. 2) Read the information on the tombstone and ask the Inquisitor Master about it. 3) Then ask the Oracle Master and Paladin Master as well, until… 4) The Zealot Master appears at the Inner Enceinte District! Talk to her to start the advancement.     First Time Player: What type of combat do you prefer? Here in Tree of Savior, you can customize a unique character by progressing on a course based solely on your own design! However, before you can run, you have to learn how to walk, aka. you have to choose a base character to begin your adventure. And don’t forget to collect your special event rewards that can only be gained through the Rookie Savior Event: Get Ahead (Dec ‘17).     [CLASS BUILD RANKING]     If you're planning out your next classe advancement, have a look at our most popular builds! Selecting a Class in Tree of Savior doesn’t mean you will carry that Class until the very end. Instead, for every 15 class levels, you can change your class via Class Advancement.   ► TOP 100 : The most popular TOS class builds of all time. ► RARE 100 : The most unique TOS class builds of all time. ► HOT 10 : Ten TOS class builds that are moving up in the ranks.          

Developer's Blog
December 13th, 2017
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New Class Update! 4 New Classes!

Greetings Saviors, Introducing our 4 New Classes Update. Check it out below!           

Developer's Blog
December 6th, 2017