Known Issue: March 3, 2023


Mar 3rd, 2023

Greetings Saviors,

The following issues have come to our attention:


-  Tos_SupportGuild can enter Blockade, not the guild mission 


We are currently aware of the issue and trying to fix it.


To correct this issue, rewards of Blockade for all guilds other than Tos_SupportGuild will not be available from 02:00 (server time, EST) March 3rd to the next maintenance. (March 7,2023) 

Therefore, if you have not received rewards (135 week) yet, please receive it quickly.


Also for Tos_SupportGuild people,

Please refrain from doing all types of Blockade and Guild Mission (Baubas, Giltine, Boruta) until this issue got fixed. 

Tos_SupportGuild won't be able to get Blockade rewards (136 week) and will be removed from Contents Status Board ranking (136 week) during the next maintenance. (March 7, 2023)

If Tos_SupportGuild VGMs need more Guild Quest Voucher, please request us through forum.


If there are any updates, we will let you know through our Known issue notice.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.



IMC staff