Known Issue: August 24, 2021

By STAFF_Brand

Aug 24th, 2021

Greetings Saviors,

The following issues have come to our attention:



-  Gem cannot be moved to the team storage.



You can move the Gem to the character as follows.

1. Register [A Gem] to the equipment that has a socket.

2. Put the equipment with the gem to the Team Storage.

3. Log in to the character that you want to have the Gem.

4. Talk to the Blacksmith NPC and click [Socket Management] 

5. Register the equipment and click [Extract Gem]



It may be inconvenient, but this will help you move your gem to another character.

We are having Free Skill Gem Extracting event until the scheduled maintenance on September 28, 2021. (Click here for the details.)

Thus, there will be no silver consumed and no destruction.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.



IMC staff