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Leticia's Secret Cube Item List - Apr 17, 2018

  ※ IMPORTANT: Please note that your character must be above level 40 to use this content.

April 16th, 2018
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Official Forum Maintenance - Apr 15, 2018

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EDT) 22:30 - 23:00 Apr 15, 2018 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

April 15th, 2018
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[VIDEO] Guild Territory Wars: How to Play

Greetings, Saviors!   We at the dev team have decided to put together a short post to refresh everyone on how to participate and enjoy our new GvG experience, the Guild Territory Wars.   If you are not sure what Guild Territory Wars is all about, you may wish to read up on it by taking a glance at our previous announcements.   - Popolion Post Page 24 [Link] - Announcement regarding the Beta Test [Link]   Please note that Guild Territory Wars is still in a [BETA] state and these rules are subject to change. We will announce any such changes via our Official Website!     [Before the War]   - Select whether to take part in the wars or not through an option in the Guild window.  - Please note that only the guild master will have the authority to opt in or out of Territory Wars.       [The War Begins!]   When the Territory Wars schedule starts, entering a Spot Area will require you to select one of two options at the green arrow in adjacent fields. Here you can jump right into the war zone, or skip the battle and enter the map as you normally would. After moving to the Spot Area, guild members can battle in true PvP style to either protect their seized Spot or seize the one held by the rival guild. Members of the guild that seized the Spot in the previous Territory Wars will be allowed to enter the Spot Area 5 minutes before the war begins to plan out their strategy.   Spot Areas   Spot Areas are maps where players can fight in Territory Wars, with Spots being the sections of land you can seize. According to the grade of the Spot Area, the rewards for seizing the corresponding Spot will be different. As of now, we have a total of three Spot Areas planned out (the ones in the table above), but we will consider adding more areas to the game depending on how they perform.   Seizing/Protecting a Spot   During the war, each Spot Area will contain a Territory Tower, with the land around it forming the Spot that can be seized by a guild. To gain hold of a Spot, guild members will need to earn points by advancing into the perimeter of the tower. The guild that currently holds the Spot, on the other hand, can fight back by reducing the points of the invaders. The final score will then determine which guild will hold that Spot during the next Territory Wars.   1) Earning Points (Invading Guild) The invading guild earns points every second according to the number of members within the perimeter of the Territory Tower. Below is a table that shows the amount of points earned by invading the Spot of the guild that holds it.   2) Taking Points (Protecting Guild) The guild protecting their Spot can deduct points from the invading guild, also according to the number of guild members within the perimeter of the Territory Tower. Here, too, the amount of points taken from the invading guild every second increases proportionally to the number of members of the protecting guild inside the Spot.   3) Final Score The first guild to score exactly 1,000 points in the war seizes the Spot. In certain situations, however, the guild may not be able to gain any more points, like in the example below.   If, like in this example, two or more guilds have gathered all the conditions to reach 1,000 points, their score will no longer increase. Instead, those guilds will need to gather all of their members inside the Spot in order to win. We should note that there’s still room for improvement in the point system, but we will keep you notified of any changes.       [Additional Strategies]   1) Protector Buff Guilds that succeed in seizing a Spot will receive a special Protector Buff that boosts their members’ combat abilities. Not only that, the more wars a guild manages to keep hold of a Spot, the more intense the effects of the buff will be.   2) Strategic Elements - Boss Monsters During the war, a powerful boss monster will appear, which guild members can defeat in order to receive temporary beneficial effects. These boss monsters can make a big difference in the amount of points you earn or take, becoming an important part of your guild’s strategy. We do, on the other hand, understand that there could be aspects about this feature we haven’t fully predicted, so we’re open to adjusting any rules necessary to make the system as fair as possible.   - Spot Amplifier The Spot Amplifier is a structure that extends the seizable Spot beyond the perimeter of the Tower, decentralizing the dispute and allowing guilds to stack up their points through different strategies. The Amplifier can be destroyed, and the guild of the player who deals the last blow to it receives additional points as reward.   - Safe Zone  The delimited area around the green arrow in the Spot Area is designated as a Safe Zone, where attacks are nullified. This zone can be used for guild members to restore their stats or for other tactical purposes.

April 12th, 2018
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Ping Test for [SA] Silute Players

Greetings, Saviors.   We would like to ask [SA] Silute players to contribute with their feedback after Server Expansion.   For that, we would like to ask [SA] Silute players to share their results on the forum post.   Link: Ping Test for [SA] Silute Players     If you would like to help by taking a ping test and sharing your results, please head to the forum post    Any contributions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your patience and understanding.    

April 11th, 2018
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[UPDATE] Known Issues: April 9, 2018

Greetings, Saviors. The following issues have recently been reported. 1) Mouse Mode is not working properly - The mouse mode is not working properly after the scheduled maintenance of April 9 for some players. We have fixed the suspected part. Please restart your client to start the patch process for this issue.   Please let us know via Support Ticket if you are experiencing other problems. When reporting issues, please be as detailed as possible. Screenshots, character/team/server/class details and timestamps will be greatly appreciated. The more information we have on a specific issue, the quicker it will be resolved.

April 10th, 2018
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[SA] Maintenance Extended (Server Expansion)

Greetings, Saviors. We would like to notify [SA] Silute players that the schedule for this week’s maintenance in the server has been extended in order to complete the following tasks: - Move [SA] service to a different provider; - Expand server capacity; - Increase server equipment; - Upgrade server performance; - Address stability issues affecting the region. Please refer to the schedule below: [EDT] 01:00 to 11:00, April 10, 2018 [BRT] 02:00 to 12:00, April 10, 2018 Note that this extension will only apply in [SA] Silute. All other servers are expected to open at the time announced in the patch notes of April 10, 2018. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

April 9th, 2018
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Goddess' Blessed Cube Item List: Apr 3, 2018

  Important: All the Goddess' Blessed Cubes follow the updated item list regardless of the date it was purchased. This policy will be standard unless stated otherwise. e.g.  Goddess' Blessed Cube A (purchased in November of '16), B (purchased in January of '17) and C (purchased in May of '17) will all follow the item list the most current.

April 2nd, 2018
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[SA] Temporary Maintenance Notice - April 2, 2018

Greetings, Saviors. We will be performing a short maintenance in [SA] Silute in order to improve server stability. Please refer to the schedule below. [EDT] 03:00 to 04:00 (April 2, 2018) [BRT] 04:00 to 00:05 (April 2, 2018) Note that this maintenance will only affect [SA] Silute. All other servers will remain open during the procedure. We will update this announcement when maintenance is complete.

April 2nd, 2018
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[UPDATE] Silute Server Disconnection Issues: April 1, 2018

Greetings, Saviors.   We would like to make an announcement about the recent [SA] Silute server issues.   There were some inconveniences caused due to an increase in users after the recent update, therefore to solve these inconveniences, and to continue to improve our game for our users, we increased the capacity of the server in [SA] Silute along with other improvements.   We will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that the server runs smoothly.    Thank you for your love and support of Tree of Savior. If there are any other issues, please feel free to contact us via Support Ticket.

April 1st, 2018