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[NOW OPEN] Official Forums Currently Unavailable

Greetings, Saviors. Please note that our official forums are momentarily unavailable due to a system issue. We are working to have them back up and running normally at EDT 00:00. We will update this announcement should there be any further developments. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

September 10th, 2018
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[UPDATE] Temporary Maintenance Notice - September 6, 2018

Greetings, Saviors. We will soon perform a short maintenance for ALL SERVERS in order to carry out the following. - Fix server instability issues that occurred following the scheduled maintenance on September 4, 2018. This maintenance is expected to take place on the following schedule:   [EDT] 02:00 AM - 03:30 AM [BRT] 03:00 AM - 04:30 AM [CEST] 08:00 AM - 09:30 AM [SGT] 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM   Note that this maintenance will affect ALL SERVERS. We will update this announcement once the maintenance is complete.

September 6th, 2018
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DirectInput Support has been Discontinued

Greetings, Saviors. We would like to let you know that the DirectInput support has been discontinued for TOS as of today's maintenance on September 4, 2018.   What is DirectInput?   DirectInput is one of the methods that your computer uses for collecting input data for mouse, keyboards and games controllers.   What do you mean DirectInput support has been discontinued?   This means that you will no longer be able to use the controllers that use the DInput method while playing Tree of Savior. Examples of this would be third-party USB controllers with no XInput support and PlayStation controllers.   Why is the support being discontinued?   DInput isn't a control method designed to be used on current Windows PC's. It is known to cause compatibility issues with many games and we have decided to discontinue DInput support on TOS.

September 4th, 2018
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Returning Savior Guide

Greetings, Saviors!   We have prepared a guide for returning players to celebrate the Rank 10 update of Tree of Savior. If you are a returning player, you can read all about our new improvements and in-game content here!     1. System Enhancements   Lodge Character Slots     1) You can move a character to any Lodge number you want by clicking on the Move Lodge button. 2) Selecting a character and pressing the up and down arrows will let you arrange your characters in any order you like.   PROTIP:  The character slots provided will be 4 at first but you can expand your character slots with TP.     Trading Transcended Items   -Transcended items can now be traded and transferred to the Team Storage. -Once traded, Blessed Shards can no longer be extracted from the items.     Item Display   -Items will be displayed differently depending on the item's stats:     1. Item icons will show the rarity of the item according to their background color:     Magic: Green     Rare: Purple     Unique: Red     Legend: Yellow 2. Unidentified items will have a magnifying glass on the bottom right corner of the icon. 3. Transcendence level of the item will be shown on the little star on the bottom left corner of the icon. 4. Enhancement level of the item will be shown as the number on the bottom right corner of the icon.     2. Content Changes   Daily Quest Rewards   -Daily Quest completion requisite and rewards have been changed.   Before After QUEST Hunt monsters & collect items Hunt monsters (no item collecting) LIMIT Available 5 times per day Available twice per day REWARD EXP Mon-Thu: Silver / EXP Fri-Sun: Attribute Points / EXP   PROTIP: If you've accepted a quest a day before and completed the quest the following day, you will only be able to do 1 daily quest for that day.     Earth Tower   -The Earth Tower's quest objective and entry count have been reworked. -Players must fight off the invading horde of Elite Monsters for a given time in the 4F of Solmiki and Lolopanther areas. -Characters can enter the Earth Tower twice per week. -Earth Tower shares its entry count with Velcoffer's Nest. -Entry count is reset every Monday on 06:00 AM server time. -Entry limit is only counted when the completion rewards for the dungeon is received.   PROTIP: If you have completed Velcoffer's Nest and received a reward, you may not be able to enter the Earth Tower because of their shared entry count.     Uphill Defense   -Uphill Defense's play mechanic has been tweaked and gimmick monsters have been added. -Entry limit has been changed from twice per week to 10 times per week (reset every Monday at 06:00 AM server time). -The level and DEF of monsters in Uphill Defense will be changed to match the highest level character in the party. -The stage will progress when no monsters have been summoned for some time. -Starting from stage 16, Gimmick Monsters will be generated at random: 1) Lapflammer: Wide range attacks, high damage, attacks characters and torch 2) Lapemiter: Self-destructs when in contact with the torch, deals damage equal to 10% of the torch's max HP. 3) Lapezard: Restores the HP of nearby monsters by 10% every 4 seconds. -Items in the Uphill Defense Shop now include Silver Anvil (14 days), Ripped Legend Enhancement Card, 6-star Gem Abrasives and much more.     3. New Content   Solo Dungeon: The Remnants of Bernice   -Remnantsmnants of Bernice is a solo dungeon where players must attempt to complete as many stages as possible during the given time. -You can enter by talking to the Oracle Master in Klaipeda and asking about the 'Other Dimension'. -The req. level for entry is 300 and there is no limit to how many times you can enter. -Players are ranked on the number of stages they completed for the duration of 15 minutes. -Players are rewarded on their weekly ranks, which is reset every Monday 06:00 AM server time.   PROTIP: The Dungeon will end if your character incapacitated within the 15 minute time limit.     Title Buffs   -Collecting titles can give you beneficial buffs. -There are a total of 40 stages of Title Buffs you can receive. -The number of buffs required to next stage is different for each stage.   PROTIP: Title Buffs are NOT shared between all the characters in your team.     Velcoffer's Nest     -Velcoffer's Nest is a Lv 360 Legend Raid dungeon made up of 5 stages. -Entry limit is twice per day and it is shared with the entry limit for Earth Tower. -You can talk to Kupole Simona in Tevhrin Stalactite Cave Section 5 to enter. -Players will be rewarded with a Velcoffer Cube for completing the raid, which includes materials for crafting Legend grade items.   PROTIP: You will fail if you do not complete Velcoffer's Nest within 60 minutes.     Velcoffer Equipment   -Players can take the Velcoffer Spirit Fragments that can be found by opening Velcoffer Cubes to the Blacksmith Teliavelis in Klaipeda to create Velcoffer gear.     -Velcoffer gears are Lv 360 items made up of new weapons, armors and costumes.     Ichor System   -Ichor System is whereby players give stat bonuses to Velcoffer gear as they do not come with pre-attached stat bonuses. -Here is a step by step guide to Ichor Extraction: 1) Select a weapon to extract Ichor from     2) Select the item with the stat bonuses you want to have extracted.     3) Ichor extraction requires Sierra Powder and Ichor Extraction Kit. -Ichor can be equipped to Lv 360 Legend grade items of the same category. -Ichors are only applicable to the same type of equipment as the item they were extracted from. -For example:     Primus Raffye Sword > One-handed sword Ichor > Velcoffer Sword(One-handed)     Ausura Greaves(Plate) > Boots Ichor > Velcoffer Greaves(Plate)     Beauty Shop     -You can purchase new hairstyles, wigs and lenses on 1F of the Beauty Shop. -Each purchase will earn you a stamp in the coupon book, which can be exchanged for discount coupons.     -The 2F of the Beauty Shop is the Boutique where you can try on male/female costumes. -You can also produce costume packages and Blessed Goddess Cubes at the Boutique.   PROTIP: Wig dyes are not applicable to hairstyles. Remember to read the item information carefully!

September 4th, 2018
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Newbie Savior Guide

Greetings, Saviors! We understand how daunting it is to start fresh in a new MMO. So we have prepared a comprehensive guide for all newcomers to the Tree of Savior. I hope you will find this guide useful in getting the most out of everything TOS has to offer!     1. Character Level and Class Levels     -There are two different levels in Tree of Savior: Character Level and Class Level. -Character Level is the level of your character(currently ranges from Lv 1 to Lv 390). -Class Level is the level of your current Class. If you reach Lv 15 in Class Level, you will be able to advance to a new class and start from Class Lv 1 for your new chosen class.   PROTIP: There are also Team Levels that rises along with your Character/Companion Level. With higher Team Levels, all characters in your Team will receive EXP bonuses.     2. Obtaining Skill and Stat Points   -You will obtain Stat Points and Skill Points with each level gained. -You will gain a Stat Point each time your Character Level goes up. -You will gain a Skill Point each time your Class Level goes up.   Stat Points     -Press the [F1] key on your keyboard to open up the Character Window. -You can spend your stat points freely into any stat you want your character to excel in.   Skill Points     -Press the [F3] key on your keyboard to open up the Skill Window. -You will be able to spend your skill points on the skills acquired by your chosen class.   PROTIP: You can purchase Attribute Points that can be spent on 'Attributes' for different skills. Attributes are special enhancements for your character's skills and can be learned from Class Master NPC's in the game.     3. EXP Buffs   Blessed Sprouts and Goddess Sculptures   -Using a Miracle Seed will place a Blessed Sprout where your character is standing. -Stand in the golden aura of the Blessed Sprout to receive an EXP gain bonus which grows larger the longer you remain in the aura (Maximum EXP bonus is +50%). -Pressing the [Space] key on the keyboard and praying to a Goddess Sculpture will receive beneficial buffs.   Crafting X4 X8 EXP Tomes   -You can purchase recipes for X4 and X8 EXP Tomes from the Item Merchants in Klaipeda and Orsha. -X4 EXP Tome will require 4 EXP Tomes and X8 EXP Tomes will require 2 X4 EXP Tomes to make.     -After purchasing the recipe, press the [Insert] key and click on the Item Crafting icon on your quick slot.     -Left-click on the empty slots of the Item Crafting window to add the required ingredients and click on the Craft button.     4. Speed Up Your Character Growth!   Instanced Dungeons   -You will be able to level your character faster by doing Instanced Dungeons. -You can enter an Instanced Dungeon three times a day.     -Visit the Sentinel Rian NPC in Klaipeda to enter an Instanced Dungeon. -Instance Dungeon entry levels are divided into Lv. 50 > 120 > 180 > 230 > 270 > 300 > 330 -Visit the Dungeon with the level that best suits your current Character Level!   Challenge Mode   -Challenge Mode is a new game mode that summons a horde of monsters for you to defeat and earn new equipment, reward cube and silver. -Challenge Mode is made up of 7 levels and you will receive better rewards by reaching higher levels. -You can enter Challenge Mode once per day per character and your entry count will be reset every morning at 06:00 AM server time. -There are two ways to enter Challenge Mode: 1. By using a 'Challenge Portal Scroll' while out in the field to open a portal to Challenge Mode. 2. By defeating a purple monster that randomly appears in the field.   These are the most popular Challenge Mode locations by level: Lv. 202 ~ 206 Cranto Coast Lv. 229 ~ 289 Kalejimas Visiting Room Lv. 232 ~ 292 Kalejimas Storage Lv. 262 ~ 305 Timerys Temple Lv. 305 ~ ??? Sausy's Room 9 Lv. 324 ~ ??? Narvas Temple   Saalus Convent Mission   -Saalus Convent Missions let you earn 'Blessed Shards' which are used in transcending your equipment. -It can be entered once a day per character and the entry count is reset every morning at 06:00 AM server time. -Talk to Sister Aiste in the Saalus Convent area and you will be entered into one of three random missions.   Equipment Transcendence   -Transcending an equipment increases its base stats by +10%.     -You will need 10 Blessed Shards and a Blessed Gem Recipe to craft 1 Blessed Gem. -The Blessed Gem Recipes can be purchased from Item Merchant NPC's in Klaipeda and Orsha. -Visit the Blacksmith NPC's in Klaipeda and Orsha with a Blessed Gem to transcend your weapon!     5. Utilizing the World Map     -Pressing the [N] key on your keyboard will open the World Map. -Use the World Map to hunt monsters in the zone matching your current level for efficient leveling!     6. Hunting with a Party   -You can create or join Parties with other players to complete difficult dungeons or quests. -You can join a party by either clicking the Party Name in the Chat Window or clicking the Join button in the Public Party List window which can be opened by pressing the [F6] button on the keyboard. -Pressing [F6] will also open the Party Information window which can be seen on the left of your screen.     -You can create your own party in the Party Information window by filling in the Party Name & Description and clicking the Create Party at the bottom of the window.   -If you want to invite a player into the party, right-click on the player character and click on Party Request. -You can also invite a player into the party through the Chat Window. Pressing the Insert Party Invite Tag button from the Party Information window will insert your party name into the Chat Window, which can be clicked by other players who wish to join you.   PROTIP: You can use the [Shout] option in chat to have your message visible to all players on the server. This requires the Megaphone item.     7. Player Shop Buffs   -You will be able to find Player Shops in towns like Klaipeda that offer beneficial buffs that can help you hunt monsters for levels.   -Player Shops that sell buffs will have a scroll icon.     Blessing: Provides additional damage Sacrament: Gives Holy Property to the player and party members' attack Aspersion: Increases Physical Defense Increase Magic Defense: Increases your Magic Defense   PROTIP: Other services provided by the Player Shops include Equipment Repairs and Gender Change.     8. Using the Market   -You can use the Market to purchase items that correspond to your current player level. -Item levels are divided into 75 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 / 315 / 350 / 380.   -The Market can be accessed through the Market Manager NPC's in Orsha, Klaipeda and Fedimian.     -You can filter the items you want to view by type of equipment, equipment level and other options in the Category section of the Market Window. -Hovering your mouse over the listed item will let you view the item in detail by displaying the Item Information Window. -Click the Purchase button to purchase the item. -You can retrieve items you've purchased on the Market through the Retrieve tab of the Market Window.     9. Storage System     -Your items can be stored with the Storage Keeper NPC's in Orsha, Klaipeda and Fedimian. -Personal Storage is a storage that is only accessible by the character and cannot be shared between all the characters of your team. -You will be given 60 slots in your Character Storage and you can expand up to a maximum of 70 slots by spending TP. -Team Storage is a storage that is accessible by all characters in the same team on the same server. -You will be given 5 slots in your Team Storage and you can expand up to a maximum of 70 slots using TP or 35 by using a Token.   PROTIP: It's important to store your valuables in your storage as you can lose Silver and Gem when your character dies in an Instanced Dungeon!     10. Double the Fun with Guilds!   -You can make new friends and learn information about the game by joining a Guild.   -You can look for a Guild to join by clicking on the Guild Promotion icon in the bottom right of your game screen. -Clicking on a Guild you want to join will open the Guild Info Window. -You can click the Apply to Join button on the top right corner of the window to apply for Guild membership.   -You can make an appeal to the Guild Master for your membership in the Message section of the Guild Application Window.   Benefits of Joining a Guild   -You can participate in various Guild Quests that reward you with Companion Eggs, various seeds for farming and Monster Cards. -You can grow crops in your Guild's hangout. -You can make new friends through the Guild Chat, hunt together in parties and share great information about the game with experienced players.   PROTIP: We highly recommend you join a Guild if you're new to the game!     11. Token   -A Token is a Premium Item that gives you multiple benefits and conveniences while playing Tree of Savior. -Token benefits include: Additional +50% EXP gain when hunting monsters! Access to Premium Gestures by pressing the [F8] key on your keyboard! Additional 30 slots for your Team Storage! Market commission fees reduced by 10%! Movement speed increase by +3! -Token's effects are applied to all player characters in the same Team and in the same server. -Tokens can be purchased from TP Shop NPC's in Klaipeda, Orsha and Fedimian.

September 4th, 2018
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Official Forum Maintenance - Sep 02, 2018

  Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. -  Maintenance Period : (EDT) 22:30 - 23:00 Sep 02, 2018 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

September 2nd, 2018
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Goddess' Blessed Cube: Aug 28, 2018

  Important: All the Goddess' Blessed Cubes follow the updated item list regardless of the date it was purchased. This policy will be standard unless stated otherwise. e.g.  Goddess' Blessed Cube A (purchased in November of '16), B (purchased in January of '17) and C (purchased in May of '17) will all follow the item list the most current.

August 27th, 2018
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[UPDATE] Regarding the Invite a Friend event rewards

Greetings, Saviors. We would like to announce that we have retrieved the reward items that were issued incorrectly during the Invite a Friend event. The reward items will only be retrieved for new players who have received their event rewards prior to the temporary maintenance on August 22, 2018. All future participants can rest assured that the event reward items will be issued correctly and as intended. 1) The rewards incorrectly issued to all new players have been retrieved. The new players will be able to obtain the rewards again correctly by interacting with the Event NPC. 2) The following measures have been taken to retrieve the reward items already consumed by the new players: - Token effects have been removed for any Tokens that have been used already. - Attribute Points that have been spent have been completely reset and all available points have been retrieved. - All Titles, Companions and Classes that have been unlocked by the new users have been reset. 3) The reward items were not retrieved for active players who have received their rewards earlier than their respective partners' levels.  - Please take note that the active players who have already received their rewards will not be able to re-obtain the same rewards again. Please understand that we have put much thought into the decisions made in dealing with the issue at hand and would like to apologize for any inconvenience that we may have caused for our players, old and new. All players who have not yet participated in the event can rest assured that the issue has been fixed  We would also like to sincerely thank all players for their patience and understanding. [Update] Code usage count has been reset for players whose codes have lost their validity because it was used before new players created a Team in-game. For all players affected by this issue, try to use your invitation codes again and make sure that the new player has created their Teams before entering the code on our invitation page. And for all future participants, the issues related to the Invite a Friend event have been resolved and all event-related content should now function correctly as intended.

August 23rd, 2018
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Official Forum Maintenance - Aug 22, 2018

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. -  Maintenance Period : (EDT) 22:30 - 23:00 Aug 22, 2018 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

August 22nd, 2018