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A Special Thanks to all Saviors!

    Greetings, Saviors! We just wanted to use this chance that the website renewal gave us to thank all of you! Thank you all for your outstanding participation during the Reader's Choice Awards 2015! We were able to be awarded several times in the Client Games category thanks to your support! Here's the list of awards we received  - 1st in the 'Most Anticipated in 2015' category - 1st in the 'Favorite MMORPG in 2015' category - 1st in the 'Best Soundtrack in 2015' category - 2nd in the 'Best Graphic in 2015' category Awards Results : http://event.mmosite.com/gameprize/?action=history Once again, our most sincere gratitude for your enthusiasm and support during the past year.  We will try our best to live up to all your interest and love in 2016 as well. With love, IMC Staff

May 13th, 2016