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Regarding the EU Fedimian Instances

Greetings Saviors. We have been receiving some user reports regarding disconnection issues and are currently in the verification process. Please, be assured that we will take the necessary measures should they be required.  We will update this post as the situation develops.  We apologize for any inconveniences and concerns you may have experienced. Sincerely,  IMC Staff

September 28th, 2016
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[RESOLVED] EU Fedimian Instanced Dungeon and Mission Connection Issue (September 28th 2016)

  The fix has been applied. You will now be able to access instanced dungeons and missions. EXP Tome x 1 and Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x 1 have been sent via a GM message. Please, claim them before October 1st. Once again, we are sorry for the inconvenience you may have experienced. Greetings Saviors! Since the latest maintenance (Sept 27th), Fedimian server has been undergoing certain connection issues with entering instanced dungeons and missions. Our Dev team is currently working on fixing the issue and once the process is fully complete, we will update this current post. We apologize for all the inconveniences this might have caused you. As soon as the problem is fixed, the appropriate rewards shall be given to EU Fedimian users.   Sincerely, IMC Staff

September 28th, 2016
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[COMPLETE] Official Forum Maintenance - September 25th, 2016

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EDT) 22:30 - 23:00 September 25th, 2016 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

September 25th, 2016
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[COMPLETE] Official Forum Maintenance - September 19th, 2016

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EDT) 22:30 - 23:00 September 19th, 2016 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

September 18th, 2016
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Announcement regarding event rewards

Greetings Saviors,   We would like to announce that there was a slight issue with the event rewards for the first day. Several players were able to obtain rewards meant for another day instead of the rewards intended to be given for the first day.   This was unintentional and we have reset the properties related to the event as of 05:20 A.M. (EDT) September 13th, 2016. Players will now receive the intended reward for the first day.    Any players that have finished the quest before this time will have had their quest status reset. Therefore, those players will be able to do the event quest once more and receive the rewards for the first day. Please make sure to redo today's event quest before the day is over to be able to receive the second reward tomorrow.   We offer our most sincere apologies for any confusion caused by the mixed rewards for the event. Sincerely, IMC Games

September 13th, 2016
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The 'Crystal Root Lottree' Event

Greetings Saviors, We are pleased to announce that you will soon be able to participate in the 'Crystal Root Lottree' event! As is implicated in the event's name, it will be a lottery involving the beloved Tree Root Crystals scattered throughout the world. The details can be checked down below. [Details] 1. Event Period - From : Scheduled Maintenance on September 13th, 2016 - Until : Scheduled Maintenance on October 11th, 2016   2. How to Participate - Players will have a chance of obtaining the Essence of any Tree Root Crystals that they destroy. - Collect 5 Tree Root Crystal Essences and take them to the Event Notice Board in Klaipeda or Orsha to choose a number. - A reward will be given if the player has chosen the correct number between 1 and 10. - The raffle number will be selected at random each day and will differ from player to player. - Players will be able to choose another number by bringing another 5 Essences if they have selected the wrong number.   3. Reward Reward #1 - Highly Condensed HP Potion x 50 Reward #2 - Keistas Bravery Potion x 5 Reward #3 - Highly Condensed SP Potion x 50 Reward #4 - Keistas Protective Potion x 5 Reward #5 - Zemyna Necklace (14 Days) x 1 Reward #6 - Soul Crystal x 3 Reward #7 - Keistas Bravery Potion x 10 Reward #8 - Urgent Repair Kit x 5 Reward #9 - Keistas Protective Potion x 10 Reward #10 - EXP Tome x 2 & Five x4 EXP Tome Recipes Reward #11 - Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x 2 Reward #12 - Silver Anvil (14 Days) x 1 Reward #13 - Warp Scroll Bundle x 1 Reward #14 - Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x 3 Reward #15 - EXP Tome x 3 & Five x8 EXP Tome Recipes Reward #16 - Special Reward Reward #17 - Special Reward Reward #18 - Special Reward Reward #19 - Special Reward Reward #20 - Special Reward   4. Important - All event rewards are untradeable. - You may only complete the event quest and receive the rewards once a day per account. - You may participate in this event up to 20 times. - The quest limit resets every day at EDT 00:00.

September 13th, 2016
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[COMPLETE] Temporary Maintenance Notice - August 31st

Greetings, Saviors.   We will soon be performing a short maintenance across all servers. Please refer to the following for more details. [Maintenance Period] - [EDT] 03:00 - 03:30 (30 minutes) [Reason] - Hotfix : Redeeming TP will no longer make you log out to the server selection screen. - Hotfix : Different Regional Guild Battle and Team Battle League times will now be applied as intended. Please check our previous patchnote for more details.   Thank you for understanding.   Sincerely,  IMC Staff

August 31st, 2016
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The First Fan Art Fest Results!

Greetings Saviors. We have had so many great submissions for the first ever Fan Art Fest. We'd like to thank every one of participants and those who have supported this event through comments and likes as well. Now, after several rigorous internal voting sessions, we have selected 10 artworks that will be go on the ingame loading screens. We would like to emphasize that we agonized quite a bit over which one to choose for almost all of them were very creative, cute, atmospheric and clearly showed much love and work put into them. So, if your submission was not selected please, don't be discouraged. The following is the list of artworks that are scheduled to be included in the loading screens after the Scheduled Maintenance of August 30th.   Click on the forum name to visit the submission post. Swift Step by Incillu Friendship & Talt by pixelp0p  Wings of Vibora Lena & Rosia by Chee-qi My Name Calls for the Curse by iTeddy Goddesses by elinhime Druid! Wipe It Out! by chaoschyan Channeling Oracle by proyectoalmeria  Cryomancers with penguin by play_makmie  Demon Queen Gesti by carolinaeade Abomination by wanderyen

August 29th, 2016
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[COMPLETE]Official Forum Maintenance - August 28th, 2016

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EDT) 22:30 - 23:00 August 28th, 2016 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

August 28th, 2016