Account Suspension and Announcement, December 27, 2024
Dec 27th, 2024
Greetings Saviors,
We would like to inform our community about recent actions taken to address inappropriate behavior in the game.
We have permanently banned accounts involved in exploiting multi-accounting to gain unfair advantages. This action is part of our ongoing efforts to maintain a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for all Saviors.
Action Taken: Permanent Ban
Total Accounts: 230
Quie**** nur*** peu*** viu*** adu***
Kyr** hau*** juk*** vin*** kio***
los*** pel*** bun*** nyh*** nuj***
pod*** mer*** far*** dia*** mam***
nua*** bui*** dar*** gak*** kia***
nuw*** pot*** jua*** wuk*** mak***
bys*** min*** nis*** mam*** lok***
loa*** sen*** bas*** bua*** guy***
mik*** sel*** jan*** ciu*** lok***
mia*** rab*** dud*** att*** hau***
kol*** kam*** jan*** nui*** nuj***
bua*** jum*** gil*** att*** juk***
kui*** sab*** man*** lol*** bel***
kia*** min*** meo*** bui*** cut***
loa*** sen*** mon*** nuj*** imo***
duy*** mah*** mir*** sin*** uba***
nus*** rup*** mir*** jus*** lio***
yhu*** pen*** man*** nuk*** ona***
kia*** loa*** nis*** pot*** lit***
vyt*** yon*** mau*** lis*** kom***
aga*** ton*** pra*** nan*** and***
nuy*** yen*** man*** mok*** del***
muy*** jua*** sye*** bog*** lap***
hoi*** kuv*** mai*** den*** akb***
pop*** mar*** muh*** mom*** rak***
oad*** jan*** mas*** mia*** koi***
jsi*** feb*** non*** loi*** par***
lok*** apr*** nob*** mud*** mio***
jkj*** mab*** jay*** ber*** mik***
wer*** leu*** sun*** buj*** mif***
xuu*** mae*** siz*** des*** pap***
MIS*** mau*** lok*** jui*** mio***
KIA*** mso*** gen*** tig*** hol***
NUN*** nuk*** mik*** lok*** kio***
MAI*** nus*** dim*** gur*** koi***
JUL*** gar*** kia*** tit*** kis***
MAI*** guy*** buk*** nai*** kol***
AZS*** bem*** boi*** ter*** lop***
NUR*** nur*** pol*** lib*** and***
JUW*** nui*** pol*** bow*** suk***
NUR*** nua*** pol*** luh*** kks***
LOS*** mak*** ben*** oia*** tap***
LIK*** bod*** bys*** mik*** pae***
KII*** ben*** bus*** ald*** kos***
man*** nun*** mua*** agu*** loa***
mis*** bon*** bim*** muj*** fuu***
If you have any concerns or issues regarding this action, please contact us through sending a ticket.
Best regards,
Tree of Savior.