UPDATEGuild Event with Special Rewards!


May 10th, 2020

Greetings, Saviors!


We got ready 3 types of New Guild Events for New worlds and Original worlds saviors! 

Please check the following details of events.




[1. Grow Your Guild]





FROM the scheduled maintenance on February 25, 2020
TO the scheduled maintenance on May 12, 2020



Who can Participate


- All guilds in the Growth Support Server



How to Participate


STEP 1. Gather 10 or more guild members and reach the Guild Level 8 before the scheduled maintenance on May 12, 2020. 


STEP 2. Complete any Guild Quests 12 times within the event period. The Guild Quests are available up to 3 times a week and the Guild Quest attempt count resets at maintenance every Tuesday.

- Please be advised that only 3 Guild Quests per week will be counted for the event. Boruta will count as 3 Guild Quests by itself, but the clear count will not exceed 3 even if the guild with 1 or 2 counts beforehand clears Boruta.

STEP 3. The guilds which completed STEP 1 and STEP 2 will receive Guild Quest One Entry Box x1 and Guild Mileage Box x1 via Guild Storage after the event on the scheduled maintenance on May 19, 2020. (If guild members are less than 10, the reward will not be given.)



- Guild Quest One Extry Box will grant Guild Quest One Entry Voucher x30. 

- Guild Mileage Box will grant Guild Mileage: 200 x50. 





- All items except the Guild Mileage: 200 are untradable and untransferrable. The Guild Mileage: 200 is untradable but can be transferred via team storage. 

- You can check how many Guild Quests you have cleared at the Guild Tower. 




The following 2 events will be started after merge.


The following event is the follow-up event for new guilds from new worlds.

Please check the following details for participation.



[2. New Guilds from New Worlds]





From the scheduled maintenance on 19 May, 2020 
TO the scheduled maintenance on 30 June, 2020

* Servers will be merged on 12 May, 2020.



Who can Participate


- New guilds from New worlds. 10 or more guild members from the New Worlds have to participate in the mission room.
- However, the count will be stacked only when 5 or more guild members from the New Worlds participates in the Guild Quest.

 (This also applies to the Guild Quests held by Guilds from the New Worlds)




How to participate
- Accumulated numbers that clear the guild quest and clear Boruta guild mission.  
- If the guild clears the quest, the numbers will be accumulated automatically.
- When clear the quest, you need 5 guild members or more.
- If you do not follow the above rule, it won't be counted, even though you clear the guild quest with difficulty.
- You can check how many times you cleared the quests by the guild tower.
-  The number of cleared guild quests of the event will be counted maximum 3 times a week and it will be reset every Tuesday during on our scheduled maintenance.

- Boruta mission of the event will be counted maximum a time a week. 

- Cautious: Clear one Boruta mission means clear 3 guild missions.
  One boruta mission is same as 3 guild missions. 
How to receive the Rewards
- After end of the event, we will send you the rewards to your guild storage during on the next scheduled maintenance.
How to know the Status of Participation
- After clearing the guild quest with the above conditions, you can check the numbers through the guild tower.
Stage 1. If you clear the guild mission, one Challenge Reset Mega Box and Awakening Box S Rank will be given to the guild storage. 
The more clears become the more rewards in guild storage!
Clear Guild missions Rewards Scale
1 X 1
3 X 2
5 X 3
7 X 4
9 X 5



Stage 2.  If you clear the boruta mission, you will get 5 Boruta's Pouches: Guild and 3 Boruta Seal Boxes: Guild.


Clear Boruta missions Rewards Scale
1 Time X 1
2 Times X 2
3 Times X 3



Stage 3. We give more rewards to herolike saviors!


Clear Boruta and guild missions Rewards
Clear boruta 3 times with 15 guild members or more members from New worlds.

15 Boruta's Pouches: Guild and 5 Boruta Seal Boxes: Guild.



If saviors who clear one stage at least among the aboove 3 stages will receive the following rewards.


- Untradable Balloon 
- Untradable Arm Band


* Warning: If you complete the stage 2, you will be able to get the rewards of stage 1 also, and complete the stage 3, you will be able to get all the rewards of stages.


Following items will be given according to the requirements of the event.


- Challenge Reset Mega Box

- Awakening Box S Rank

- Boruta's Pouch: Guild

- Boruta Seal Box: Guild




The following detail is for the event after merge.


We got ready the guild event for original worlds saviors.

Please check the following details for participation.



[3. Guild Event with Saviors from New Worlds]





From the scheduled maintenance on 19 May, 2020

To the scheduled maintenance on 30 June, 2020

* Servers will be merged on 12 May, 2020



Who can Participate


- The guild which includes Saviors from New worlds who have Lv. 420 or the above 

- Complete the mission with 3 Saviors from New worlds


* Guild made after the merge by the user from the New World without a guild originally will be counted as guild of the original world.



How to participate


- Accumulated numbers that clear the guild and clear Boruta guild mission.

- If the guild clears the quest with saviors from new worlds, the numbers will be accumulated automatically.

- If you do not follow the above rule, it won't be counted, even though you clear the guild quest with difficulty.

- You can check how many times you cleared the quest by the guild tower.

- Cautious: Clear one Boruta mission means clear 3 guild missions.

 One Boruta mission is same as 3 guild missions.



How to receive the Rewards 


- After end of the event, we will send you the rewards to your guild storage during on the next scheduled maintenance.



How to know the Status of Participation


- After clear the guild quest with the above conditions, you can check the numbers through the guild tower.





Stage 1. If you clear the guild mission, one Challenge Reset Mega Box and Awakening Box S rank will be given to the guild storage.

The more clears become the more rewards in guild storage.


Clear Guild missions Rewards Scale
3 X 1
6 X 2
9 X 3
12 X 4
15 X 5


Stage 2. If you clear the boruta, you will get 5 Boruta's Pouches: Guild and 3 Boruta Seal Boxes: Guild.


Clear Boruta missions Rewards Scale
2 Times X 1
3 Times X 2
4 Times X 3


Stage 3. 


Clear Guild missions and Boruta missions Rewards Scale
Boruta missions 5 times with 5 or more saviors from New worlds 15 Boruta's Pouches: Guild and 5 Boruta Seal Boxes: Guild





- Tickets for Guild missions will be recharged every Monday, thus please do not use all tickets before the event starts.

- Guild level should be 15 or the above to clear the Boruta mission.

- If you complete the guild missions 3 times, Boruta mission will be counted 0.

- If you complete the guild missions 2 times and Boruta mission only one time, guild missions will be counted 3 and Boruta mission will be counted 1 finally. In this case, you can not clear any missions more.