[Fan Art Festival Results] TOS Halloween Returns: BeWitching Soiree
Oct 1st, 2018
Greetings Saviors!
It’s time, once again, to announce the winners of the TOS Halloween Returns: BeWitching Soiree
As always, we greatly appreciate all the hardworking artists who took the time to participate in this TOS Halloween theme.
Anyway, as we mentioned before, prizes include: 500 TP + the next Goddess' Blessed Cube Costume + the In-Game Title ("Horror Nightr") and, of course, your art as an in-game loading screen. Prizes will still be delivered via GM message during the scheduled maintenance on Oct 02, however, the next Goddess' Blessed Cube Costume will be delivered to the winners when the Cube is officially announced.
Also please note that votes shared by the same IP addresses have been removed.
The results of the user vote are a reflection of this adjustment.
As we mentioned in previous voting results announcements, we review the submissions again before releasing the final results.
This includes checking IP addresses and accounts that have been newly created.
Now, first, the Staff Picks!
Staff Ines
Title: Little Red Quarrel Hood and the Big Druid Woolf
Server Name: Silute
Team Name: Abstract
Staff Sun
Title: Power Overwhelming
Server Name: Telsiai
Team Name: Artsy_Ink
Staff Bin
Title: Awoo!!!
Server Name: Telsiai
Team Name: Kihseki
Staff Bob
Title: The Warlock Dance
Server Name:Silute
Team Name: Sirup
Staff Amy
Title: Chibi Halloween
Server Name:Fedimian
Team Name: Lumenaurum
Staff Chan
Title: Trick or treat , as you wish
Server Name: Silute
Team Name: Hyosarean
And now, the pieces chosen by you!
Title: Sorry Succubus
Server Name: Klaipeda
Team Name: Monstz
Title: Bewitched by you
Server Name:Telsiai
Team Name: Shakie
Title: Pumpkins for Tonight
Server Name: Telsiai
Team Name: Eccles
Title: Anything for Candies
Server Name: Telsiai
Team Name: Shiseptiana
Title: Trick or Treat, choose wisely
Server Name: Klaipeda
Team Name: Onishima
Title: Fortune Teller
Server Name: Klaipeda
Team Name: Lovkin
Title: Prieš Medžio Dieną
Server Name: Telsiai
Team Name: nxLynz