[SA] Known Issues: Instability II
Jun 14th, 2018
Greetings, Saviors.
We would like to offer an update on the issues of instability currently affecting our [SA] Silute server.
We have been thoroughly assessing your reports on the problem and we encourage players to keep providing information, as it will help speed up the process of finding a solution. As of yet, however, we have been unable to determine whether the excessive lag in the region is caused mainly by network issues or by other factors.
Currently, we have detected a few elements in the server logic that could be the source of the issue and we are working to fix them, although we remain unsure of whether they affect South America alone or other server regions as well. The updated patch will be applied as soon as possible, after which it will be closely monitored for results.
As what happened with the nearby party search function, which has been temporarily disabled, we are in the process of analyzing other game functions which could cause a burden on the server. We are also processing different logs in order to detect delays generated by specific skills or item combinations.
Once again we would like to offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused. We are now preparing compensation for players of all servers, which will be announced soon through our News page.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.