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Weekend Burning in October, 2022!

Greetings, Saviors!    New Weekend Burning event is here! See the details and let's burn the weekends in ToS!     Event Period   From September 30, 2022 To October 30, 2022     Who can Participate   - All saviors     How to Participate   Step 1. Log-in to Tree of Savior on weekends (server time) during the event period.   Step 2. Find the event NPCs in Klaipeda, Fedimian, and Orsha and talk to them! * The map doesn't indicate the location of NPCs.   Step 3. Play Tree of Savior with special buffs and benefits!   ▶The buffs and benefits of the month are as follows: ※ Please note that the timeline will follow the server time(EST). Date Buff September 30 (Fri) EXP +100% Increase Memory of Flame Reward October 1 (Sat) EXP +100% Increase Division Singularity (Auto Match) Reward October 2 (Sun) EXP +100% Increase Sinking Seizure: Goddess (Auto Match) Reward October 7 (Fri) EXP +50% Recovers HP, SP by +500 every 10 seconds, movement speed +2 October 8 (Sat) Looting Chance +1,000 Etching Statue worship effect x10 October 9 (Sun) EXP +50% 90% Skill Cooldown and SP consumption reduction (Area Limited) October 14 (Fri) EXP +50% Class Points earned +500% October 15 (Sat) Looting Chance +1,000 Physical and magic Attack +500, physical and magic DEF +3000 October 16 (Sun) EXP +50% 90% Skill Cooldown and SP consumption reduction (Area Limited) October 21 (Fri) EXP +50% Challenge Mode Entry Reset (3 times per team) October 22 (Sat) Looting Chance +1,000 Increase Field Drop Rate October 23 (Sun) EXP +50% Recovers HP, SP by +500 every 10 seconds, movement speed +2 October 28 (Fri) EXP +100% Increase Delmore Battlefield: Goddess (Auto Match) Reward October 29 (Sat) EXP +100% Increase Res Sacrae Auto Match (Normal) Reward October 30 (Sun) EXP +100% Increase Aether Gem Enhance trial in Remnants of Bernice Dungeon ※ Every Friday and weekends: Destroying Tree Root Crystals increases Movement speed +5      Important   - Please note that the buffs do NOT stack. If you receive Friday's buff at the end of the day and receive a new buff at the start of Saturday, Friday's buff will be removed and Saturday's buff will be applied.   - The buffs will NOT automatically be granted to your character. You have to talk to the event NPC in order to receive the Weekend Burning Event benefits.

September 26th, 2022
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Weekend Burning in December!

Greetings, Saviors!    New Weekends burning event is here! See the details and let's burn the weekends in ToS!     Event Period     From December 3, 2021 To December 31, 2021     Who can Participate     - All saviors     How to Participate     Step 1. Log-in to Tree of Savior on weekends (server time) during the event period.   Step 2. Find the event NPCs in Klaipeda, Fedimian, and Orsha and talk to them! * The map doesn't indicate the location of NPCs.   Step 3. Play Tree of Savior with special buffs and benefits!   The buffs and benefits of the month are as follows: ※ Please note that the timeline will follow the server time(EST). Date Buff December 3 (Fri) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / EXP + 50% / Pamoka Solution EXP x2 December 4 (Sat) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / EXP + 50% / Recovers HP, SP by +500 every 10 seconds, movement speed +2 December 5 (Sun) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / EXP + 50% / 90% Skill Cooldown and SP consumption reduction (Area Limited) December 10 (Fri) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / Looting Chance + 1,000 / Class Points earned +500% December 11 (Sat) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / Looting Chance + 1,000 / Anvil enhancements 50% discount December 12 (Sun) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / Looting Chance + 1,000 / Recovers HP, SP by +500 every 10 seconds, movement speed +2 December 17 (Fri) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / EXP + 50% / Etching Statue worship effect x10 December 18 (Sat) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / EXP + 50% / Pamoka Solution EXP x2 December 19 (Sun) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / EXP + 50% / 90% Skill Cooldown and SP consumption reduction (Area Limited) December 24 (Fri) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / EXP + 100% / Item re-identification 50% discount December 25 (Sat) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / EXP + 100% / Challenge Mode Entry Reset (3 times per team) December 26 (Sun) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / EXP + 100% / Increase Field Drop Rate December 31 (Fri) Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal / EXP + 50% / Etching Statue worship effect x10     Important   - Please note that the buffs do NOT stack. If you receive Friday's buff at the end of the day and receive a new buff at the start of Saturday, Friday's buff will be removed and Saturday's buff will be applied.   - The buffs will NOT automatically be granted to your character. You have to talk to the event NPC in order to receive the Weekend Burning Event benefits.

November 29th, 2021
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Like & Comment Event: ToS Task Force is back with Second Event!

Greetings Saviors! Time to "Keep Calm and Gear Up!" ToS Task Force is back with the Second Event! Participate in our event on Facebook and Get Rewards!     Event Period   From 00:00 EST on August 4, 2020 To 23:59 EST on August 17, 2020     Who can Participate   - All users playing Tree of Savior     How to Participate    - Press ‘Like’ and 'share' on the Tos Task Force uploaded on Facebook and leave a comment. [Go to Facebook]   - The comment must include the following:     1) A screenshot of your character wearing the Tos Task Force costume (Must show your team name on the screenshot)     2) The correct server/team name of the character  (Must match with the screenshot)   Rewards   - Rewards will be given to 10 saviors in total by random.   - Attribute Points Box (Rank S) x1 - The Next Theme of Goddess' Blessed cube Body costume 3 types (1ea) - The Next Theme of Goddess' Blessed cube Hair costume 8 types (1ea) - The Next Theme of Goddess' Blessed cube Weapon Selection Box x1    * Winners will be announced on August 24  * Rewards will be given on August 25, during the scheduled maintenance.     Important   - Winner's screenshot can be posted on the official homepage and Facebook.  - Incorrect server/team name of the character will not be counted. - You may be deleted from the winner if you change team name before/after the winner announcement. - Rewards will be sent to the Mailbox and be deleted after 2 weeks. - Inappropriate comments including things such as slander, insults, and hate speeches will not be counted. - Any participation after the event period will not be counted.

August 4th, 2020
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Welcoming Kupole Event

Greetings Savior!   Let's clear the contents and welcome the newly arrived Kupoles!      Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on July 2, 2024 TO the scheduled maintenance on August 6, 2024       Who Can Participate   - Every savior     How to Participate   Step 1. Clear the contents below and obtain the [Event] 2024 Coin! Category Item Quantity Challenge Mode Lv. 500 Solo 50 Challenge Mode Lv. 500 Auto Match (Party) 50 Challenge Mode Lv. 500 Division Singularity 50 Challenge Mode Lv. 500 Division Singularity (EX) 50 Goddess : Dreamy Forest Lv. 500 Solo  50 Goddess : Dreamy Forest Lv. 500 Auto Match (Normal) 50 Goddess : Dreamy Forest Lv. 500 Party (Hard) 50 Goddess : Abyssal Observer Lv. 500 Solo  50 Goddess : Abyssal Observer Lv. 500 Auto Match (Normal) 50 Goddess : Abyssal Observer Lv. 500 Party (Hard) 50 Goddess : Isle of Despair Lv. 500 Solo  50 Goddess : Isle of Despair Lv. 500 Auto Match (Normal) 50 Goddess : Isle of Despair Lv. 500 Party (Hard) 50 Sole Hunt Lv. 500 Tel Harsha 50 Wailing Graveyard Lv. 500 Party (Normal) 50 Field Hunting in the field 3% 50 - You can obtain up to 600 [Event] 2024 Coin weekly, and up to 3000 during the event period. - Check your [Event] 2024 Coin status by typing in the '/event' command.   Step 2.  Exchange the [Event] 2024 Coin with various items from the [Welcoming Kupole] Exchange Shop! Category Item Quantity Required Coin Purchase Limit Special Kupole Recruit Voucher x10 Box 1 100 10 Special Kupole Recruit Voucher 1 10 10 Special Goddess' Boon : UR 1 200 1 Special Goddess' Boon : SR 1 10 10 Goddess [Lv.500] Advanced Goddess Grace Weapon Ichor Box (Untradable) 1 150 2 Goddess [Lv.500] Advanced Goddess Grace Armor Ichor Box (Untradable) 1 150 2 Goddess Advanced Spaulder of Ferocity Fragment (Bound) 1 100 1 Goddess Advanced Belt of Insight Fragment (Bound) 1 100 1 Entry Voucher Challenge Mode Add. Reward Voucher (Untradable) 1 10 20 Entry Voucher Dreamy Forest: Solo Multiply Token 1 10 20 Entry Voucher Abyssal Observer: Solo Multiply Token 1 10 20 Entry Voucher Isle of Despair: Solo Multiply Token 1 10 20 Others Mercenary Badge: 10,000 1 10 30 Others Goddess Token (Lada): 10,000 1 10 50 Others Attribute Points 10,000 1 5 50 Others Mystic Tome 1 5 50 - All items exchanged from the Exchange Shop can only be transferred via team storage.    - You can enter the [Welcoming Kupole] Exchange Shop from the [Event] Welcoming Kupole NPC. ▶ NPC Locations   Step 3. Login during the weekends (server time) of the event period and obtain the reward! - The items will be sent to the mailbox and will be removed if not received untiil the Sunday of each week. Date Kupole Recruit Voucher [Event] 2024 Coin 7/6(SAT) 5 - 7/7(SUN) 5 100 7/13(SAT) 5 - 7/14(SUN) 5 100 7/20(SAT) 5 - 7/21(SUN) 5 100 7/27(SAT) 5 - 7/28(SUN) 5 100 8/3(SAT) 5 - 8/4(SUN) 5 100     Important - Event NPC is available until the scheduled maintenance on August 6, 2024. - The weekly limit of the event coin is reset every Monday 6 AM server time.    

July 2nd, 2024
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Guide Event

Greetings Savior! Play the new contents of Tree of Savior updated on August 24, and share your tips and information on the Forum page:)       Period   From August 24, 2021 To October 5, 2021       Who can Participate   - All saviors       How to Participate   Step 1 Write a guide that can be helpful for new/returning saviors.   Step 2 Upload it on Forum - General Gameplay > Game Tips and Strategies category.   - [Renewed] must be written at the front of the title. - Example: [Renewed] Leveling Guide, [Renewed] New Contents, [Renewed] Farming Consumables, [Renewed] New System (Equipment Succession, Goddess Equipment Enhancement), etc - Title, Server name, and Team name must be included in the post.   Step 3 Selected Guides will be posted as a Community Guide after the event ends.       Reward   - Following rewards will be given to users by GM pick. (There won't be limits on the number of users.) - Title: Game Guide Creator x1 - Free Hair Dye Coupon x10 - Free Hair Coupon x10 ※ Cannot purchase Wigs and Hair Dye (item) with Free Hair Dye Coupon and Free Hair Coupon.   - Winners will receive rewards every Tuesday during the scheduled maintenance. - All winners will be announced on the event page on October 11, 2021.        Important   - You can upload multiple guides. If multiple guides are well written, they can all be selected. - But, the reward will be given only once per week, and the title will be given only once during the event period. - Every selected guide will be included in the final guide posting. - Guides of the winners can be uploaded on Facebook official page, official website, and Forum Guide Thread. - Selected Guides will be moved to 'Community Guide'. - Rewards will be sent to the Mailbox and be deleted after 2 weeks. - Changing the team name before/after the winner announcement will not be counted. - If your team server name and team name is incorrect, you can be excluded from the winner list. - Inappropriate comments including things such as slander, insults, and hate speeches will not be counted and can be deleted. - Penalty will be applied when plagiarizing other user's guides. - Any participation after the event period will not be counted. - Guide written in languages other than English will not be counted. (Multiple languages allowed if English ver. is included.)

October 5th, 2021
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Facebook: Goddess Blessed Screenshot - TOSummer

Greetings Saviors!   The Goddess Blessed Screenshot event is here:)   Take a screenshot of your character in the TOSummer Costume and participate in the event to get awesome rewards!       Period   From July 29, 2021 To August 15, 2021 at EST 23:59       Who can Participate   - All saviors       How to Participate    STEP 1. Go to the event post uploaded on Facebook. [Link]     STEP 2. Leave a comment in the post.   - The comment must include the following:    1) A screenshot of your character wearing the TOSummer Costume Rank S or A.    (Must show your team name on the screenshot)   2) The correct server/team name of the character. (Must match with the screenshot)   ※ Pressing ‘Like’ and 'share' on the event page on facebook will increase the winning chance!       Reward   - Reward will be given to 10 saviors in total by random.   Rewards: Attribute Point Box (S rank)       Beach Fireworks x1 (Trade X, Team Storage O)       TOSummer ALL Costume Box x1 (Only contents can be traded)            - Winners will be announced on the event page on August 18, 2021. (Edited: August 18, 2021) - Following rewards will be given to 10 users on August 19, 2021. (Edited: August 18, 2021)       Important   - Characters on the screenshots must wear at least 1 TOSummer costume from Goddess Blessed Cube. (Rank B, C, and costumes from Demon God's Temptation are excluded) - Screenshots of the winners can be uploaded on our website and Facebook winner announcing post. - Rewards will be sent to the Mailbox and be deleted after 2 weeks. - Incorrect server/team name of the character will not be counted. - Changing the team name before/after the winner announcement will not be counted. - Screenshot must contain the team name of your own. - Inappropriate comments including things such as slander, insults, and hate speeches will not be counted. - Any participation after the event period will not be counted.

August 18th, 2021
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GM Santa's Christmas Gift

Greetings Saviors!   GM Santa has prepared gifts to celebrate Christmas:) Merry Christmas saviors!     Period   From December 21, 2021 To December 25, 2021       Who can Participate   - All saviors        How to participate   STEP 1 Check your mailbox during the event period!   STEP 2 Enjoy your time playing Tree of Savior:)   - The gift for each day are as follows: Date Item Count December, 21 Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher (14 Days) 5 Attribute Points: 10,000 (14 Days) 2 December, 22 Demonic Sanctuary: Auto Match One Entry Voucher (7 Days) 3 [Lv.460] Legend Enchant Jewel 5 December, 23 Premium Awakening Stone (14 Days) 5 Bounty Hunt Written Order Selection Box 1 December, 24 Looting Chance: 500 (14 Days) 3 [Event] Sole Hunt One Entry Voucher(14 Days) 5 December, 25 Enchant Scroll (14 Days) 5 Division Singularity One Entry Voucher (1 Day) 3   ※ [Lv.460] Legend Enchant Jewel will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance on January 18, 2022.       Important   - Items from the event can only be moved to Team Storage. - The date and time are based on server time. - Items will be given to the mailbox. - Rewards for the day can only be received within that day.

December 20th, 2021
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TOS W Special Attendance Check

  Greetings, Saviors. To celebrate the opening of TOS W, we prepared an Attendance Check Event. Make sure to participate and receive precious items!   Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on April 25, 2023 TO the scheduled maintenance on May 30, 2023       Who Can Participate   - Every Savior in TOS W Server       How to Participate     - Log-in to Tree of Savior W server within the event period and enjoy 7 days of benefits!   - 7 days of rewards are prepared during the event period. - The days you are not logged in will not count and will count from the date you log in again. - If you receive a Day 1 reward and didn't log in for a week, you will receive a Day 2 reward when you log in again. - If you receive all the rewards by Day 7, the Attendance Event UI will be removed automatically.   - The items you can obtain from TOS W Special Attendance Check Event are as follows:   [W] Day 1 Special Attendance Box    Item Name  Count Trade  [2023] Fashion Museum Ticket Box 5 Team Storage Only [Lv3] Goddess'/Demon God's Armor Register Voucher 4 Team Storage Only [Lv4] Vaivora Vision Register Voucher 2 Team Storage Only Megaphone  5 Team Storage Only Purified Breath of Power 4930 Team Storage Only     [W] Day 2 Special Attendance Box    Item Name  Count Trade Res Sacrae Raid: Auto/Solo (Hard) One Entry Voucher 50 Team Storage Only  Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 20 Team Storage Only  Res Sacrae Gem Enhance Scroll (Lv.7)  1 Team Storage Only Enchant Scroll(Untradable) 100 Team Storage Only Megaphone  5 Team Storage Only  x32 EXP Tome 1 Team Storage Only     [W] Day 3 Special Attendance Box    Item Name  Count Trade Mystic Fire Flame Earring Fragment (Bound) 2 Team Storage Only Reset Item Round-up Box 1 Team Storage Only [Lv.480] Enhance Aid (Untradable) 200 Team Storage Only Mercenary Badge : 10,000 30 Team Storage Only Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 50,000 10 Team Storage Only     [W] Day 4 Special Attendance Box    Item Name  Count Trade Sinking Seizure (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 5 Team Storage Only Delmore Battlefield (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 5 Team Storage Only Demonic Sanctuary: Legend One Entry Voucher 10 Team Storage Only Soul Crystal 10 Team Storage Only Megaphone  5 Team Storage Only     [W] Day 5 Special Attendance Chest    Item Name  Count Trade Advanced Belt of Insight Fragment (Bound) 1 Team Storage Only Advanced Spaulder of Ferocity Fragment (Bound) 2 Team Storage Only [Lv.490] Enhance Aid (Untradable) 200 Team Storage Only     [W] Day 6 Special Attendance Box    Item Name  Count Trade [Lv.480] Advanced Goddess Ichor (Armor) Fragment (Bound) 4 Team Storage Only [Lv.480] Advanced Goddess Ichor (Weapon) Fragment (Bound) 4 Team Storage Only Engrave Slot +30D Voucher (30 Days) 1 Team Storage Only Turbulent Core (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 10 Team Storage Only Thurible of Salvation (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 10 Team Storage Only * Engrave Slot +30D Voucher (30 Days) will be deleted if not in use within 30 days after obtaining     [W] Day 7 Special Attendance Box    Item Name  Count Trade Legend/Unique Assister Box 10 Team Storage Only Thurible of Salvation: Goddess One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 3 Team Storage Only  [2023] Fashion Museum Ticket Box 5 Team Storage Only  Token: 7 Days [Event] 1 Team Storage Only Soul Crystal 10 Team Storage Only Megaphone  5 Team Storage Only   Important     - All of [W] Special Attendance Box can be transferred via Team Storage only. - Rewards can be claimed after 00:00 AM (KST) every day and only 1 can be received per day.

April 25th, 2023
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Winners: Hip, Hip, Hooray for the TOS Summer!

Hip, Hip, Hooray for the TOS Summer! event has finally ended. [Link] Thank you for your interest in the event.   Here are the lucky 11 saviors! Thank you for participating in the event and please look forward to the next event.      2 user from Klaipeda   - Letalishan Reward: Summer Wave ALL Package x1   - WarNux Reward: Honking Seagulls x1     1 user from Fedimian   - Chiben Reward: Lurking Shark x1     4 users from Telsiai   - Kaopaitek Reward: Summer Wave White Costume Selection Box x1   - Makami Reward: Sandy Beach Wave Wing x1   - Teppelin  Reward: Summer Wave Black Costume Selection Box x1   - Miss_Cindy Reward: Summer Wave Sky Blue Costume Selection Box x1     1 user from Season [SEA]   - TheCreator Reward: Watermelon Splitting x1     3 users from Silute   - BolinhoDocinho Reward: Summer Wave Sky Blue Costume Selection Box x1   - JubsOka Reward: Summer Wave Black Costume Selection Box x1   - TheTony Reward: Summer Wave White Costume Selection Box x1     * Rewards will be given on August 25, during the scheduled maintenance. * Rewards will be sent to the Mailbox and be deleted after 2 weeks.

August 24th, 2020