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Moon Rabbit Makes A Wish Come True!

Greetings, Saviors.   Did you know that the Moon Rabbit makes a wish come true?  Collect the coins and exchange them for items you wish!     Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on February 15, 2022 TO the scheduled maintenance on March 15, 2022     Who Can Participate   - Every savior     How to Participate       STEP 1. Collect the [Event] Full Moon Coin - You can receive up to 1000 [Event] Full Moon Coin per day.  ※ [Event] Full Moon Coin can be received up to 3,000 per day during the weekends. - [Event] Full Moon Coin can be received from the following contents. Category Contents Amount Level Dungeon Monument of Desire Dungeon 100 Lanko Lake Dungeon Lv.400 Weekly Rotation Dungeon Res Sacrae Raid Res Sacrae Raid (Auto Match, Solo) 280 Res Sacrae Raid: Auto Match (Hard) 350 Lepidoptera Junction : Legend Lepidoptera Junction : Legend (Auto Match) 180 Lepidoptera Junction : Legend (Solo) 250 Lepidoptera Junction : Legend White Witch's Forest : Legend White Witch's Forest : Legend (Auto Match) 250 White Witch's Forest : Legend 300 Demonic Sanctuary: Legend Demonic Sanctuary: Legend 400 Demonic Sanctuary: Legend (Auto Match) 300 Saint's Sacellum: Goddess Saint's Sacellum: Goddess 500 Saint's Sacellum: Goddess (Auto Match) 400 Saint's Sacellum: Goddess (Solo) Sole Hunt Madon Maiden 100 Amiss Dog Misrus Tel Harsha 200 Challenge Mode Challenge Mode Solo 70 Challenge Mode (Auto Match) Challenge Mode : Division Singularity Stage 2 or above 70 Challenge Mode : Division Singularity Stage 4 or above 150 Dimensional Collapse Point Dimensional Collapse Point Stage 5 or above 100 Hunting in the fields Normal Hunting (by chance ) 1 Maintain Logged in every 1 hour 100 New/Returning Savior Log-in Every first login 300 ※ When the savior with New/Returning ends during the event, Savior Log-in benefit cannot be given. ※ Hunting in the fields: Coins can be received when the level gap between characters and monsters is 50.       STEP 2. Collect the [Event] Golden Rabbit Coin - You can receive up to 100 [Event] Golden Rabbit Coin per day.  ※ You can receive up to 150 [Event] Golden Rabbit Coin per day on March 5th, 6th, 12th, and 13th (last two weekends).  ※ You can receive up to 3000 [Event] Golden Rabbit Coin during the event period. - [Event] Golden Rabbit Coin can be exchanged for [Rabbit] Attribute Points 5 via Event Shop. - [Event] Golden Rabbit Coin can be received from the following contents. Content Amount First Login per day 20  Login for 1 hour (total) 30 Succeed in Fishing 3 Normal Hunting (by chance) 1 ※ Normal Hunting: Coins can be received when the level gap between characters and monsters is 50.       STEP 3. Go to the Event NPC and make a wish! - You can make a wish up to 100 times during the event period. (no daily limit) - Consumes 30 [Event] Golden Rabbit Coin to make a wish. - [Rabbit] Meat Veggy Skewer x20 and [Rabbit] Full Moon Wish Box x1 will be given when you make a wish. ▶ [Rabbit] Meat Veggy Skewer: Immediately recovers HP by 5,000 and SP by 1,000 ▶ [Rabbit] Full Moon Wish Box: Following reward by chance Item Team Storage Market/Trade Amount Goddess Token (Gabija): 1,000 O X 2 [Event][Lv.460] Written Order - Klaipeda (3 Days) O X 1 [Event][Lv.460] Written Order - Fedimian (3 Days) O X 1 [Event][Lv.460] Written Order - Orsha (3 Days) O X 1 [Rabbit] Mercenary Badge Voucher: 5,000 O X 1 [Rabbit] Attribute Points 10,000 O X 1 [Rabbit] [Lv.460] Goddess Enchant Jewel O X 1 [Rabbit] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto(Hard) Add. Reward Voucher O X 1 [Rabbit] [Lv.460] Enhance Aid O X 3 [Rabbit] Saint's Sacellum (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher O X 1 Goddess Enhancement Card O X 2 [Rabbit] Premium Awakening Stone O X 5 [Rabbit] Enchant Scroll O X 5   - Event Buff will be applied when you make a wish. (3 times per team daily) ▶ Harvest Cheer: Looting Chance + 1,000, Movement Speed +3, Maximum HP +10,000, Maximum SP +3,000, Physical/Magic Attack +1,000 ※ Buff will be applied for 60 minutes. If you use the buff during the buff duration, the remaining time will be renewed. ※ Effect of buff is not applied in the PVP area and Boss Raid Contents. (Team Battle League, Blockade, GTW, Weekly Boss Raid, Joint Strike Raid) ※ You can delete the effect by right-clicking on it.   STEP 5. Exchange [Event] Full Moon Coin for an item! - Go to the Event Shop and exchange [Event] Full Moon Coin for an item. Item  Amount Exchange Limit Number of Coins [Event] Full Moon Speech Bubble (30 Days) 1 1 1000 [Rabbit] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto(Hard) Add. Reward Voucher 1 10 500 [Rabbit] Res Sacrae Raid: Auto Match One Entry Voucher 1 15 350 Breath of Power 1 1000 10 [Event] Breath of Power Purifier 1 100 100 [Event] Total Reputation Voucher (EP 13) : 5 1 100 20 [Rabbit] [Lv.460] Enhance Aid 1 30 300 [Rabbit] [Lv.460] Goddess Enchant Jewel 1 4 300 [Rabbit] [Lv.460] Engrave Stone 1 10 500 [Rabbit] [Lv.460] Sandra's Magnifier 1 50 80 [Rabbit] [Lv.460] Sandra's Detailed Magnifier 1 50 70 [Rabbit] [Lv.460] Artisan Magnifier 1 100 30 [Rabbit] [Lv.460] Mysterious Magnifier 1 100 30 [Rabbit] Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 1 20 100 [Rabbit] Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token 1 60 50 [Rabbit] Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher 1 30 80 [Rabbit] Goddess Sculpture 1 30 20 [Rabbit] Miracle Seeds 1 30 20 Goddess Enhancement Card 1 10 200 Lv15 Basic Condensed HP Potion 1 100 10 Lv15 Basic Condensed SP Potion 1 100 10 [Rabbit] Attribute Points 1,000 1 100 50 [Rabbit] Ruby Anvil 1 50 200 [Rabbit] Golden Anvil 1 50 100   - Go to the Scroll Shop to exchange [Event] Full Moon Coin for an item. Item Amount Number of Coins [EP12] Weapon Stage 8 Transcendence Scroll 1 100 [EP12] Armor Stage 8 Transcendence Scroll 1 100 [EP12] Weapon 11 ENH Scroll 1 100 [EP12] Armor 11 ENH Scroll 1 100 [EP12] Main Weapon Vaivora Enchant Scroll 1 350 [EP12] Sub-Weapon Vaivora Enchant Scroll 1 350 [EP12] Armor Set Stats Scroll 1 150 [EP12] Weapon Set Stats Scroll 1 200         Important - Daily acquisition limit resets at 6 AM daily. - Event status can be checked by /fullmoon command. - [Event] Full Moon Coin and [Event] Golden Rabbit Coin will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance on March 15, 2022. - Items with [Rabbit] header will be deleted during the scheduled maintenance on March 22, 2022.

February 16th, 2022
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[UPDATE] [Special] Savior Support Packages

  Greetings, Saviors.    We prepared a series of support packages to meet your specific needs. Grab and keep up with your aim.          Sale Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on August 20, 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance on September 17, 2019     Battle March Package 39 TP Soul Crystal x20 [Update] Recipe - 1 Day HP Potion x1 [Update] Recipe - 1 Day SP Potion x1 Urgent Repair Kit x5 Small Elixir of HP Recovery x20 Small Elixir of SP Recovery x20 Movement Speed Potion: 1 Hour x1   New Path Reset Package 99 TP 49TP for the First Time Shopper Only Shop Max: 1 per team in the First Time Shopper Only Shop Class Change Voucher Lv 3 x1 Attribute Reset Potion x1 Skill Reset Potion x1 Stat Reset Potion x1     Teliavelis' Forge Package 149 TP Max: 3 per account Shining Golden Ichor Extraction Kit x3 Artisan Magnifier x3 Glowing Awakening Stone x1 Shining Golden Anvil x10     Important - All items from the Battle March Package except the Recipes of potion CAN be traded via Team Storage, between players or via Market. The Recipes CAN be stored in the Team Storage or traded via Market.  - All items from the New Path Reset Package CANNOT be traded via Team Storage, between players, or via Market. - All items from the Teliavelis' Forge Package except the Shining Golden Ichor Extraction Kit CAN be traded via Team Storage, between players, or via Market. The Shining Golden Ichor Extraction Kit CAN ONLY be traded via Team Storage.

August 20th, 2019
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Weekend Burning for March

Greetings, Saviors!    New Weekends burning event is here! See the details and let's burn the weekends in ToS!     Event Period     From February 26, 2021 To March 28, 2021     Who can Participate     - All saviors     How to Participate     Step 1. Log-in to Tree of Savior on weekends (server time) during the event period.   Step 2. Find the event NPCs in Klaipeda, Fedimian, and Orsha and talk to them! * The map doesn't indicate the location of NPCs.   Step 3. Play Tree of Savior with special buffs and benefits!   The buffs and benefits of the month are as following: ※ Please note that the timeline will follow the server time(EST). Friday Saturday Sunday February 26 February 27 February 28 - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Pamoka Solution EXP x2  - Fixes the cost of items for Unique Raid entry, Unique Raid rewards 2x (10 times per account) - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Item re-identification 50% discount - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Class Points earned +500% March 5 March 6 March 7 - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Entry Reset for Legend Raid and Uphill Defence (Once a day) - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - 90% Skill Cooldown and SP consumption reduction (Area Limited) - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds March 12 March 13 March 14 - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500   - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500   - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - Class Points earned +500% - EXP + 100% - Physical/Magic Attack + 500   - Physical/Magic Defense + 3000 - Pamoka Solution EXP x2 March 19 March 20 March 21 - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Anvil enhancements 50% discount - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds - Etching Statue worship effect x10 - EXP + 100% - Recover HP/SP +500, Movement Speed +2 every 10 seconds March 26 March 27 March 28 - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Class Points earned +500% - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - 90% Skill Cooldown and SP consumption reduction (Area Limited) - EXP + 100% - Looting Chance +1000 - Movement speed + 5, when destroying Tree Root Crystal     Important   - Please note that the buffs do NOT stack. If you receive Friday's buff at the end of the day and receive a new buff at the start of Saturday, Friday's buff will be removed and Saturday's buff will be applied.   - The buffs will NOT automatically be granted to your character. You have to talk to the event NPC in order to receive the Weekend Burning Event benefits.

March 9th, 2021
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Rock N Roll!

Greetings, Saviors!   Hands up! More bonus Attribute Points and items are coming!     Event Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on August 13 2019 TO the scheduled maintenance on August 20, 2019     Who Can Participate   - characters of level 50 and above.     How to Participate   STEP 1. Connect to the game during the event period. STEP 2. Talk to the Event Notice Boards in each city to retrieve your items.   List of Items   August 14: Attribute Point 1,000 (14d days) x5 August 15: Class Change Voucher Lv.2 (14 days) x1 August 16: Golden Anvil (14d days) x2 August 17: Attribute Point 1,000 (14 days) x5 August 18: Class Change Voucher Lv.2 (14 days) x1     Important   - Items can be obtained only once per day, per Team. - All items given away during the event CAN be transferred via Team Storage but CANNOT be traded with other players.

August 12th, 2019
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Certified Trick-or-Treater Winners List

Greetings, Saviors! We would like to announce this season’s winners of the Certified Trick-or-Treater Halloween event. These were the top 12 teams of each server that exchanged the most Odd Candies during the event period, and will therefore be receiving one Solmiki Selection Box and the title of Certified Trick-or-Treater! If you see your team name on the list, please check your lodge’s Message Box to receive the rewards.   [NA] Klaipeda El***m H**a Ja****ns Li***y Li***e Lun*****bit Not*****er Se****te St*****ch Te****ba Wi***rt Yu****ru [NA] Orsha Ac**s An***ls De****ne Hota******ba Ko**o Lu***a Mez****ce Pap*****as Sa**ri Sh*****55 sub******ne Xe***an [EU] Fedimian A***ro G**a Ho****am Ma**i Mi*****su Ni***na Pe***la Sile******st Ti****ik Tre*****ry Unfa********its Ya****ra [SEA] Telsiai 0w***0 Am****tZ BUS*******EN Ca****is Cull******an ma***69 Mi****su Ne***ny T**a Ta**z Vi**n vSt***e [SA] Silute Ar****os Az****th Ba******et Ea*****rd Em***n fl**i G**c Hy******es Kr**ts Ma****ah Tu****uu Zi******er [SEA] Varena Cl***et Da****er GH***Z HE*****EL Ire*****ar Le**o Migh******ie Mu***on On**i Qua******ia Te***aa Tri*****II

November 23rd, 2017
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Demon God's Temptation

Greetings saviors:)    Demon God Ragana has visited the saviors in town! Offer her silver and get costumes by chance!     Period   FROM the scheduled maintenance on January 12, 2021 TO February 9, 2021     How to Participate   STEP 1. Go to the [Ragana] NPC in the towns (Klaipeda/Orsha/Fedimian).   STEP 2.  Offer her 50,000 silvers and she might grant you with costumes by chance!   - Even if you don’t get the costumes, you can exchange them with Demon God's Temptation Points collected by each offering.     - 1 Demon God’s Temptation point will be given per each offering without reward. - Demon God's Temptation event items are sorted as [Legend/Unique/Magic] rank.   Item Rank Details Legend Rank - Wings/Effect/Doll item will be given as a form of package. - Obtainable amount is limited to 20 per each server. - Obtainable amount of [Legend] rank reward resets on the scheduled maintenance on December 29, 2020. Unique Rank - Costume item will be given as a form of package. - Obtainable number of items is limited to 400 per each server. - Obtainable amount of [Unique] rank reward resets on the scheduled maintenance on December 29, 2020. Magic Rank - Costume item will be given as a form of package. - No limits on the obtainable number of items.   STEP 3. Go to the [Demon God's Temptation Points Store] and buy costumes by using Demon God's Temptation Points.       Important   - Consume Demon God's Temptation Points to exchange with the items in the Point Store. Points can be shared between teams. - Costume selection box from the [Demon God's Temptation] event can be exchanged into Demon God's Temptation Points. - Contents of Demon God's Temptation Points Store will change when the contents of [Demon God's Temptation] event changes. - Items from the Demon God's Temptation Points Store are not included in the number of acquisition limits per server. - [Wings/Effect/Doll] items exchanged from Demon God's Temptation Point Shop are given as a form of item, and [Costume] is given as a form of package. All contents from the package and items, exchanged by the points can only be moved to Team Storage.   ※Contents described in this posting may be added, deleted, or changed due to updates.

February 1st, 2021
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Leticia's Secret Cube: June 4, 2019

June 3rd, 2019
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[CONTEST] Design the Next TOS Weapon!

Greetings, Saviors! We’ve previously introduced accessories, toys, and even Companions based on players’ ideas, and now are giving you the chance to design your own appearance weapons for TOS! Is there a unique weapon concept you’d like to have in the game? Submit your idea and you could see it become a real in-game item!   Event Period Submissions: FROM October 24, 2018 (EDT) TO November 27, 2018 (EDT) - Winners announced on December 4, 2018 (EDT). - 1st rewards (titles and cubes) sent during the scheduled maintenance of December 4, 2018. - Selected weapons sent to corresponding designers after the items are added to the game (release schedule to be announced at a later date).   How to Participate STEP 1. Design your appearance weapon idea. It can be as quirky or extravagant as your imagination allows, but keep in mind that it needs to be feasible enough to work as an actual weapon in-game. - You can design the following types of weapons: Bow, Cannon, Crossbow, Dagger, Mace (one- or two-handed), Musket, Pistol, Rapier, Rod, Shield, Spear (one- or two-handed), Staff, and Sword (one- or two-handed). - You can submit more than one design, but only one design for each type of weapon (you can’t submit two Pistol designs, for example, but one Pistol and one Dagger is fine). One-handed weapons count as a separate type from two-handed weapons (so, for example, you can submit one 1H Mace design and one 2H Mace design at the same time). - We recommend you submit your image in PSD format and at least 800 x 600 in size, or a size large enough to show all of your design’s details clearly. - You could provide the PSD format files by link - (google drive, etcs) as well So the format will look like, the picture of your design, and the PSD files link under - You are free to add gimmick suggestions to your weapon, like visual or sound effects. - If you want, you can also suggest content for your weapon’s tooltip (e.g. “This item was designed by [team] from [server].”) STEP 2. Submit your design(s) to the Fan Art category in the forums until November 27, 2018 (EDT). - If you have multiple designs to submit, please add them all in the same thread. - In your post, make sure to include your team name, server, concept image(s), item description and gimmick/tooltip ideas. - Title your post in the following format: [Weapon Costume] Team Name // Server - If you’re unsure of how to submit your design(s), click here to see Staff_Bob’s example post (don’t worry, we won’t pick his design, as lovely as it is). STEP 3. A total of 10 players will be nominated by our TOS development and design teams. We will select one or more designs from each player’s submission according to quality and feasibility, in order to adapt and release them as in-game appearance weapons. - The list of nominated players and selected weapon designs will be released on December 4, 2018 (EDT). STEP 4. All 10 nominated players will receive a special in-game title (‘TOS Weapon Designer’), a set of Goddess’ Blessed Cubes (10+1) and any appearance weapon(s) created based on their design(s). - Titles and Goddess’ Blessed Cubes will be delivered via in-game Message Box during the scheduled maintenance of December 4, 2018. - Appearance weapons created based on winning designs will be delivered to the corresponding creators after the items are ready to be introduced in the game (release schedule to be announced at a later date). Note that nominated players will only receive the weapon(s) created based on their own winning design(s), not those of other players.   Important - POLICIES AND DISCLAIMERS: imcGAMES will not be held responsible for (a) any contest disruptions, injuries, losses or damages, caused by events beyond the control of imcGAMES; (b) damages caused by plagiarized work submitted by the artist; or (c) inconvenience caused by human error or typographical errors in the rules or promotional material. ImcGAMES reserves the right to change, suspend, or cancel the contest if, in imcGAMES discretion, intervening circumstances warrant such action. - GENERAL CONTEST CONDITIONS: By entering this competition, you are granting us a non-exclusive perpetual license to reproduce your designs and gimmick/tooltip suggestions into in-game items and in posts on the forums (forum.treeofsavior.com) when introducing the selected works. Selected designs might undergo modification when adapting them into in-game items. Designs will not be used for any other purpose than those which are stated here. Concept images, designs and gimmick/tooltip suggestions are subject to change without prior notification. - ORIGINAL WORK OF AUTHORSHIP: By submitting your work you hereby warrant and represent that your submitted design is, in fact, original works of authorship on your part and have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work and do not violate, misappropriate or infringe any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights of any other person or entity. You may not post materials that are sexually explicit, offensive to certain groups, or generally inappropriate for the game’s T rating. Participants who violate these policies are subject to disqualification from entry and should plagiarism or IP theft be confirmed, imcGAMES holds the rights to revoke all benefits and prizes given to them.

October 24th, 2018
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Rookie Savior Event: Get Ahead (Jun '18)

  Greetings, Saviors! If you’re looking to get a head start on your first TOS adventure, now is the time! Every month we are welcoming all rookie players with a massive level boost!   Event Period FROM the scheduled maintenance on May 29, 2018 TO the scheduled maintenance on June 26, 2018 Who Can Participate - Players of Team Level 1 How to Participate STEP 1. If your team is at Team Level 1, head out to your nearest Event Notice Board to receive one Boost Pack (14 Days) (it will be received all at once on the first character you use the Notice Board with):         - Note that Team Level and Character Level are different. Your Team Level is calculated according to all the characters and/or companions you have in your Lodge (you can check the top part of the screen at your Lodge to see your Team Level). STEP 2. The Boost Pack will contain a Team Level or Character Level milestone that your character will need to reach in order to receive the corresponding rewards (see Boost Pack Rewards).         - There are a total of 6 milestones you can reach, with the top milestone at Character Level 220 / Team Level 3.         - Every time you reach a new milestone, the Boost Pack gives you another round of rewards (see the Boost Pack Rewards below)! Boost Pack Rewards Reach the level milestones to receive the rewards! NOTE: Items tagged as [TIMED - XX Days] have an expiration date and can only be used within the period mentioned in the item’s description in-game, eg. if an item is marked as “30 Days”, it must be used within 30 days after you acquire it. After those 30 days, the item will expire and you will no longer be able to use it. The counter will start to decrease as soon as you receive the item, so plan ahead carefully. - CHARACTER LEVEL 1 - Zemyna Necklace x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - An accessory that increases your character’s stats. Velheider Voucher x1 - You can exchange this voucher for a Velheider companion at the Companion Trader in your nearest city. Settlement Support Potion Lv2 x 10 - Move faster and hit harder for 30 minutes. Movement speed and physical/magic attack will be increased. Lord Hamondale's Bracelet x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - An accessory that increases your character’s stats. Knight Commander Uska's Bangle x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - Another accessory that increases your character’s stats. EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] - EXP Tomes increase your experience gains, allowing you to level up faster. Megaphone x3 - Use Megaphones to communicate with other players via the server's Shout Chat. Soul Crystal x3 - Revive on the same spot whenever you become incapable of combat. - CHARACTER LEVEL 50 - Wind Runner x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - A pair of leather boots you can equip starting at level 75. Lv 50 Weapon Set [TIMED - 30 Days] - A set of weapons for every class you can equip starting at level 50. Keista Restoration Potion Lv 1 x20 - A potion to restore your HP and SP spent in combat. Warp Scroll x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - An item that teleports you to a region of your choice.  EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Megaphone x3 Soul Crystal x3 - CHARACTER LEVEL 170 - Sissel Bracelet x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - A stat-boosting accessory you can equip starting at level 170. x4 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Megaphone x3 Soul Crystal x3 Warp Scroll x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - CHARACTER LEVEL 220 - Archmage Bangle x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - A stat-boosting accessory you can equip starting at level 220. Phada x1 [TIMED - 30 Days] - Another stat-boosting accessory you can equip starting at level 220. x4 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Megaphone x3 Soul Crystal x3 Warp Scroll x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - TEAM LEVEL 2 - Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - Grants all party members additional EXP for 1 hour. Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - Use this voucher to reset your daily instanced dungeon entries and play them again to boost up your character’s EXP and currency gains. x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Warp Scroll x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] - TEAM LEVEL 3 - Stat Reset Potion x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] - This potion will reset your character's stat choices so you can rethink part of your build. Skill Reset Potion x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] - This potion will reset your character's skill choices so you can rethink part of your build. Attribute Points: 500 x2  [TIMED - 14 Days] - Invest points in your attribute levels to make your skills even more effective. x8 EXP Tome x1 [TIMED - 14 Days] Rookie Savior's Tome x2 [TIMED - 14 Days] Important - To be eligible for this event, your team must be of Team Level 1. After you enter the event, you can continue to participate even after increasing your Team Level. - The rewards announced here will be available to eligible accounts until June 26, 2018. After that, the rewards can be changed for future iterations of the event. - The Boost Pack can be received only 1 time per team. - Items with time limits cannot be moved via Team Storage and they will begin to count down as soon as they are received in your character’s inventory. - Rookie Savior’s Tomes do not stack with themselves (you cannot use more than one at the same time to multiply their effects).

May 24th, 2018