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Additional Patch: February 21, 2018

Greetings, Saviors. We have recently applied a small patch to TOS in order to address certain hardware incompatibility errors and overall stability issues affecting the game. In order to ensure you have the latest patch installed and the fixes applied, please restart your Tree of Savior client. Thank you.

February 21st, 2018
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Leticia's Secret Cube Item List - Updated Feb 20, 2018

※ IMPORTANT: Please note that your character must be above level 40 to use this content.

February 20th, 2018
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Official Forum Maintenance - Feb 18, 2018

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EST) 21:30 - 22:00 Feb 18, 2018 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

February 18th, 2018
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[UPDATE] [NA] / [SEA] Server Merge - First Notice

  [NA] / [SEA] Server Merge - First Notice Greetings, Saviors. We would like announce our plans to merge game servers in regions currently operating two servers, i.e. North America and Southeast Asia. In about one month from the date of this announcement, we will be combining [NA] Orsha into [NA] Klaipeda, and [SEA] Varena into [SEA] Telsiai, leaving each region with a single active server. The merge of servers is expected to take place on March 13, 2018. In this notice, we would like to make clear how the merge will be processed and what you can expect if you’re playing in [NA] or [SEA]. Please make sure to read and understand the entire notice.   How will the servers be merged? [NA] Orsha will be merged into [NA] Klaipeda, meaning that the North America region will be left with only one server combining the populations of both. The server will continue to be called [NA] Klaipeda. If your team is in [NA] Orsha now, it will be in [NA] Klaipeda after the merge. Similarly, [SEA] Varena will be merged into [SEA] Telsiai. All teams in the Southeast Asia region will be combined into one single server: [SEA] Telsiai. If your team is in [SEA] Varena now, it will be in [SEA] Telsiai after the merge.   IMPORTANT! What happens if I have a team in both servers? If you have a team in both servers of the same region, some elements of your secondary team may not remain in the merged server. One of your teams will be automatically selected as your main team, based on the following criteria: 1st priority) Highest total of EXP (sum of all characters in team, [EDIT] excluding Companions)  2nd priority) Largest number of characters in team You can expect most data from your main team to remain unaltered after the merge, but you may lose some data from your secondary team.   IMPORTANT! Will my team/character’s data be deleted? Below is a breakdown of how each element of your team and characters will be processed during the merge. Make sure to read the information below and understand how the merge will affect your account. 1. TEAM 1.1. Team Name - Your Team Name will be the name of your main team. 1.2. Team Level - Only data from your main team remains. 1.3. IMPORTANT! Character Slots (including Companions) - Your Lodge in the merged server consists of 4 basic character slots, plus any premium slots you may have purchased (sum of both teams). For example, if you purchased 1 slot in server A and 2 slots in server B, your total in the merged server will be 4 basic slots + 1 premium slot + 2 premium slots = 7 character slots. - Excess characters will not be allowed (this depends on your total of character slots available). Please purchase additional slots or delete unwanted characters before the merge. - If you still have excess characters in your Lodge, some characters of your secondary team may become unavailable and you will not be able to login to the game after the server merge, so make sure to prepare in advance. - If you own more than 26 premium slots (sum of both teams), you will be compensated in TP for the excess slots. 1.4. Team Storage Slots - Only data from your main team remains. 1.5. Message Box - All individual messages remain. - Repeated batch messages are deleted (only 1 copy remains). 1.6. Lodge Skins - All premium lodge skins remain. - If you purchased the same skins on both servers, you will be compensated in TP for the repeated skins. 1.7. Parties - Your parties will be reset. You can create a party again in the merged server. 2. GUILD 2.1. Guild Structure - Only data from your main team remains. - If the Guild Master does not remain in the merged server, the Guild will be disbanded. - If any Guild members do not remain in the merged server, those members will be removed from the Guild. 2.2. Guild Name - If two Guilds have the same name, the second Guild will automatically be renamed “Guildname_1” and receive a Guild Name Change Voucher as compensation. 2.3. Guild Wars - All Guild War data will be reset. You can declare war again in the merged server. 3. CHARACTER 3.1. Character Name - If two characters in your team have the same name, the second character will automatically be renamed “Charactername_1”. - After the merge there will be an event that allows you to change the name of any character for 1 TP. 3.2. Remaining Data - The merge will not alter any of the following data about your characters: Rank, Level, EXP, Class, quests, stats, skills, attributes, buffs, map exploration, likes, Adventure Journal data, titles, achievements, Team Battle League data, Personal Storage slots. 4. ITEMS 4.1. Team Storage - Only data from your main team remains. - Items from the Team Storage of your secondary team will be deleted. Make sure to move any items you need to the Personal Storage or Inventory of characters that you will be keeping in the merged server. 4.2. Collections [UPDATE] - Only data from your main team remains. 4.3. Market - All items registered for sale will be automatically cancelled and sent to the corresponding character’s Market Retrieve tab. - Market registration fees will not be refunded. If you want to avoid losing the Silver spent on your registration fees, please refrain from registering items in the Market right before the merge. 4.4. Remaining Data - The merge will not alter any of the following data about your items: Silver, equipped items, Inventory, Personal Storage, Market Retrieve tab, locked items. 5. TP 5.1. Premium Items - Premium items belonging to the team/characters remaining in the merged server will not be altered. 5.2. Premium TP - If you have a team in both servers, all the Premium TP of your secondary team will be sent to your main team. 5.3. Free TP [UPDATE] - Only data from your main team remains. 5.4. Event TP - If you have a team in both servers, all the Event TP of your secondary team will be sent to your main team. 5.5. Token [UPDATE] - Only data from your main team remains. We will keep updating you via the News page on the details of the server merge (we also have multiple all-server events prepared for the occasion), so make sure to check back on our official channels.

March 8th, 2018
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[Fan Art Festival] Happy 2 Year Anniversary

Greetings Saviors! This time around the Fan Art Festival theme is…   Happy 2 Year Anniversary Edition!   Tree of Savior is almost two years old! To celebrate this day we choose to 2 Year Anniversary theme for fun!  We are excited to announce that we will be celebrating our two-year anniversary. What will you do for our TOS 2 year anniversary? Playing TOS?  Show us how will you spend TOS Happy 2 Year Anniversary!  We will be accepting submissions from now until Mar 6th 00:00 EST.  From Mar 6th 02:00 EST until Mar 8th 00:00 EST voting will commence.    PRIZES INCLUDE:   500 TP + A Surprise Gift + In-Game Title (“Happy 2 Year Anniversary”) + Your art as an in-game loading screen (Prizes will be given out during the scheduled maintenance on Mar 13th. The surprise gift will be the next costume to appear in the Goddess' Blessed Cube).   Similar to the previous festival, a total of 13 pieces will be chosen. - 7 pieces will be picked by User Vote by receiving the most "Likes" by the Forum Users. - 6 pieces will be personally picked by Staff (after users have voted).     HOW TO ENTER:    Log into the TOS Official Forum and upload your art to the Fansite / Fan Art Category.    The title of your post should start with “[SUBMIT]” and should include the name of your piece. Inside your post, make sure to write the Title, Your Server Name, and Team Name plus a short description about your art.   When the submission period ends, an official voting thread with all the works of art will be created by the Staff. Only the "likes" received in this official thread will be counted as user votes.     Art Requirements: Format: JPG/PNG/PSD Size: 1920*1080px, 300dpi The art must be related to the theme Acceptable mediums: - Illustration - Comic panels - An image that utilizes in-game screenshots or material. - Real-life photography, or images that utilize such, will not be accepted - Please note: We will exclude votes cast by forum accounts that shared the same IP addresses after reviewing the accounts. The results of the user vote are a reflection of this change.    Policies and Disclaimers imcGAMES will not be held responsible for (a) any contest disruptions, injuries, losses or damages, caused by events beyond the control of imcGAMES; (b) damages caused by plagiarized work submitted by the artist; or (c) inconvenience caused by human error or typographical errors in the rules or promotional material. ImcGAMES reserves the right to change, suspend, or cancel the contest if, in imcGAMES discretion, intervening circumstances warrant such action.     Contest Overview: This contest is held by imcGAMES and is open to all Tree of Savior fans. Artist interested in participating may submit a design of fan artwork.  Please keep in mind that vote selling of any kind is discouraged and could result in disqualification.  General Contest Conditions: By entering this competition, you are granting us a non-exclusive perpetual license to reproduce images of your artwork into in-game loading screens and in posts on the forums (forum.treeofsavior.com) when introducing the works selected. Artworks selected might undergo modification when applying them to loading screens. Artworks will not be used for any other purpose than that which is stated here. Loading screen images are subject to change without prior notification.  Original Work of Authorship: By submitting your work you hereby warrant and represent that your submitted art is, in fact, original works of authorship on your part and have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work and do not violate, misappropriate or infringe any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights of any other person or entity.  You may not post materials that are sexually explicit, offensive to certain groups, or generally inappropriate for the game’s T rating. Artists who violate these policies are subject to disqualification from entry and should plagiarism or IP theft be confirmed, imcGAMES holds the rights to revoke all benefits and prizes given to the artist.   

February 12th, 2018
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[COMPLETE] Official Forum Maintenance - Feb 7, 2018

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EST) 21:00 - 21:20 Feb 7, 2018 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

February 7th, 2018
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Goddess' Blessed Cube Item List: Feb 6, 2018

  Important: All the Goddess' Blessed Cubes follow the updated item list regardless of the date it was purchased. This policy will be standard unless stated otherwise. e.g.  Goddess' Blessed Cube A (purchased in November of '16), B (purchased in January of '17) and C (purchased in May of '17) will all follow the item list the most current.

February 5th, 2018
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[COMPLETE] Official Forum Maintenance - Feb 1, 2018

Greetings Saviors, We would like to announce that the Official Forums will be temporarily inaccessible as it will be undergoing maintenance. - Maintenance Period : (EST) 21:30 - 22:00 Feb 1, 2018 Please note that access to the other sections of the Official Website will not be affected in any way during this maintenance period. Sincerely, IMC Staff

February 1st, 2018
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[UPDATE] [RESOLVED] Issues Detected on the 'Silute' Server

Greetings, Saviors.   We are aware that the 'Silute' server has instability issues. As such, we are investigating the problem and will make another announcement as soon as possible. If you are experiencing any issues with the game, please send a ticket describing the problem via our Support page.   Thank you.     Note: Please be advised that a compensation will be sent later on. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please let us know via Support Ticket if you are experiencing other problems. When reporting issues, please be as detailed as possible. Screenshots, character/team/server/class details and timestamps would be greatly appreciated. The more information we have on a specific issue, the quicker it will be resolved.

February 1st, 2018