Greetings saviors, Guild Vice-guild Master Selection has ended! It was a close game since there were lots of enthusiastic applicants. Thank you all for your participation:) Vice Guild Masters of TOS Support Guild Congrats to all selected Vice Guild Masters:) [NA] Klaipeda Deireadh Tsugami Selenelions [EU] Fedimian Rhoss Trapnest - [SEA] Telsiai Oripathy Serakura -Yoriichi [SA] Silute que Ferrett Brigz ※ Please note that selected Vice Guild Masters will be automatically disbanded from the previous guilds during the scheduled maintenance on July 13. ※ Also, selected Vice Guild Masters must send the guild application to TOS Support Guild! Vice Guild Master Activity Guide Necessary Activity 1. Log in to TOS 3 days or more per week 2. Accept applications of Support Guild when logged in to TOS a. Approvement route: Alt+G Guild → Settings → Applications b. Newly created teams will be automatically added to the guild, but other saviors need to be approved manually. c. Every applicant must be approved. (However, if it is judged that the purpose of applying is clearly to make conflict/dispute, it may be rejected.) 3. Play Guild Quest 2 times or more per week a. How to play Guild Quest: Guild Tower → Guild Quest → Select the Guild Quest you want to play → Go to the Guild Quest area → Enter via Guild Quest pillar after recruiting (space bar) b. Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary cannot be played. Selective Activity 1. Answer the questions related to playing the game to solve guild member’s curiosity about the game 2. Check Guild Community a. Reply to inquiries about the game b. Questions frequently asked by the guild members can be saved in the Community section to help the players. 3. Activate the Guild Chat a. You can bring energy to the guild chat window by saying hello to the guild chat when you log in or log out, or when other users log in. Important Guild Territory War, Guild Wars, Guild Quest: Sulivinas Lair, Demonic Sanctuary cannot be played. - You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other wars since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors to understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members. - Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary are also not available as it is difficult to distribute fairly. Guild Quest TIP 1. Guild Tower Location: West Siauliai Woods 1 channel, near Statue of Goddess Vakarine - This location is only for the 1st guild tower. - Location may change from the 2nd guild tower and if so, Vice Guild Masters need to tell the GM by whisper or ticket. - Vice Guild Masters must install the Guild Tower within a day. 2. How to create Guild Tower: Talk to Uska NPC at Klaipeda → Buy Guild Merchandise → Purchase ‘Build Guild Tower’ → Use the item in the installation location 3. If the participation rate is low, guide the progress and reward. - Guild Boss Raid: Click the Participate button, move to the location and defeat the boss monster together! - Guild Mission: Click the Participate button, move to the location and clear the mission! - ‘Guild Foundation’ repetitive quest is cleared when clearing Guild Quest twice a week. We look forward to your passionate works Vice Guild Masters! Thank you. ※ If we verify excessively repetitive joining and leaving the Support guild for intentional profit-seeking or inappropriate activities, there may be restrictions put to the account according to the policy such as being excluded and permanently banned from the Support Guild.
Rank Item Quantity B Sandra's Detailed Magnifier 2 B Shining Class Change Voucher Lv.3 1 B Dimensional Collapse Point x3 Multiply Token 1 B [Weekly Boss Raid] Leticia Special Potion Box (Rank B) 1 B EXP Tome Box (4 Tomes) 1 B Artisan Magnifier x10 + 1 1 B Shining Skill Reset Potion 1 B Shining Attribute Reset Potion 1 B Practonium 1 B [Lv. 440] Unique Enchant Jewel 1 B Attribute Points Box (Rank B) 1 C [Weekly Boss Raid] Leticia Special Potion Box (Rank C) 1 C Mysterious Magnifier x10 + 1 1 C Looting Chance: 500 1 C Attribute Points Box (Rank C) 1 C Glowing Awakening Stone 1 C Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher 1
B Ghost Headband 1 B Hipster Glasses 1 B Slid-off Glasses 1 B Genealogical Standards Manual 1 B Nerd Glasses 1 B Toaster 1 B Wi-Fi 1 B Cloud 1 B Banana Peel 1 B Good Idea! 1 B Paper Ticket 1 C Movement Speed Potion: 1 Hour 2 C Superior Urgent Repair Kit 2 C Elixir of HP Recovery 6 C Elixir of SP Recovery 6
Greetings saviors, We are going to announce [TOS Support Guild] and [Guild Vice-guild Master Selection]. Have your full attention please:)!! TOS Support Guild ■ Summary TOS Support Guild is a systemized guild that helps the savior understand the Tree of Savior, and to make them enjoy together. The purpose is to make new/returning saviors to naturally join the regular guild and ultimately activate the community, which is the key of MMORPG. ■ How to join TOS Support Guild Join Automatically With the TOS Support Guild update, every team that meets the following condition will automatically join the Support Guild. ① Every team who have logged in within 3 days and have no record of abandoning the Guild ② New team created after the update How to Join Find [TOS Support Guild] in [Guild Promotion Board(Alt+R)] and click [Apply to Join]. - You can register more fastly when you click ‘Check online members with authority to accept applications’ and whisper. - Registration may be restricted when you have a history of violating the operating policy. ■ FAQ Q. Who is the Guild Master of the Support Guild? Although the GM is set as the Guild Master due to the system configuration, the Vice Guild Master is responsible for the actual operation and management of the guild. The Guild Master(GM) will not be involved in any issues except for major issues related to Vice Guild Master selection and operation, and will only monitor the Support guild so that it can be operated according to its purpose. In addition, all records (including authority usage and chat) of the Guild Master(GM) will be kept and inspected and thoroughly managed so that there are no incidents. Q. Can Support Guild also participate in competitions with other guilds such as Guild Territory War? You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other combats since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors to understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members. Guild Quest: Sulivinas Lair is also not available as it is difficult to distribute the reward fairly. Q. I was invited to the Support Guild automatically (or joined by registration) but want to move to another guild. There are no penalties(time limit on rejoining) when leaving the Support Guild. You can leave the guild whenever you want. Also, you can rejoin the Support Guild even after you leave the guild. ※ Guild members who haven’t logged in for 90 days or more will be abandoned every scheduled maintenance. ※ In cases that goes against the purpose of the Support Guild such as, repeated joining-abandoning guild, intentional profit-seeking behavior, and impolite behavior within the guild, there may be restrictions on service usage according to the game policy.(ex;Expelled and permanently banned from the Support Guild) ※ Re-joining the Support Guild is available after 1 week of abandoning the guild. Vice Guild Master Selection Support Guild is run by selecting one Vice Guild Master for each world. Vice Guild Masters will share their experience and knowledge about TOS, process various contents, and support the fun and activities that can be enjoyed in the TOS community. ■ Vice Guild Master’s Role As the main operator body of the TOS Support Gild, Vice Guild Master helps new/returning saviors who joined the guild settle down and play various guild events ■ Vice Guild Master Selection Number of Recruitment 1 per each server (Total 4) Recruit Period June 21, 2021 ~ July 6, 2021 Announce Date July 12, 2021 Activity Period July 13, 2021 ~ September 10, 2021 ※ Can be continued according to the Vice Guild Master's intention and activity records after 2 months. Benefit 3,000 TP [Event] will be given every month ※ The benefit of Vice Guild Master is changed from 2,000TP to 3,000TP. (edited: June 24, 2021) ※ After reviewing the Vice Guild Master’s activity record, it’ll be given separately on the second Friday of the month and the fourth Friday of the month. (the first benefit will be given on July 30.) Qualification - Savior who can consistently log in during the activity period (7/13~9/10) - Savior who has a wide knowledge of the game - Savior who can help guild members understand, adapt, and settle in the game - Savior who has no record of sanctions due to violating the Policy Preference - Savior who has experience of online cast - Savior who has been a Guild Master in TOS or other MMORPG How to apply - Reply to the following Survey (Google account is needed for the survery) → LINK ※ There may be a brief meeting in-game after the selection. Important ※ Guild Master(GM) is not involved in any issues except for the major issues such as Vice Guild Master selection and operation-related issues, and will only monitor the Support Guild to make sure it is operated according to its original purpose. ※ All records (including authority usage and chat) of the Guild Master(GM) are kept/inspected/managed thoroughly. ※ Total activity period may change due to application status. Vice Guild Master Activity Guide Necessary Activity 1. Log in to TOS 3 days or more per week 2. Accept applications of Support Guild when logged in to TOS a. Approvement route: Alt+G Guild → Settings → Applications b. Newly created teams will be automatically added to the guild, but other saviors need to be approved manually. c. Every applicant must be approved. (However, if it is judged that the purpose of applying is clearly to make conflict/dispute, it may be rejected.) 3. Play Guild Quest 2 times or more per week a. How to play Guild Quest: Guild Tower → Guild Quest → Select the Guild Quest you want to play → Go to the Guild Quest area → Enter via Guild Quest pillar after recruiting (space bar) b. Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary cannot be played. Selective Activity 1. Answer the questions related to playing the game to solve guild member’s curiosity about the game 2. Check Guild Community a. Reply to inquiries about the game b. Questions frequently asked by the guild members can be saved in the Community section to help the players. 3. Activate the Guild Chat a. You can bring energy to the guild chat window by saying hello to the guild chat when you log in or log out, or when other users log in. Important Guild Territory War, Guild Wars, Guild Quest: Sulivinas Lair, Demonic Sanctuary cannot be played. - You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other wars since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors to understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members. - Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary are also not available as it is difficult to distribute fairly. Guild Quest TIP 1. Guild Tower Location: West Siauliai Woods 1 channel, near Statue of Goddess Vakarine (the location may change) 2. How to create Guild Tower: Talk to Uska NPC at Klaipeda → Buy Guild Merchandise → Purchase ‘Build Guild Tower’ → Use the item in the installation location 3. If the participation rate is low, guide the progress and reward. - Guild Boss Raid: Click the Participate button, move to the location and defeat the boss monster together! - Guild Mission: Click the Participate button, move to the location and clear the mission! - ‘Guild Foundation’ repetitive quest is cleared when clearing Guild Quest twice a week. This concludes the announcement of TOS Support Guild. We look forward to your support and participants:) Thank you.
Greetings, Saviors! We have prepared special packages! Don't miss the chance to get strong:) Period From the scheduled maintenance on June 15, 2021 To the scheduled maintenance on July 13, 2021 Cheerful Gift Box Package 253TP max: 3 per team Item Name Count Trade Level Jumping Card (Lv.450) 1 Team Storage Only Class EXP Card Box 1 Team Storage Only Character Slot Voucher 1 Team Storage Only [Event] Unlcok Voucher Selection Box 1 Team Storage Only [2021] 16 ENH 10 TRA Savinose Dysnai M.Weapon Selection Box 1 Team Storage Only [2021] 16 ENH 10 TRA Savinose Dysnai S.Weapon Selection Box 1 Team Storage Only [2021] 11 ENH 10 TRA Savinose Dysnai Armor Selection Box 4 Team Storage Only [2021] Main Weapon Vaivora Enchant Selection Scroll 1 Team Storage Only [2021] Sub-Weapon Vaivora Enchant Selection Scroll 1 Team Storage Only [2021] Weapon Set Stats Scroll 2 Team Storage Only [2021] Armor Set Stats Scroll 4 Team Storage Only x8 EXP Tome 5 Team Storage Only Weight Increase +1000 Potion 5 Team Storage Only Legend/Unique Assister Random Box 4 Team Storage Only Attribute Points 10,000 50 Team Storage Only Miracle Seeds 50 Team Storage Only Goddess Sculpture 50 Team Storage Only Small Elixir of HP Recovery 100 Trade O Small Elixir of SP Recovery 100 Trade O Lv15 Basic Condensed HP Potion 800 Team Storage Only Lv15 Basic Condensed SP Potion 800 Team Storage Only ※ The price at the [First Time Shoppers Only] and [Rookie/Returning Player Shop]: 215 TP ※ Max: 1 for [First Time Shoppers Only] and [Rookie/Returning Player Shop] Joyful Gift Box Package 349TP max: 1 per team Item Name Count Trade [Event] 16 ENH 10 TRA Glacia Legenda M. Weapon Selection Box 1 Team Storage Only [Event] 16 ENH 10 TRA Glacia Legenda S. Weapon Selection Box 1 Team Storage Only Mercenary Badge Voucher : 5000 10 Team Storage Only [Event] Glacia Unique Weapon Selection Box 2 Team Storage Only Silver Ichor Transmutation Kit 2 Team Storage Only [Event] Pamoka Solution Box 3 Team Storage Only Attribute Points 10,000 50 Team Storage Only Delightful Gift Box Package 475TP max: 3 per team Item Name Count Trade Res Sacrae Raid: Auto Match One Entry Voucher 70 Team Storage Only Res Sacrae Raid: Auto Match Multiply Token 70 Team Storage Only Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 20 Team Storage Only Division Singularity One Entry Voucher 20 Team Storage Only Division Singularity Multiply Token 20 Team Storage Only Raid Portal Stone 300 Trade O Sole Hunt One Entry Voucher 20 Team Storage Only Blissful Gift Box Package 325TP max: 5 per team Item Name Count Trade [Event] Unidentified Mystic Tome 30 Team Storage Only Arts Reset Potion Profession Selection Box 5 Team Storage Only Attribute Points 10,000 100 Team Storage Only Legend/Unique Assister Random Box 10 Team Storage Only All-in-One Gift Box Package 777TP max: 1 per team Item Name Count Trade Cheerful Gift Box Package 1 Team Storage Only Joyful Gift Box Package 1 Team Storage Only Delightful Gift Box Package 1 Team Storage Only Blissful Gift Box Package 1 Team Storage Only
Greetings Saviors, We have introduced our RMT policies for the first time in July and August, 2018, and since then we have refrained from outlining the details of the processes involved in investigating RMT cases as to withhold information from the offending parties. But looking at the latest trends of our official forums, we have decided that it would be in everyone’s best interest to clearly outline and define the various punishable cases of in-game RMT. As we did with our announcement in 2018, we will focus on enforcing both the old and new policies outlined below for the next couple of months. Current RMT Policies Illegal Trade Definition - All illicit exchange of goods via the market or personal trades without having paid the fair market price. Penalty - 1st Strike: A warning and the confiscation of all traded goods for all parties involved. - 2nd Strike: Confiscation of all traded goods and a 15-day suspension from the game for all parties involved. - 3rd Strike: Permanent suspension. * Those suspected of being a gold-seller will be suspended permanently without any warning. - When one is caught pro or post-RMT, the related illegal item will be confiscated, and depend on the size of the trade value, it could lead to sanction on the account. The repeated manner in RMT will bring up more harsh punishments. - If the illegally traded item originates from an illegal source(such as chargeback fraud etc), the trade partner also could be punished, as he/she took part in the distribution of the illegal item. - When the user is under the confiscating process due to creating/distributing illegal items and doesn't possess illegal items due to trading or already used after RMT, This could be reimbursed by confiscating the other item or a value on par with the illegally traded item. Also, this could lead to additional reasons to impose sanctions. - If the illegal item is being used with other legal items when these illegal items being used or enhanced, the legal item - which used illegal item for enhancements or crafting. - also could be confiscated Chargeback Related [Punished User/Guild] - Account that committed Chargeback (Permanent Ban at first strike without warning) - User who transfers items created by Chargeback (to Guild/Market/Trade, etc) - Account that invited the Chargeback account to the guild. - Guild Master will be Permanently Banned when items created by Chargeback are moved to the Guild Warehouse 2 times. ※ If the Guild Master changes to another user right before inviting the Chargeback account, it will be regarded as abusing the terms and both accounts will be treated as Guild Master. Penalty - 1st Strike: Confiscate items created by Chargeback and ban temporarily for 7 days - 2nd Strike: Confiscate items created by Chargeback and ban temporarily for 30 days - 3rd Strike: Permanent Ban Botting Definition - Acquiring in-game currency using game exploits and/or third-party software/hardware that automates the process. Penalty - Strike 1: 15-day suspension from the game. - Strike 2: Permanent suspension. GM Inspection Process 1) GM’s will randomly patrol the areas of the game that are known to be inhabited by bots. 2) GM’s will attempt to interact with the player character suspected of botting. 3) If the suspected player character does not react and carries on farming the user will be punished according to the penalties outlined above. Multi-Accounts Definition - Different player accounts having simultaneously connected to the game via identical IP’s is not enough of a reason alone for us to put any kind of restriction on anyone. However, it is a bannable offense when multiple accounts connected on the same IP are funneling items to a single specific account. There could even be legitimate cases where even over a hundred accounts may be connected to the game via a single IP address. But when items or other in-game currencies are continuously transferred between these accounts, we will need to investigate the involved accounts and take appropriate action against them. This is common sense as the same is applied even for accounts connected via different IP addresses. This is no different from the way in which we identify and ban gold-seller bot accounts, and multiple accounts where items of value or in-game currencies are being funneled will be treated no differently. Penalty - Merely connecting to the game does not warrant any penalties. But, if items and in-game currencies are being funneled to a single account, we will put a permanent suspension on all involved accounts and IP addresses as we will treat the case as an instance of RMT gold-selling. Newly Introduced RMT Policy Being Reported for Listing Suspicious Items on the Market Definition - Items with no specific use or value being listed on the market for values well over their normal market price. - Simply listing an item on the Market is not itself a punishable offense but it is highly suspicious seeing items of little value or use being listed, especially miscellaneous items. - e.g. Mallardu Meat, Broadhead Arrow, etc. Measure Taken - Reported items will be removed from the market and subsequently from the game in their entirety. Price Definition The Price indicated in our policies does not only refer to the value displayed in the market UI but also the "universal value" shared by the Users. This also applies to items that do not have an exact price value because they are not being traded frequently or the demand on the market is limited. Thank you for reading.
Rank Item Quantity B Shining 7-Star Gem Abrasive 2 B Goddesses' Blessed Gem 1 B Mystic Tome Page 5 B Magic Stone 1 B Practonium 1 B Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token x3 1 B Shining Silver Anvil 1 B Uphill Defense x3 Multiply Token 1 B EXP Tome Box (4 Tomes) 1 B [Weekly Boss Raid] Leticia Special Potion Box (Rank B) 1 B Attribute Points Box (Rank B) 1 C Mysterious Magnifier x10 + 1 1 C Instanced Dungeon Multiply Token 1 C [Weekly Boss Raid] Leticia Special Potion Box (Rank C) 1 C Blessed Shard Box 1 C Goddess' Support Box: Punishment 1 C Goddess' Support Box: Protection 1
Greetings Saviors! On June 1, 2021, We have a few updates on the client. This is about the details, so please refer to this posting before playing TOS:) Selects the version of Client when executing the Game - Provides both 32bit and 64 bit at the same time for stability. - If it's hard to play the game due to unexpected problems at 64bit, please choose 32 bit to play. Operating System(OS) Bit Client Version 32Bit user Automatically executes the previous 32bit client. 64Bit user - When clicking [Start Game], it starts with 64bit client. If you want to play with 32bit client, please click [Start 32bit Version] on the bottom. - ‘Automatically start the last selected version’ function is added. If you check on the function, the previously selected version's client automatically starts after 3 seconds the window pops up. - If you uncheck the 'Automatically start the last selected version' within 3 seconds and click Start Client, the auto play function turns off from the next execution. - If it's hard to play the game due to unexpected problems at 64bit, please choose 32 bit to play. Automatically selects DirectX according to the PC - DirectX version is automatically executed according to whether the graphic card supports the DX 11. - Graphic card that does not support DX11 is executed by DX9 version, graphic card that supports DX11 will be executed by DX 11 version. How to check on the Bit of Operating System(OS) - Can be checked via the route as follows depending on the Windows version Operating System(OS) Route Windows XP or below (98, ME, XP) This PC - Properties - Basic - System (If there is 64, it is 64bit and if not, 32bit) Windows 7, Windows Vista Control Panel - System and Security - System - System Type (32bit Operating System, or 64bit Operating System) Windows 10 Control Panel - System and Security - System - System Type (32bit Operating System, or 64bit Operating System) About Windows 7 - When an update for KB2670838, KB2999226 from Windows Update is not processed, DX9 version will be executed even when using the DX11. - If DX9 is executed in Windows 7 & DX11 graphic card environment, please process the Windows Update. [Platform update for Windows 7 (KB2670838)] [Windows 7 update for x64 based system (KB2999226)] 64Bit & DirectX11 Related Issue - If you have any issues related to the 64bit & DirectX11, please submit us a ticket. We will do our best so that this update can be securely set to provide the best environment to play the game. Thank you.
B Angelic Halo 1 B Huge Sweat 1 B Sky Blue Ribbon 1 B White Snowflake Unicorn Horn 1 B White Snowflake Glasses 1 B Hamster 1 B Sunflower Seed 1 B Queenly Crown 1 B Tiger Swallowtail 1 C Movement Speed Potion: 1 Hour 2 C Superior Urgent Repair Kit 2 C Elixir of HP Recovery 6 C Elixir of SP Recovery 6