Rank Item Quantity B Mercenary Badge: 10,000 4 B Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 10,000 4 B [Lv.470] Arcanum of STR 1 B [Lv.470] Arcanum of INT 1 B [Lv.480] Aether Gem Catalyst 1 B Shining Remnants of Bernice Aegis Potion Lv.1 5 B Challenge Mode Add. Reward Voucher 4 C Mercenary Badge: 1,000 10 C Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 1,000 10 C Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 2 C [Lv.480] Enhance Aid 3
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of imcGAMES Hello, this is imcGAMES. This year, we are celebrating our 20th anniversary. First of all, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our users for supporting us and using our services for so many years. Thanks to you, we have been able to stay in business, develop our technology, and grow on the way. We would like to share with you our hope that we will not rest on the memories of the past and will continue to develop toward a new horizon of entertainment. Since the 2010s, the rapid rise of AI technology has brought a huge wave of impact and change to every sector of society. The field of gaming was no exception, and as we saw the impact of AI technology on even the creation that we thought was uniquely human, we realized that this was both a crisis that we had to overcome and an opportunity to take the fun and enjoyment of gaming to the next level. The impact that AI technology can have on game development and play is far-reaching, but one of the first things we started paying attention to was something we could see and feel. An AI painting technique called Stable Diffusion has seen dramatic technical growth since its announcement last year, and we've been studying it with the goal of training it on content from Granado Espada and Tree of Savior, two IPs we've been developing and servicing for a long time, and today we're sharing our preliminary results. Last April Fool's Day, we created and released simple digital figures of Granado Espada and Tree of Savior, and while the images were meant to enjoy the April Fool's Day event and the figures don't exist in real life, we were pleasantly surprised by the high quality and vivid depiction of the features of our IPs. Users who saw the image on social media were mostly satisfied with the quality and excited to see it. <Figurine illustration based on Tree of Savior> Once the Al program has learned the characters and art style of the game, it allows us to try different ways of representing them besides just using a figurine style. One of the things that we found meaningful was creating "fan art". One of the most common things you'll find in the community of MMORPGs, where you can customize your character with love, is the so-called "drawing your OC(Original Character)" culture. We believe that the special emotions that make you want to record and show your original character - that spent time together ever since you were a beginner - is a unique value of MMORPGs that you can't get in games where you play with a predetermined character. <Like an action figure(Left), Try on a new Hanbok(Right) / Tree of Savior> Creating such a drawing of your character would take the time of a skilled artist. However, if you have a well-trained model with AI technology, you can have an "infinite production" of fan art. By using a combination of different application poses, background themes, and drawing styles, you can depict your character in an infinite number of environments. <Create multiple art styles for the same character / Granado Espada> Cosplaying game characters by real people is one of the ways to leverage IP. However, creating high-quality cosplay outfits can be very time-consuming, expensive, and labor-intensive. By combining AI photorealistic models with models trained on game IP, you can easily create realistic cosplay photos. <Cosplay of a Virtual Human / Granado Espada> The original characters, which are designed in the game's distinctive art style, can be recreated in a variety of art styles to give them a new look. <Granado Espada in a variety of styles> <Anime Style Tree of Savior> <Mix live-action, figures, and anime / Granado Espada> <Gender Chance of a same character / Granado Espada> But the possibilities don't stop there: what if you could combine characters from Granado Espada and Tree of Savior? We were curious to see what would happen if you could do it in different ratios: 5:5, 2:8, 7:3, 9:1, and so on. <Granado of Savior> Like the examples above, we are currently working on a plan to maximize the use of these rapidly evolving AI tools. Training high-quality AI models take a lot of time, money, and expertise, but we're making it easy for anyone to reap the benefits of these technologies. As a first step, we have planned and started a follow-up event of the April Fool's Day figure event, where users can submit screenshots of their characters and we'll create and send them an AI drawing of this character. [‘Turn your character into a figure style image…for real!’ Event Page] We hope these images are a small gift to those who love Granado Espada and Tree of Saviors. This event is the start of a series of features we're working on in Granado Espada and Tree of Savior that will allow anyone to train an AI model of their character to create a variety of images with minimal interaction within the game. Who knows, maybe you'll discover your inner artist when you start creating images using AI technology. <Illustration style (left) and webtoon style (right) / Tree of Savior> Once you've created a beautiful image using AI technology, you could be able to share it with others and see what they've come up with, not just keep it to yourself. MMORPGs are an ideal platform for this kind of activity. We're working on augmenting the current community features to allow users to share and view AI images created by others. In addition to image-generating AI, text-generating AI is also showing great promise and impact. In particular, ChatGPT's near-human conversational and reasoning abilities have surprised everyone, and we expect that these aspects will also enable new experiences in the game world. We're also interested in teaching conversational AI bots to learn in-game settings and interact with them as they would in-game. We're looking to start with something as simple as automatically adding on the quests in the game to make them richer in terms of experience, and then move on to having direct conversations with NPCs in the game. Ultimately, we're hoping to fully train our own language model and create a unified world where the stories of the players and their activities become legendary. Language AI and image AI are fascinating on their own, but when combined, they will open up even greater possibilities. This is an area of active research in academia and the professional industry. At IMC, we are also continuing our research and development with this as our ultimate goal. <This was generated by learning a GM's drawing style>. How did you see our post? It seems clear that AI technology will have a huge impact on gameplay. We intend to continue our research and development to ensure that AI is not just a dreaded replacement for humans, but something that takes human activity to the next level. Twenty years ago in April 2003, imc founded a company based on the idea of Impress, Motivate, and Connect to become a professional MMORPG developer, and we have come a long way since then. With the mindset of starting a second company for the 20th anniversary, we aim to bring the appeal of the MMORPG genre to a new level through AI technology, and we would like to share the fruits of our labor with you. <Kim..?> Thank you again for your support over the past 20 years, and we'll be back with more news in the future. Thank you!
Good day, people of the Kingdom! Having a busy day as usual? I am Kupole... let me see... a <Mysterious Kupole>, whose name doesn't have much to be spoken about! That seems cooler, don't you think? Oops, I got off the topic! Today, I have some good news for you! How much do you know about the <Revelator>? I assume many of you are already aware of this person, and that some more of you have received help from this <Revelator>! Yes, that's the one! The Revelator, who is still struggling to save the world! Here's some good news about the very <Revelator> we all love! At the request of many people and goddesses, the Magic Association and the Kedoran Merchant Alliance collaborated and finally completed... (Drum roll) Ta da - ☆ A custom figure statue of the <Revelator> for the fans! It can even be customed to the looks of your wish! Hmm? what did you sa... Oh! The pre-order's already started?! There's no time for this! I'd better go and make an order myself! The address to the pre-order store is... here! I'll share it only with you guys, a fellow fan of the Revelator! >>[Pre-order]<< Well then, everyone! I hope we meet again soon! May the grace of the goddesses stay with you☆
Greetings saviors, Guild Vice-guild Master Selection has ended! Thank you all for your participation:) Vice Guild Masters of TOS Support Guild Congrats to all selected Vice Guild Masters:) [NA] Klaipeda Odysseo Tsugami Faircross [EU] Fedimian Fjolnir Moniette LordChenik [SEA] Telsiai OvOb _MarshMello BetaTea [SA] Silute KaDuH Loewe lenoon - Activity period is from March 31, 2023 ~ May 26, 2023. - Please note that the selected Vice Guild Masters need to join the TOS Support Guild until March 30, 2023. (server time) - Vice Guild Master authority will be applied on March 31, 2023. ※ Current Vice Guild Masters' authority will be removed on March 31, 2023. ※ Vice Guild Master who is currently in another guild must leave the current guild. ※ Guild Masters must check the Mailbox frequently for the information for the roles. ※ New Guild Masters must send us their forum accounts via ticket. Vice Guild Master Activity Guide Necessary Activity 1. Activate the Guild Chat a. You can bring energy to the guild chat window by saying hello to the guild chat when you log in or log out, or when other users log in. b. Answer the questions related to playing the game to solve guild member’s curiosity about the game C. Using Discord is okay, but since there are more guild members who don't use Discord, please keep in mind that Guild Chat must be used more often. 2. Play Guild Quest a. How to play Guild Quest: Guild Tower → Guild Quest → Select the Guild Quest you want to play → Go to the Guild Quest area → Enter via Guild Quest pillar after recruiting (space bar) (Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary can be played:)) 3. Others a. Other stuff such as Card Album Party, run raids with guild members as party or so. - Please upload a screenshot or video in the Forum - Vice Guild Master category. (which you will be added once you become a VGM) ※ Please tag the VGM who've participated in the activity together. Important - You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other wars since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors to understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members. - Vice Guild Master can send a request via forum post - Vice Guild Master category when needed. ※ The benefit of Vice Guild Master is 3,000 TP per month. ※ After reviewing the Vice Guild Master’s activity record, 1500 TP will be given every 2 weeks. ※ The first benefit will be given on April 14, 2023. Guild Quest TIP 1. Guild Tower Location: West Siauliai Woods 1 channel, near Statue of Goddess Vakarine - This location is only for the 1st guild tower. - Location may change from the 2nd guild tower and if so, Vice Guild Masters need to tell via Forum-Vice Guild Master category. ※ Refreshment Table is at Klaipeda. 2. How to create Guild Tower: Talk to Uska NPC at Klaipeda → Buy Guild Merchandise → Purchase ‘Build Guild Tower’ → Use the item in the installation location 3. If the participation rate is low, guide the progress and reward. - Guild Boss Raid: Click the Participate button, move to the location, and defeat the boss monster together! - Guild Mission: Click the Participate button, move to the location, and clear the mission! - ‘Guild Foundation’ repetitive quest is cleared when clearing Guild Quest twice a week. We look forward to your passionate work Vice Guild Masters! Thank you. ※ If we verify excessively repetitive joining and leaving the Support guild for intentional profit-seeking or inappropriate activities, there may be restrictions put on the account according to the policy such as being excluded and permanently banned from the Support Guild
Greetings, Saviors! We have prepared a special costume package! Don't miss the chance to dress up:) Period From the scheduled maintenance on March 28, 2023 To the scheduled maintenance on April 25, 2023 Midnight Bunny Package 899TP Max: 1 per team Item Name Count Trade Midnight Bunny Egg 1 Team Storage Only Sleepy Midnight Bunny 1 Team Storage Only Midnight Bunny Balloon 1 Team Storage Only Midnight Bunny Costume Set Selection Box 1 Team Storage Only ※ Midnight Bunny (Companion): - Attack against every type of armor +400, Increases Movement Speed while mounted +2 (Movement Speed effect is not applied in PVP areas and when during battle) ※ Midnight Bunny Costume Set Selection Box (Use to select and obtain one of the following items): Item Name Count Trade Midnight Bunny Costume Box (Male) 1 Team Storage Only Midnight Bunny Costume Box (Female) 1 Team Storage Only ※ Midnight Bunny Costume Box (Male) (Use to obtain all of the following items): Item Name Count Trade Midnight Bunny Coat Costume (Male) 1 Team Storage Only Midnight Bunny Short Ear (Male) 1 Team Storage Only ※ Midnight Bunny Costume Box (Female) (Use to obtain all of the following items): Item Name Count Trade Midnight Bunny Dress Costume (Female) 1 Team Storage Only Midnight Bunny Short Ear Hoodie (Female) 1 Team Storage Only
Greetings, Saviors! We will conduct temporary maintenance on every server due to the issue that the item icon of Goddess Token (Vakarine) dropped from the field is shown as [Lv. 470] Arcanum of INT, [Lv. 480] Evolution Stone, and Special Creation Voucher: [Maintenance Period] [EST] 00:00 to 03:00 (March 22, 2023) [CET] 06:00 to 09:00 (March 22, 2023) [SGT] 13:00 to 16:00 (March 22, 2023) [BRT] 02:00 to 05:00 (March 22, 2023) The compensation for the temporary maintenance will be given to your mailbox and removed within 2 weeks. We suggest that you take them all as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Regards, IMC staff
Greetings, Saviors. Considering the difference of difficulty between the Guild Mission and Blockade contents, the reward for Baubas Guild Mission will be changed as follows, so please refer to it. This will be changed during the maintenance on March 21. - Existing Reward: Baubas Cube - Changed Reward: Baubas Cube (Guild Mission) Thank you. Regards, IMC staff
Greetings, Saviors! We will conduct temporary maintenance on every server due to 'Baud Pyktis Accessory's effect is applied based on Magic Attack Damage' issue. [Maintenance Period] [EST] 02:00 to 03:00(March 15, 2023) [CET] 08:00 to 09:00 (March 15, 2023) [SGT] 15:00 to 16:00 (March 15, 2023) [BRT] 04:00 to 05:00 (March 15, 2023) The compensation for the temporary maintenance will be given to your mailbox and removed within 2 weeks. We suggest that you take them all as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Regards, IMC staff
Greetings Saviors:) The regular election of the TOS Support Guild Vice Guild Master is here! (Whenever there is a vacancy for Vice Guild Master, we will receive applications.) If you are willing to work as Vice Guild Master of TOS Support Guild, please read this post and apply! Vice Guild Master Selection Support Guild is run by 2~3 Vice Guild Masters for each world. Vice Guild Masters will share their experience and knowledge about TOS, process various contents, and support the fun and activities that can be enjoyed in the TOS community. ■ Vice Guild Master’s Role As the master of the TOS Support Guild, Vice Guild Master helps new/returning saviors who joined the guild to settle down and play various guild events ■ Vice Guild Master Selection Recruitment Target Saviors from All Worlds Number Recruited 1~2 Saviors per each world Recruit Period March 14, 2023 ~ March 27, 2023 (EST) Announced Date March 29, 2023 (EST) ※ Selected Vice Guild Master will be announced via separate post and the selected Vice Guild Master will receive GM message on the announcement date. ※ Elected Vice Guild Master must join the TOS Support Guild until March 30, 2023. (server time) Activity Period March 31, 2023 ~ May 26, 2023 ※ Vice Guild Master can continue the activity according to their will and the past activity records after this activity period. Benefit 3,000 TP [Event] will be given every month ※ The benefit of Vice Guild Master is 3,000 TP. ※ After reviewing the Vice Guild Master’s activity record, TP will be given every 2 weeks. ※ The first benefit will be given on April 14, 2023. Qualification - Savior who can consistently log in during the activity period (March 31, 2023 ~ May 26, 2023) - Savior who has a wide knowledge of the game - Savior who can help guild members understand, adapt, and settle into the game - Savior who has no record of sanctions due to violating the Policy Preference - Savior who has experience with online cast - Savior who has been a Guild Master in TOS or other MMORPG How to apply - Reply to the Survey below until March 20, 2023 at 23: 59 EST (Google account required) → LINK ※ Current Vice Guild Masters, please do not participate in the link above. ※ For current Vice masters, a separate survey will be sent to the mailbox on March 21. (must be replied before March 27, 2023) ※ 2nd survey will be sent to the applicant's mailbox on March 21, 2023. This survey must be returned until March 27, 2023. Important ※ Guild Master(GM) is not involved in any issues except for the major issues such as Vice Guild Master selection and operation-related issues, and will only monitor the Support Guild to make sure it is operated according to its original purpose. ※ All records (including authority usage and chat) of the Vice Master(VM) are kept/inspected/managed thoroughly. ※ Total activity period may change due to application status. Vice Guild Master Activity Guide Necessary Activity 1. Activate the Guild Chat a. You can bring energy to the guild chat window by saying hello to the guild chat when you log in or log out, or when other users log in. b. Answer the questions related to playing the game to solve guild member’s curiosity about the game C. Using Discord is okay, but since there are more guild members who don't use Discord, please keep in mind that Guild Chat must be used more often. 2. Play Guild Quest a. How to play Guild Quest: Guild Tower → Guild Quest → Select the Guild Quest you want to play → Go to the Guild Quest area → Enter via Guild Quest pillar after recruiting (space bar) (Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary can be played:)) 3. Others a. Other stuff such as Card Album Party, run raids with guild members as party or so. - Please upload a screenshot or video in the Forum - Vice Guild Master category. (which you will be added once you become a VGM) ※ When posting the activity in the Forum - Vice Guild Master category, please tag other VGMs who participated in the contents. Important - You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other wars since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors to understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members. - Vice Guild Master can send a request via forum - Vice Guild Master category when needed. Guild Quest TIP 1. Guild Tower Location: West Siauliai Woods 1 channel, near the Statue of Goddess Vakarine - This location is only for the 1st guild tower. - Location may change from the 2nd guild tower and if so, Vice Guild Masters need to tell via Forum-Vice Guild Master category. ※ Refreshment Table is at Klaipeda. 2. How to create Guild Tower: Talk to Uska NPC at Klaipeda → Buy Guild Merchandise → Purchase ‘Build Guild Tower’ → Use the item in the installation location 3. If the participation rate is low, guide the progress and reward. - Guild Boss Raid: Click the Participate button, move to the location and defeat the boss monster together! - Guild Mission: Click the Participate button, move to the location and clear the mission! - ‘Guild Foundation’ repetitive quest is cleared when clearing Guild Quest twice a week. We look forward to your support and participation:) Thank you. ※ If we verify excessively repetitive joining and leaving the Support guild for intentional profit-seeking or inappropriate activities, there may be restrictions put on the account according to the policy such as being excluded and permanently banned from the Support Guild.