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Second Half of 2023 Update Preview

[Preview for Second Half of the Year Update]   Hello, This is Tree of Savior. We'd like to give you a quick overview of our upcoming second-half updates. More details on each update will be coming soon. We look forward to seeing you there!    Thank you. * Contents above may be added, deleted, or changed when applied to the live server.

August 4th, 2023
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TOS Support Guild: Vice Guild Master (8/4~10/13)

Greetings saviors,    Guild Vice-guild Master Selection has ended! Thank you all for your participation:)       Vice Guild Masters of TOS Support Guild     Congrats to all selected Vice Guild Masters:)           [NA] Klaipeda Faircross Aotsuke Jigaro [EU] Fedimian Fjolnir Castor_Vigoureux Kasane [SEA] Telsiai Betatea - - [SA] Silute Loewe SukiKioshi Carbonaro   - Activity period is from August 4 to October 13 2023. - Please note that selected Vice Guild Masters need to join the TOS Support Guild until August 3, 2023. (server time) - The VGM role will be given until August 4, 2023. If you didn't receive the role after, please contact us. ※ Current Vice Guild Masters' authority will be removed on August 4, 2023. ※ Vice Guild Master who is currently in another guild must leave the current guild. ※ Guild Masters must check the Mailbox frequently for the information for the roles. ※ New Guild Masters must send us their forum accounts via ticket.       Vice Guild Master Activity Guide   Necessary Activity 1. Activate the Guild Chat a. You can bring energy to the guild chat window by saying hello to the guild chat when you log in or log out, or when other users log in. b. Answer the questions related to playing the game to solve guild member’s curiosity about the game C. Using Discord is okay, but since there are more guild members who don't use Discord, please keep in mind that Guild Chat must be used more often.   2. Play Guild Quest  a. How to play Guild Quest: Guild Tower → Guild Quest → Select the Guild Quest you want to play → Go to the Guild Quest area → Enter via Guild Quest pillar after recruiting (space bar) (Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary can be played:))   3. Others a. Other stuff such as Card Album Party, run raids with guild members as party or so. - Please upload a screenshot or video in the Forum - Vice Guild Master category. (which you will be added once you become a VGM) ※ Please tag the VGM who've participated in the activity together. Important - You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other wars since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors to understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members.  - Vice Guild Master can send a request via forum post - Vice Guild Master category when needed. ※ The benefit of Vice Guild Master is 3,000 TP per month.  ※ After reviewing the Vice Guild Master’s activity record, 1500 TP will be given every 2 weeks. ※ The first benefit will be given on August 18, 2023.         Guild Quest TIP   1. Guild Tower Location: West Siauliai Woods 1 channel, near the Statue of Goddess Vakarine  - This location is only for the 1st guild tower.  - Location may change from the 2nd guild tower and if so, Vice Guild Masters need to tell via Forum-Vice Guild Master category. ※ Refreshment Table is at Klaipeda.    2. How to create Guild Tower: Talk to Uska NPC at Klaipeda → Buy Guild Merchandise → Purchase ‘Build Guild Tower’ → Use the item in the installation location   3. If the participation rate is low, guide the progress and reward. - Guild Boss Raid: Click the Participate button, move to the location and defeat the boss monster together! - Guild Mission: Click the Participate button, move to the location and clear the mission! - ‘Guild Foundation’ repetitive quest is cleared when clearing Guild Quest twice a week.     We look forward to your passionate work Vice Guild Masters!   Thank you.     ※ If we verify excessively repetitive joining and leaving the Support guild for intentional profit-seeking or inappropriate activities, there may be restrictions put on the account according to the policy such as being excluded and permanently banned from the Support Guild

August 3rd, 2023
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Patch without Maintenance on August 1, 2023

Greetings Savior,   On August 1, 2023 a patch went live on KST 17:20 to fix the following issue.   - Unable to open Baubas Cube - Unable to charge Res Sacrae Point    Please note that this was applied to the game immediately, without the need for a separate patch download. Please restart the client and play the game for the normal application of the patch contents below.   Also, we would like to inform that the current silver is still shown as a negative number in the Reset Item UI of Superior Belt of Insight. We will do our best to solve ths problem as soon as possible.   Thank you.  

August 1st, 2023
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[Goddess' Glory] Theme Survey

Hello, this is Tree of Savior.   We'd like to conduct a survey about the costumes we've released in Tree of Savior through Goddess’ Glory (Blessed Cube, Leticia’s Secret Cube).   Out of all the themes we've released, which one was your favorite?   Let us know in the poll below, and we'll be sure to read through your comments and take them into consideration for future updates.   We also have questions on what themes or designs you'd like to see in the future. We look forward to hearing from all of you Saviors!     Survey Period - After the announcement ~ July 31st, 2023 (Mon)     How to Participate   - Click ‘Go to Survey’ to participate!   ※ Once submitted, surveys can be edited within the period.   Reward - Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 50,000 x3 ※ If the team name is not entered correctly, the reward will not be given. ※ Rewards will be delivered to your in-game mailbox in the future.   Theme Preview   ▶ Freshman School   ▶ Halloween Costume Party   ▶ Giltine Follower   ▶ Twilight Star   ▶ Summer!   ▶ Midnight Christmas   ▶ Magical Savior   ▶ Mayflower Wedding March   ▶ MusCATeer   ▶ TOS Task Force   ▶ Littleberk/Maru   ▶ Ice Cold   ▶ Criminal   ▶ Armonia of Otherworld   ▶ Tos Hero     Thank you.

July 27th, 2023
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Leticia's Secret Cube: August 1, 2023

Rank Item Quantity B Mercenary Badge Voucher : 10,000 5 B Mystic Tome Page 10 B [Lv.470] Arcanum of STR 1 B [Lv.470] Arcanum of INT 1 B [Lv.460] Aether Gem Catalyst 1 B Shining Remnants of Bernice Aegis Potion Lv.1 5 B Challenge Mode Add. Reward Voucher 4 B Class Change Voucher Lv 3 1 B Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 8 C Mercenary Badge Voucher : 1,000 10 C Mystic Tome Page 2 C Challenge Mode One Entry Voucher 2 C [Lv.490] Enhance Aid 3   ▶ The sales period of this Leticia's Secret Cube is August 1, 00:00 ~ August 15, 17:59 (KST).   ▶ When using 10 Star Legend Card Selection Album #2, you can select and obtain one of the 10 Star Legend Card from the following list: - Vasilisa Card - Boruta Card - Resurrected Paulius Card - Jellyzele Card - Reservoir of Corruption Card - Falouros Card - Rose the Miserable Card   ▶ You can check the probabilities of items from here.

August 27th, 2023
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TOS Support Guild Vice Guild Master Election (8/4~10/13)

Greetings Saviors:)   The regular election of the TOS Support Guild Vice Guild Master is here! (Whenever there is a vacancy for Vice Guild Master, we will receive applications.)   If you are willing to work as Vice Guild Master of TOS Support Guild, please read this post and apply!     Vice Guild Master Selection Support Guild is run by 2~3 Vice Guild Masters for each world. Vice Guild Masters will share their experience and knowledge about TOS, process various contents, and support the fun and activities that can be enjoyed in the TOS community.     ■ Vice Guild Master’s Role   As the master of the TOS Support Guild, Vice Guild Master helps new/returning saviors who joined the guild to settle down and play various guild events     ■ Vice Guild Master Selection   Recruitment Target Saviors from All Worlds Number Recruited 1~2 Saviors per each world Recruit Period July 20, 2023 ~ August 2, 2023 (EST) Announced Date  August 3, 2023 (EST) ※ Selected Vice Guild Master will be announced via separate post and the selected Vice Guild Master will receive a GM message on the announcement date. ※ Elected Vice Guild Master must join the TOS Support Guild until August 4, 2023. (server time) ※ The VGM role will be given until August 5, 2023. If you didn't receive the role after, please contact us. Activity Period August 4, 2023 ~ October 13 2023 ※ Vice Guild Master can continue the activity according to their will and the past activity records after this activity period. Benefit 3,000 TP [Event] will be given every month ※ The benefit of Vice Guild Master is 3,000 TP.  ※ After reviewing the Vice Guild Master’s activity record, 1500 TP will be given every 2 weeks. ※ The first benefit will be given on August 18, 2022. Qualification - Savior who can consistently log in during the activity period (August 4, 2023 ~ October 13 2023) - Savior who has a wide knowledge of the game - Savior who can help guild members understand, adapt, and settle into the game - Savior who has no record of sanctions due to violating the Policy Preference - Savior who has experience with online cast - Savior who has been a Guild Master in TOS or other MMORPG How to apply - Reply to the Survey below until July 26, 2023 at 23: 59 EST (Google account required)  → LINK ※ Current Vice Guild Masters, please do not participate in the link above. ※ For current Vice masters, a separate survey will be sent to the mailbox on July 27. (must be replied before August 2, 2023) ※ 2nd survey will be sent to the applicant's mailbox on July 27, 2023. This survey must be returned until August 2, 2023. Important ※ Guild Master(GM) is not involved in any issues except for the major issues such as Vice Guild Master selection and operation-related issues, and will only monitor the Support Guild to make sure it is operated according to its original purpose.  ※ All records (including authority usage and chat) of the Vice Master(VM) are kept/inspected/managed thoroughly. ※ Total activity period may change due to application status.         Vice Guild Master Activity Guide   Necessary Activity 1. Activate the Guild Chat a. You can bring energy to the guild chat window by saying hello to the guild chat when you log in or log out, or when other users log in. b. Answer the questions related to playing the game to solve guild member’s curiosity about the game C. Using Discord is okay, but since there are more guild members who don't use Discord, please keep in mind that Guild Chat must be used more often.   2. Play Guild Quest  a. How to play Guild Quest: Guild Tower → Guild Quest → Select the Guild Quest you want to play → Go to the Guild Quest area → Enter via Guild Quest pillar after recruiting (space bar) (Sulivinas Lair and Demonic Sanctuary can be played:))   3. Others a. Other stuff such as Card Album Party, run raids with guild members as party or so. - Please upload a screenshot or video in the Forum - Vice Guild Master category. (which you will be added once you become a VGM) ※ When posting the activity in the Forum - Vice Guild Master category, please tag other VGMs who participated in the content.  Important - You cannot declare Guild Territory War and other wars since the purpose of the guild is to help saviors to understand and adjust to the game and since there are too many members.  - Vice Guild Master can send a request via forum - Vice Guild Master category when needed.     Guild Quest TIP   1. Guild Tower Location: West Siauliai Woods 1 channel, near the Statue of Goddess Vakarine  - This location is only for the 1st guild tower.  - Location may change from the 2nd guild tower and if so, Vice Guild Masters need to tell via Forum-Vice Guild Master category. ※ Refreshment Table is at Klaipeda.    2. How to create Guild Tower: Talk to Uska NPC at Klaipeda → Buy Guild Merchandise → Purchase ‘Build Guild Tower’ → Use the item in the installation location   3. If the participation rate is low, guide the progress and reward. - Guild Boss Raid: Click the Participate button, move to the location, and defeat the boss monster together! - Guild Mission: Click the Participate button, move to the location and clear the mission! - ‘Guild Foundation’ repetitive quest is cleared when clearing Guild Quest twice a week.     We look forward to your support and participation:)     Thank you.     ※ If we verify excessively repetitive joining and leaving the Support guild for intentional profit-seeking or inappropriate activities, there may be restrictions put on the account according to the policy such as being excluded and permanently banned from the Support Guild.

July 20th, 2023
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[Special] Summer Breeze Package

Greetings, Saviors!   We have prepared special packages! Don't miss the chance to get strong:)     Period     From the scheduled maintenance on July 18, 2023  To August 8, 2023 11:59:59 PM (KST)     Summer Breeze Entry A Package 399TP Max: 5 per team Item Name Cnt Trade Turbulent Core: Goddess One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 5 Team Storage Only Turbulent Core (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 5 Team Storage Only Processed Corrupt Corpse Doll Thread 100 Team Storage Only Processed HR Corrupt Corpse Doll Thread 100 Team Storage Only Processed Falouros Leather 100 Team Storage Only Processed Falouros Horn 100 Team Storage Only     Summer Breeze Entry B Package 199TP Max: 5 per team Item Name Cnt Trade Thurible of Salvation: Goddess One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 10 Team Storage Only Thurible of Salvation (Auto/Solo) One Entry Voucher (Untradable) 10 Team Storage Only Mended Rose's Ribbon 100 Team Storage Only Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 10,000 10 Team Storage Only     Summer Breeze Enhance Package 299TP Max: 5 per team Item Name Cnt Trade [Lv.490] Enhance Aid (Untradable) 300 Team Storage Only Premium Enhance Aid 150 Team Storage Only Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 10,000 10 Team Storage Only Nucle/Sierra Powder Large Box 4 Market/Team Storage Blessed Shard 500 Market/Team Storage   Summer Breeze All-in-One Package 799TP Max: 1 per team Item Name Cnt Trade Summer Breeze Entry A Package 1 Team Storage Only Summer Breeze Entry B Package 1 Team Storage Only Summer Breeze Enhance Package 1 Team Storage Only Mystic Fire Flame Earring Fragment (Untradable) 1 Team Storage Only [Lv.480] Skill Jewel 20 Team Storage Only    

July 18th, 2023
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[Special] Engineer Package

Greetings, Saviors!   We have prepared special packages! Don't miss the chance to get strong:)     Period     From the scheduled maintenance on July 4, 2023 To the scheduled maintenance on August 1, 2023       Medal of Honor - Engineer Class Achievement 79TP Max: 1 per team Item Name Cnt Trade Medal of Honor - Engineer Class Achievement 1 Team Storage Only     Engineer Standard Package 149TP Max: 1 per team Item Name Cnt Trade Medal of Honor -Engineer Class Achievement 1 Team Storage Only  Vaivora Vision - MAX Power Voucher 1 Team Storage Only Medal of Honor - Engineer Costume Achievement 1 Team Storage Only Class Change Voucher Lv 4 1 Team Storage Only     Engineer Complete Package 777TP Max: 1 per team Item Name Cnt Trade Medal of Honor -Engineer Class Achievement 1 Team Storage Only Medal of Honor - Engineer Costume Achievement 1 Team Storage Only  [Lv4] Vaivora Vision Register Voucher 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir M.Weapon Set Selection Box 2 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir S.Weapon Set Selection Box 2 Team Storage Only +15 Falouros Armor Set Selection Box 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Accessory Set Selection Box 1 Team Storage Only [Physical] Belf of Insight Box 1 Team Storage Only [Physical] Spaulder of Ferocity Box 1 Team Storage Only Mystic Fire Flame Earring Fragment 1 Market/Team Storage Class EXP Card Box 1 Team Storage Only Level Jumping Card (Lv.480) 1 Team Storage Only Class Change Voucher Lv 4 1 Team Storage Only Attribute Points: 10,000 200 Team Storage Only Character Slot Voucher 1 Team Storage Only Goddess Token (Vakarine) : 10,000 20 Team Storage Only Mercenary Badge : 10,000 20 Team Storage Only   ▶ +15 Reservoir M.Weapon Set Selection Box Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Reservoir Sword 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Two-Handed Sword 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Rod 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Bow 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir CrossBow 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Mace 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Two-Handed Mace 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Spear 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Pike 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Staff 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Rapier 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Cannon 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Musket 1 Team Storage Only ※ Ichor Stats (Random): - Attack against target of every creature type +769 - CON +170 - Critical Rate +564 - Attack against Medium-type Target Offsetting +769   ▶ +15 Reservoir S.Weapon Set Selection Box Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Reservoir Dagger 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Pistol 1 Team Storage Only +15 Reservoir Trinket 1 Team Storage Only ※ Ichor Stats (Random): - Attack against target of every creature type +769 - CON +170 - Critical Rate +564 - Attack against Medium-type Target Offsetting +769   [+15 Falouros Armor Set Selection Box] ▶ +15 Falouros Armor Set - Leather Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Falouros Leather Armor 1 Team Storage Only +15 Falouros Leather Pants 1 Team Storage Only +15 Falouros Leather Gloves 1 Team Storage Only +15 Falouros Leather Boots 1 Team Storage Only   [+15 Falouros Armor Set Selection Box] ▶ +15 Falouros Armor Set - Cloth Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Falouros Robe 1 Team Storage Only +15 Falouros Pants 1 Team Storage Only +15 Falouros Gloves 1 Team Storage Only +15 Falouros Boots 1 Team Storage Only   [+15 Falouros Armor Set Selection Box] ▶ +15 Falouros Armor Set - Plate Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Falouros Plate Armor 1 Team Storage Only +15 Falouros Plate Pants 1 Team Storage Only +15 Falouros Plate Gauntlet 1 Team Storage Only +15 Falouros Greaves 1 Team Storage Only   ▶ +15 Isidavie Accessory Set Selection Box Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Isidavie Pyktis Accessory Set 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Triukas Accessory Set 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Isgarinti Accessory Set 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Juoda Accessory Set 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Kantribe Accessory Set 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Prideti Accessory Set 1 Team Storage Only   ▶ +15 Isidavie Pyktis Accessory Set  Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Isidavie Pyktis Necklage 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Pyktis Bracelet 2 Team Storage Only   ▶ +15 Isidavie Triukas Accessory Set  Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Isidavie Triukas Necklage 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Triukas Bracelet 2 Team Storage Only   ▶ +15 Isidavie Isgarinti Accessory Set  Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Isidavie Isgarinti Necklage 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Isgarinti Bracelet 2 Team Storage Only   ▶ +15 Isidavie Juoda Accessory Set  Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Isidavie Juoda Necklage 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Juoda Bracelet 2 Team Storage Only   ▶ +15 Isidavie Kantribe Accessory Set  Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Isidavie Kantribe Necklage 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Kantribe Bracelet 2 Team Storage Only   ▶ +15 Isidavie Prideti Accessory Set  Item Name Cnt Trade +15 Isidavie Prideti Necklage 1 Team Storage Only +15 Isidavie Prideti Bracelet 2 Team Storage Only   ▶ [Physical] Belt of Insight Box Item Name Cnt Trade Belt of Insight 1 Team Storage Only   ▶ [Physical] Spaulder of Ferocity Box Item Name Cnt Trade Spaulder of Ferocity 1 Team Storage Only   ▶ Class EXP Card Box Item Name Cnt Trade Class EXP Card (1st) 1 Team Storage Only Class EXP Card (2nd) 1 Team Storage Only Class EXP Card (3rd) 1 Team Storage Only Class EXP Card (4th) 1 Team Storage Only

July 4th, 2023
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Patch without Maintenance on July 4, 2023

Greetings Savior,   On July 4, 2023 a patch went live on KST 17:08 to fix the following issue.     - Engineer Complete Package contains Vaivora Vision - MAX Power Voucher instead of [Lv4] Vaivora Vision Register Voucher - Cannot move to Engineer Class Master via Goddess Statue - Engineer Class is included in the eligible classes for reset - Typing error in Engineer Class title of Weekly Boss Raid - Cannot apply Fix Kit on Arrow Turret while Repeating Crossbow attribute is 'ON'     Please note that this was applied to the game immediately, without the need for a separate patch download. Please restart the client and play the game for the normal application of the patch contents below.     Thank you.

July 4th, 2023