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Regarding World Boss Monster and Item Enhancement Exploits

Greetings Saviors, There have been numerous reports through various channels telling us about possible exploits that allow players to abuse the World Boss Monster and Item Enhancement mechanics. As such, we are currently monitoring, processing and testing the information that has been provided along with all the game data we have access to and will continue to do so until a definitive answer is reached. We would like to ask for your cooperation and encourage you to provide any solid information regarding players that you believe may have used such exploits. Please note that using any such exploits are against the Terms of Service and EULA and may result in restrictions being placed on your account. Sincerely, IMC Staff

July 19th, 2016
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[Hotfix] Item Crafting Problems

Greetings Saviors, We have implemented a hotfix to deal with the issue of being unable to craft items. We offer our most sincere apologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced due to this issue. Please let us know via the ticket system if you are still having trouble crafting after this announcement.

July 19th, 2016
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[Completed] Temporary Crafting Problem

Greetings saviors, We would like to let you know that we were aware that there were issues with the temporary malfuntion of crafting some items. Now, The dev team has fixed this issue. We offer our most sincere apologies for any inconveniences that you may have experienced due to this issue.    

July 16th, 2016
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The ‘Scavenge Challenge’ is coming!

Greetings Saviors! We are pleased to announce that our first event, the ‘Scavenge Challenge’, will soon be upon us! As you may have guessed from taking a look at the name of the event, it will be a sort of scavenger hunt that will have you hunting across the world. The details can be checked at the event page as well as from a summary of the details down below. [Details] 1. Event Period - From : Scheduled Maintenance on July 19th 2016 - Until : Scheduled Maintenance on August 2nd 2016 2. How to Participate - Receive a daily mission from the event notice board located at either Klaipeda or Orsha. - Go to the location of the treasure chest after reading the quest details. - Obtain contents from the treasure box if you can find it. The reward will change depending on how many times you have completed the quests. 3. Reward Reward #1 – Settlement Support Potion x 1 Reward #2 – EXP Tome x 1 Reward #3 – Settlement Support Potion x 1 + EXP Tome x 1 + Special Reward Reward #4 – Settlement Support Potion x 2 Reward #5 – EXP Tome x 2 Reward #6 – Settlement Support Potion x 2 + EXP Tome x 2 + Special Reward Reward #7 – Settlement Support Potion x 3 Reward #8 – EXP Tome x 3 Reward #9 – Enchant Scroll x 5 + Special Reward Reward #10 – Settlement Support Potion x 4 Reward #11 – EXP Tome x 4 Reward #12 – Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x 1 + Special Reward Reward #13 – Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x 2 + Special Reward Reward #14 – Title : ‘Shady Geologist’ + Special Reward 4. Important - Any Items obtained as rewards are not tradable. - The quests may only be received and completed 1 time per day. - You can complete up to 14 quests in total during the event. - You will be able to receive a new quest after EDT 06:00 a.m.

July 19th, 2016
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Announcement regarding account security

Greetings Saviors! We are making a short announcement regarding account security to help keep your account as well as all of your characters and items safe. While we are sure that you are already doing your best to keep your account safe, please refer to the following for information on a few other ways to protect your personal information. 1. Steam Guard  - You may want to consider utilizing Steam Guard in order to further protect your account. Learn more about Steam Guard here.  - You may also wish to utilize Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator. Learn about what it is and how to use it here and here. 2. Password security  - Password complexity : Please use a password with a mix of upper / lower case, numbers and special characters.  - Periodic password changes : Please change your password periodically without using too many of the same sequences. Thank you for your continued support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior.  Sincerely, IMC Staff

July 1st, 2016
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[SA] Silute Server Issues

Greetings Saviors,   We are aware that there may be some users experiencing various issues with the [SA] Silute Server. We are currently looking into the matter and will make another announcement as soon as it is stabilized. Apologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced.   Sincerely, IMC Staff

June 28th, 2016
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Announcement regarding our policy on add-ons

Greetings Saviors, There have been some recent incidents regarding add-on usage and we would like to use this chance to address something that may players have been asking for a long time. We have decided to cover those incidents in a separate announcement so make sure to check it for more details. [IMPORTANT] 1. We do not endorse the usage of add-ons due to the possibility of user harm and other various dangers. Any damage or inconvenience that occurs from using add-ons is the responsibility of the user. 2. While the fact that a player used an add-on by itself may not be enough to be penalized, there will be certain add-ons that will not be in-line with our service policies. Any usage of such add-ons will be penalized, so please keep a close eye on any related announcements on our official channels. 2-1) Add-ons that fall under the following categories are strictly prohibited and will be penalized to a far greater degree.  i. Tampering the client files to allow abnormal activities  ii. Automating certain actions within the game that violate normal gameplay mechanics  iii. Deceiving or creating confusion amongst the players 3) Restrictions incurred by add-on usage When penalizing users of certain add-ons deemed inappropriate by our standards, we will announce the list of add-ons or functions. Any users using those add-ons or functions after the mentioned time-period on such announcements will be penalized. Please make sure to read the details mentioned above and keep a close eye on the official website for any announcements to which add-ons are deemed as inappropriate to make sure that you do not experience any inconveniences. 

June 24th, 2016
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Announcement regarding recent add-on incidents

Greetings Saviors, As we are now re-defining our policy on add-ons, it is only fair for us to lift any such restrictions made on June 14th regarding first and second time offenders that used certain functions of the cxAnywhere add-on to inappropriately access repair and selling functions. However, please note that any players found using the same add-on to will be penalized. We also believe that most of those players will now be more careful when selecting add-ons in the future. However, we will be much more strict should these players should be caught using abusive add-ons again.  There will be no compensation as the add-ons in question allowed inappropriate access to certain game functions.  It has also come to our attention that there is a specific add-on claiming to boost the luck of players. We would like to re-emphasize that any and all percentage based in-game content, such as item drop rates, are all controlled server-side. No client side alterations will affect the actual rate of server-side calculations. We also did some in-house testing of the add-on as soon as it came to our attention and confirmed that it did not affect any actual in-game data or any critical client-side files. While we do believe that the creator of the add-on in question meant no harm, this particular add-on caused quite a bit of confusion within the community, especially since the add-on creator made a video that could mislead players into believing that the add-on could help their chances when opening cubes. Please note that such add-ons that mislead players and cause unnecessary confusion amongst the playerbase may cause the creator of the add-on be penalized as well. Sincerely, IMC Staff

June 24th, 2016
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New Saviors Can Now Join The Adventure

We would like to welcome all the new saviors !  The servers are now open to allow new players to join the game. Our sincere thanks for your understanding and patience up to this point and appreciate your support.  

June 23rd, 2016